[DOTA] negro-@useast.battle.net (one of "forsakeme"'s many gameruin aliases)

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Re: [DOTA] negro-@useast.battle.net (one of "forsakeme"'s many gameruin aliases)

Postby Hatedmaru » Mon Oct 31, 2016 11:39 pm

Timestamps don't have to be included considering the person playing it already acknowledges that he got dagon to KS/have fun despite knowing full well he was doing so to KS his teammate and frustrate them. Not to mention the fact that he pretends he doesn't know how to play, thus, fed intentionally.

Without timestamps, you won't get anywhere + getting dagon to KS isn't exactly bannable (or else ur gonna start banning every zeus that waits to KS with ulti, or every spec that waits to ulti with radiance - makes sense right ...?).

Pretending to not know how to play, claiming hes gonna feed intentionally, claiming hes gonna afk its' not bannable either unless he truly does the action (If its stupid to claim it? Yes, but not bannable).

So you're back to point 0: Either give timestamps regarding it, or mods might as well deny it, if you fail to provide the required information (if this is still up later, ill add my opinion on it as well)

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Re: [DOTA] negro-@useast.battle.net (one of "forsakeme"'s many gameruin aliases)

Postby Prime987 » Mon Oct 31, 2016 11:48 pm

Hyo wrote:
Timestamps don't have to be included considering the person playing it already acknowledges that he got dagon to KS/have fun despite knowing full well he was doing so to KS his teammate and frustrate them. Not to mention the fact that he pretends he doesn't know how to play, thus, fed intentionally.

Without timestamps, you won't get anywhere + getting dagon to KS isn't exactly bannable (or else ur gonna start banning every zeus that waits to KS with ulti, or every spec that waits to ulti with radiance - makes sense right ...?).

Pretending to not know how to play, claiming hes gonna feed intentionally, claiming hes gonna afk its' not bannable either unless he truly does the action (If its stupid to claim it? Yes, but not bannable).

So you're back to point 0: Either give timestamps regarding it, or mods might as well deny it, if you fail to provide the required information (if this is still up later, ill add my opinion on it as well)

Why is it needed if the individual is already proven to be game ruining? He clearly knows how to play considering one of his account's has a 7 KD. So was he pretending to not know how to play and then ended up being 0-9? Because if that's behavior that is warranted, he's most definitely going to do it again. So all of a sudden, he comes to play for his "brother" and ends up having a near average score? But this "brother" is his "cousin" in this new story he concocted? It's not difficult to see he's a troll who got caught and then tried to make up for it by trying to claim it was someone else playing. Again, I'm not saying he shouldn't provide timestamps but the violator's story is fiction and so you have to only assume he was game-ruining.

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Re: [DOTA] negro-@useast.battle.net (one of "forsakeme"'s many gameruin aliases)

Postby SeriouslyStrange » Tue Nov 01, 2016 9:00 am

Timestamps are required, as simple as that.

Please provide timstamps of when the gameruining behavior occurred. Saying you will AFK or saying anything does not equal to actually doing it.
Let's just play nice.

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Re: [DOTA] negro-@useast.battle.net (one of "forsakeme"'s many gameruin aliases)

Postby Hey2 » Tue Nov 01, 2016 10:27 am


The gameruining behavior occurred about the first 10 minutes or even less. He just kept dying over and over and over. Once he saw he failed ruining he stopped dying.


Re: [DOTA] negro-@useast.battle.net (one of "forsakeme"'s many gameruin aliases)

Postby Hatedmaru » Tue Nov 01, 2016 11:03 am

After reviewing:

1st death occurs around 3:00 - Slark dies to axe and bara gank: He could have backed a bit sooner
2nd death occurs around 3.40 - Slark died trying to prevent axe from cutting (mort only comes when slark is about to die lols), once again slark should have backed
3rd death occurs around 6.10 - Slark dies after diving into tower (he backs out with low hp, bara charges and he gets killed) - once again, it could have been avoided
4th death occurs around 6.45 - Slark tp's bot, rushes in, techies places a mine, furi blocks him with sprout and techies suicides
5th death occurs around 7.50'ish - Slark comes top, dies in a teamfight - not much u can do when axe is lucky as fk, and gets a hell lot of counterspins lols
6th death occurs around 10.30 - Dies while ganking with team
7th death occurs around 13.10 - Gets ganked by riki/axe at woods
8th death occurs around 17.45 - Tp's bot, in an attempt to defend, and dies

Looking at how slark was played at start vs after around 20 mins, you can see theres a difference in gamestyle: The playstyle before 20 mins was reckless (not trolling), causing slark to die in stupid situations that could have been avoided; The playstyle after 20 its obvious better: Better map awareness, better control, focus, etc

So after watching, the first 3 deaths were definitely on the line of game ruining (considering they could have been avoided), the rest of them aren't rly his fault (4th it was furion fault that trapped slark, 5th axe spinned like 4-5 times in a row lols, and the others he either dies in teamfights, or ganks); Only 3 deaths would have to be considered "feeding" due to being reckless, so i woulnd't ban him based on that.

The fact he went dagon as slark ... Well all strategies are acceptable as long as they work - If it was the best idea? Mb yes, mb not, but it did work and gave him the possibility to farm some kills (and gold) to somehow comeback (KStealing isn't bannable, as much as it might annoy you)

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Re: [DOTA] negro-@useast.battle.net (one of "forsakeme"'s many gameruin aliases)

Postby Hey2 » Tue Nov 01, 2016 12:44 pm

I never reported for KSing, only said the fact that he went dagon and used it very well with great awareness compared to his early playstyle proves the thesis that he was going for total game ruin then, realizing he failed, thought his next best option was to ruin my KD, since losing the game was impossible.

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Re: [DOTA] negro-@useast.battle.net (one of "forsakeme"'s many gameruin aliases)

Postby ZinGir » Tue Nov 01, 2016 2:54 pm

As my other post said pretty much the same as hyo's does.
Pretty sure it was removed as i made some jokes towards forsakeme :/, my bad.

His play style really changed watch the replay, i have watched it 6 times now and iam fairly sure he really did try to come back from early game.
As you say you're self my good sir he went dagon and used it very well with great awareness compared to his early playstyle proves, he had someone else at the helm, too bad he trolled after even tho he started playing again.

Again sorry for the jokes i made in le post you removed.

One handed weapons suit me very much. They leave a hand free to preform rude gestures.


Re: [DOTA] negro-@useast.battle.net (one of "forsakeme"'s many gameruin aliases)

Postby Larz » Tue Nov 01, 2016 3:05 pm

I did actually watch this game, but ran out of time to comment due to Halloween.
This was not intentional it was bad play and reckless the first three deaths. after that he got behind in levels and gold and started to die easily in team fights.

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