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Re: Hash@useast

Postby Haunt » Thu Oct 20, 2016 8:19 am

lordmillt wrote:Hash trolls time to time aswell which he can't do as a mod.

Not true. You just need to know when it's appropriate and when it's not. I for one, believe that Hash knows this.

Jabba41 wrote:Especially a mod that plays/reviews ID will be a nice addition to the team.

The amount of ID BRQs is so low that I don't think that's true. Also it seems Hash is one of the more active reporters so guess the number will go down a little more, ergo we really don't need more "ID mods".

But anyway, I think Hash deserves a chance to show what he is capable of. Seems to be serious about this, without a doubt knowledgeable about the rules and ENT regulations and as I said above, knows when to keep the trolling to a minimum (which is something 99.99999% of ID players lack).
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Re: Hash@useast

Postby null » Thu Oct 20, 2016 10:17 am

As others stated, seems to be fairly spot on in the ban request/ban appeal section, don't see a reason to not give +1. Additionally, he is quite active too.
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Re: Hash@useast

Postby Merex » Thu Oct 20, 2016 2:06 pm

I've looked over some of Hash's recent activity and I always notice he keeps his answers accurate. Following that, despite being a dedicated ID player, devoted himself more into DotA/LTD BRQ's. Also has an eye for catching maphackers.

My only real concern here is LTD/DRM usage but that's something he could always learn/be assisted with even if accepted for staff. Hash has proven his contribution, I for one have experienced/talked with him on the matter of Staff and he indeed serious about it. One thing I've always known about Hash even before this, is he's always acknowledged ENT rules/guidelines and definitely recently has come to value them and partake in enforcing them.

I will side with Haunt and think he should be given the opportunity, and will no doubt be a good addition for the team.

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Re: Hash@useast

Postby Hope_Solo » Thu Oct 20, 2016 2:52 pm

He seems to be a fair minded guy and ENT could always use the help. If he puts his time and effort just like how other people are stating here, he should be able to help the ENT community. Why not! could never have enough help.

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Re: Hash@useast

Postby Arii » Thu Oct 20, 2016 11:32 pm

+ Activity is great and consistent
+ Reviews are accurate and helpful
+ Is very friendly and helpful in chat
+ Has great knowledge on our rules
+ Has knowledge of different game genres

- I have yet to see DRM usage
- I have only seen a few LTD requests

Overall, the pros outweigh the cons. I would like you to get familiar with DRM though, since it is a necessity when reviewing certain requests. However, these things (DRM & LTD knowledge) can be taught if/when you're accepted.

All in all, I think you'd be a nice addition to our staff :D Goodluck on your app!

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    Re: Hash@useast

    Postby Hash » Fri Oct 21, 2016 1:49 am

    I would just like to say thank you to everyone that has supported me, I truly appreciate it!

    @arii Yeah I am still new to LTD, and want to get to know the game and its rules better before I comment on the more complicated LTD ban requests. Av1on and even Jabba have been very helpful in teaching me about LTD. I have DRM set up, but do need to get a bit more familiar with it, I'll stop by ENT chat tonight to talk about it, and hopefully you can help me out if you aren't too busy.

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    Re: Hash@useast

    Postby SeriouslyStrange » Fri Oct 21, 2016 4:11 am

    Hash seems to know our rules very well and has been active on forum. Not only this, but he seems quite friendly and helpful in chat and towards other players (from what I have seen). Although he is relatively new to DRM, he seems quite intent on learning, which is the biggest thing (at least in my opinion).

    The fact that he is excited and willing to learn about processes and game rules and how to judge them (seen in chat) is what will confirm my support for Hash.

    I support this application, good luck buddy.
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    Re: Hash@useast

    Postby wastedlandering » Fri Oct 21, 2016 5:52 am

    I started playing ID again about 1.5 years ago, a little before Hash did, and I watched this nobo grow from a complete buffoon to a solid leader in the ID community. I agree with Burn, no one thought he would be a good shaman, and he was. No one thought he would be a good chieftan, even I thought he would get burned out after the initial enthusiasm wore off, but he's done a pretty damn good job of keeping BTI alive and active. It took 5k ID games for this fucker to finally play something new, but he's starting to get into other games, and knowing Hash he'll pick up on em quick enough to give good input, and help with brqs (I hear he can almost name 30 DOTA heroes now). Hash would also be a great mod because he's one of the most knowledgeable ID players around, (game wise and he knows everyone in the community), which we haven't had sense Burn was a mod (no offense av1on and haunt).

    Hash is chill, he's generally a helpful guy to new players (rare for ID), he genuinely wants to help the community, and is one of the people who all returning faces look forward to seeing when they join an ID lobby. I'm not usually a serious guy, but I do honestly !support this. I've had a number of friends apply to be mods, and I've never given support to them, but if there was one person I got to pick to be a mod, it would be Hash, hands down, no competition, ggnore.
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    Re: Hash@useast

    Postby HazarDous » Fri Oct 21, 2016 11:55 am


    Welcome to staff.

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