[ID] Lunar _Eclipse

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[ID] Lunar _Eclipse

Postby blasian365 » Sun Oct 16, 2016 2:26 am

Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=8476041
Game Name: [ENT] Island Defense #0
Your Warcraft III Username: blasian365
Violator's Warcraft III Username: Lunar_EcIipse
Violated Rule(s): suicide as builder
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 1.50-2.50
Any further thoughts:
dies 2 times very fast, seems like suicide, which led to a quick game

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Re: [ID] Lunar _Eclipse

Postby Hash » Sun Oct 16, 2016 2:40 am

1:57 Sat dies, does not look like suicide at all to me, sat was trying to run away from the titan the whole time.

Lunar is now makrura because he -builder when yellow left.

2:45 Mak is carelessly golding when titan is MIA, but he has 400 hp so its not uncommon that a builder with an hp bonus would carelessly gold like that.
2:50 Mak gets wind-walked on and hit twice then tried to teleport away, but the titan used a wand of the wind middle of mak's teleport which canceled it, and allowed titan to kill the mak.

After reviewing this replay it seems to me like lunar_eclipse did not "suicide" either times, it was more like over confidence and carelessness that got him killed both times. In both deaths, he tried to avoid dying by escaping but it did not work out well for him. So I do not think that lunar_eclipse should be banned for suicide.

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Re: [ID] Lunar _Eclipse

Postby JonnyIsBack » Sun Oct 16, 2016 11:02 am

: the act of killing yourself because you do not want to continue living
: a person who commits suicide
: an action that ruins or destroys your career, social position, etc.

These are the simple definition on suicide, as @hash in the post over mentioned, at 2:50 the mak tries to tp away.
And the 400hp bonus is actually critical on golding like he was.
The teleport, the 400hp and the attempt on getting away is intentional. So he/she is trying to stay alive, but underestimated the titans
gameknowledge and got outplayed.
How can this be a bannable offence?

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Re: [ID] Lunar _Eclipse

Postby Broccoli » Sun Oct 16, 2016 11:00 pm

I was titan for this game under an alt and can say he did not sui either times, just unfortunate situations for him.

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Re: [ID] Lunar _Eclipse

Postby Merex » Sun Oct 16, 2016 11:34 pm

Indeed unfortunate situations.
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