Idont even get why imbanned -Ban dodge TID:

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Idont even get why imbanned -Ban dodge TID:

Postby slebo » Fri Oct 21, 2016 7:24 pm

Your Warcraft III username: Slebo
Realm/Gateway: U.S. West
Why are you banned:
This is my ban code: s-s-r hazardous Ban dodge TID: 74348 (dodging) 29 Nov 2016 04:49:59 CET

I dont know that name or that region - and i dont even know that bancode. I only play your legion TD's. can you please explain to me why i am banned please.

Why you should be unbanned:
Somehow my account is banned for no reason, with a nickname i dont even recognise.

Best regards

I just moved my laptop over to play with some friends - which means playing on new IP adress for tonight. dunno if thats why ?

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Re: Idont even get why imbanned -Ban dodge TID:

Postby FalenGa » Fri Oct 21, 2016 8:47 pm

Yes, the reason you mentioned when you edited is mostly like why.

How long do you plan on staying over at your friend's house?

And, did you have any problems prior to that?

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Re: Idont even get why imbanned -Ban dodge TID:

Postby slebo » Sat Oct 22, 2016 6:53 am

Its my first timei have encounted this problem. Only this weekend, then ill come back home and play from the ipadress i used to play with. Is it possible u can unban me?

1 month ban time is a really long time to wait..

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Re: Idont even get why imbanned -Ban dodge TID:

Postby FalenGa » Sat Oct 22, 2016 1:05 pm

Your account is not banned. It's the IP that is banned, because someone used this IP to dodge.

We can not lift this ban, because in order to do that, we have to unban the IP. Which would mean letting the original dodger off the hook.

Since you will be returning home after this weekend, i am sorry, but there is not much we can do.
If you continue facing this problem after you return home, let us know.

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Re: Idont even get why imbanned -Ban dodge TID:

Postby Haunt » Sat Oct 22, 2016 9:48 pm


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