The community and several of our staff members neglected your application, but you have try hard to be on our team, BUT you miscarry on some characteristics as becoming a Moderator.
You don't have any ban requests that are progressed on our forums, this is most likely of becoming a "Game Mod" because that is their job to maintain. You tend to convey your life issues into your gaming life, allowing animosity against others, demonstrating no manners what so ever. That brings void to the table that us staff would concede a person to be segment of our team. Most of your posts are "off-topic" and several you just post on "old threads" and likely what I'm seeing is that some of your posts are "thinking you're a staff" posts. I understand that you as a person is speculate to be a moderator on the forums but it will confound the community and sometimes annoy us that you're taking all the reliance. I know you're from another country and not from the USA bay but you need to endeavor on your grammar, because the community demands a moderator/admin to give them precise/accurate information that will direct that person that he understands and doesn't get confused on what you just typed.
/closed ;moved to rejected
Thank you for applying.
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