[LTD] fmudt54@asia.battle.net

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[LTD] fmudt54@asia.battle.net

Postby Leafa » Sun Nov 13, 2016 6:29 pm

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/view_replay.php?file=8601895.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega #62
Your Warcraft III Username: PlMMELHUPE
Violator's Warcraft III Username: fmudt54@asia.battle.net
Violated Rule(s): Viloated 2 Rules multiple times on Round 2, 4 & 8
1. Do not juggle the king preventing him from attacking or killing units.
2. Do not change the king's target to delay killing, except to efficiently kill multiple targets or kill higher priority targets such as sent units or low hp units. Range stomping and backward waving is allowed.

We multiple ask to stop it, but did it all the time. Than i said okay i report u and let the admin's decide.
(06:43 / All) SoloYoloDolo: stop juggle or enjoy ban
(06:43 / All) PlMMELHUPE: you know thats bannable
(11:06 / All) PlMMELHUPE: okay i report
This was his answer.
(11:15 / All) fmudt54: com on report
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): Round 2, 4 & 8
Any further thoughts: Maybe he will dodge it dunno be carefull with him.

"Nothing is true, everything is permitted.!"


Re: [LTD] fmudt54@asia.battle.net

Postby Mercy » Mon Nov 14, 2016 10:54 am

fmudt54 banned for not votekicking.

2 days added on for juggling

2:50 <fmudt54> 0x12: Target order: smart (X: -3472.00, Y: -3102.34, Target: 0x00014092000058D9, flags: 0x0000)
2:50 <fmudt54> 0x12: Target order: smart (X: -3498.78, Y: -3098.09, Target: 0x00013F12000057DC, flags: 0x0001)
2:50 <fmudt54> 0x12: Target order: smart (X: -3472.00, Y: -3102.34, Target: 0x00014092000058D9, flags: 0x0001)
2:51 <fmudt54> 0x12: Target order: smart (X: -3431.37, Y: -3123.35, Target: 0x00013E8200005782, flags: 0x0001)
2:51 <fmudt54> 0x12: Target order: smart (X: -3413.58, Y: -3126.58, Target: 0x000133B000004ED5, flags: 0x0001)
2:51 <fmudt54> 0x12: Target order: smart (X: -3472.00, Y: -3102.34, Target: 0x00014092000058D9, flags: 0x0001)
2:51 <fmudt54> 0x12: Target order: smart (X: -3526.07, Y: -3090.22, Target: 0x00013FFF0000587F, flags: 0x0001)
2:51 <fmudt54> 0x12: Target order: smart (X: -3526.07, Y: -3090.22, Target: 0x00013FFF0000587F, flags: 0x0001)
2:51 <fmudt54> 0x12: Target order: smart (X: -3526.07, Y: -3090.22, Target: 0x00013FFF0000587F, flags: 0x0001)
2:52 <fmudt54> 0x12: Target order: smart (X: -3526.07, Y: -3090.22, Target: 0x00013FFF0000587F, flags: 0x0001)
2:52 <fmudt54> 0x12: Target order: smart (X: -3413.58, Y: -3126.58, Target: 0x000133B000004ED5, flags: 0x0001)
2:53 <fmudt54> 0x12: Target order: smart (X: -3326.04, Y: -2877.43, Target: 0x000138470000528F, flags: 0x0001)

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Re: [LTD] fmudt54@asia.battle.net

Postby RadiantCrystal » Wed Nov 16, 2016 10:03 pm

dodged, 102609
(09:54:07) Jabba41: Hello RadiantCrystal. I'm so glad you became an Admin here because green is the color of hope and whenever your presence brightens up my life i cant thank you enough to know such a person like you. [KING NOW GIVE KISSES]
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