Need clear defining of trolling and votekick abuse

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Need clear defining of trolling and votekick abuse

Postby wani9311 » Tue Nov 22, 2016 4:22 am

Before I start describing this matter, I must say this is my personal opinion, not the opinions of other(s) who were in the game with me and banned with me thus I have responsibility about this complaints not the others.

First of all, My suggestion is to make clear indicate to define two rules in ent
1. Do not flame, rage, troll, or insult other players excessively.
2. Do not abuse !votekick: its only purpose is to kick game ruinners who violate ENT's rules and negatively impact the game for either or both teams in the game.

Problem starts here - viewtopic.php?f=172&t=101278&p=406310&hilit=wani9311#p406310

If I am to describe the situation in the game (personal view) sk74(which were red in the game) asked if he can afk in lobby for 2 mins prior game starts, and no one commented negative opinion on it, he went afk for 2 mins. As game started, green(legion senpai) tried to pause game after checking if red is afk but vendeta(think was pink color) instantly unpaused it. After every player tried to pause game for at least 3 times(which is maximum numbers one can do) we tried votekick vendeta(our rule abuse) and draw(which are not processed until afk players came back)

(00:00 / All) Sk.73: Shortest load by player [twinkel_twinkel] was 4.68 seconds.
(00:00 / All) Sk.73: Longest load by player [Trebor] was 24.28 seconds.
(00:00 / All) Sk.73: Host your own game with: /w Clan.Enterprise !help on any realm.
(00:00 / All) Sk.73: Check out our website at to support us!
(00:00 / All) Sk.73: A forum, games list, and other features are available on our website.
(00:00 / All) Sk.73: Leavers will be banned! View detailed rules at
(00:00 / All) Sk.73: Good luck and have fun!
(00:06 / Allied) noobbart: -zoom 166
(00:08 / Allied) DrChemba: -zoom 150
(00:10 / Allied) wani9311: -zoom 155
(00:19 / All) legionsenpai: sk afk?
(00:25 / All) legionsenpai: sk
(00:25 / All) legionsenpai: is
(00:25 / All) legionsenpai: afk
(00:29 / Allied) Trebor: pink wtf
(00:34 / Allied) Trebor: red is afk
(00:46 / Allied) Trebor: !votekick vendeta
(00:46 / All) Sk.73: A votekick against player [Vendeta] has been started by player [Trebor]. 5 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(00:46 / All) Sk.73: Type !yes to vote.
(00:46 / All) Sk.73: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(00:48 / Allied) Sk.73: wow
(00:52 / Allied) wani9311: !yes
(00:52 / All) Sk.73: Player [wani9311] voted to kick player [Vendeta]. 4 more votes are needed to pass.
(00:52 / All) DrChemba: !yes
(00:52 / All) Sk.73: Player [DrChemba] voted to kick player [Vendeta]. 3 more votes are needed to pass.
(00:53 / Allied) legionsenpai: !yes
(00:53 / All) Sk.73: Player [legionsenpai] voted to kick player [Vendeta]. 2 more votes are needed to pass.
(00:58 / All) DrChemba: !yes
(01:07 / All) Sk.73: sry guys
(01:09 / Allied) wani9311: kick and next
(01:11 / All) Vendeta: u all reported
(01:12 / Allied) wani9311: purple afk also
(01:12 / All) Vendeta: cheers ! :)
(01:20 / All) DrChemba: yes kick and next
(01:21 / Allied) wani9311: !yes
(01:23 / Allied) Sk.73: !draw
(01:23 / All) Sk.73: Player [Sk.73] has voted to draw the game. 5 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(01:26 / Allied) legionsenpai: !draw
(01:26 / All) Sk.73: Player [legionsenpai] has voted to draw the game. 4 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(01:30 / Allied) wani9311: first
(01:31 / Allied) Vendeta: why draw
(01:32 / Allied) Vendeta: lol
(01:32 / Allied) wani9311: need to kick
(01:35 / Allied) wani9311: this shitdeta
(01:37 / Allied) wani9311: go !yes
(01:37 / Allied) Trebor: he was afk
(01:39 / All) Sk.73: we cant
(01:40 / All) Sk.73: A votekick against player [Vendeta] has expired.
(01:41 / Allied) Vendeta: who cares
(01:42 / All) DrChemba: !yes
(01:44 / All) Sk.73: its forbiden
(01:44 / Allied) Trebor: and you dont pause
(01:50 / All) DrChemba: unpause against rules
(01:51 / Allied) Vendeta: again
(01:53 / All) DrChemba: do it
(01:53 / All) Sk.73: he can be a dumbass like this
(01:56 / Allied) Vendeta: he does that to me always
(01:57 / Allied) DrChemba: gonna report anyway
(01:58 / Allied) Vendeta: so i dont care
(01:59 / All) Sk.73: lets him be
(02:00 / Allied) Vendeta: i unpause now
(02:02 / Allied) Vendeta: its karma
(02:04 / Allied) wani9311: we said
(02:05 / Allied) wani9311: afk
(02:07 / All) legionsenpai: :(
(02:11 / Allied) wani9311: 10 times
(02:13 / Allied) wani9311: still unpaused
(02:14 / Allied) Trebor: !draw
(02:14 / All) Sk.73: Player [Trebor] has voted to draw the game. 3 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(02:15 / All) legionsenpai: just draw pls
(02:16 / Allied) wani9311: we can kick
(02:16 / All) DrChemba: !votekick ven
(02:16 / All) Sk.73: A votekick against player [Vendeta] has been started by player [DrChemba]. 5 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(02:16 / All) Sk.73: Type !yes to vote.
(02:16 / All) Sk.73: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(02:17 / All) noobbart: !draw
(02:17 / All) Sk.73: Player [noobbart] has voted to draw the game. 2 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(02:18 / Allied) wani9311: !draw
(02:18 / All) Sk.73: Player [wani9311] has voted to draw the game. 1 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(02:24 / Allied) Vendeta: dont draw
(02:24 / Allied) Vendeta: wtf
(02:27 / Allied) Sk.73: !draw
(02:30 / Allied) Sk.73: !yes
(02:30 / All) Sk.73: Player [Sk.73] voted to kick player [Vendeta]. 4 more votes are needed to pass.
(02:32 / Allied) legionsenpai: i wont abuse
(02:33 / Allied) legionsenpai: sk
(02:36 / Allied) legionsenpai: and twinkel
(02:36 / Allied) wani9311: !yes
(02:36 / All) Sk.73: Player [wani9311] voted to kick player [Vendeta]. 3 more votes are needed to pass.
(02:46 / All) noobbart: !draw
(02:48 / All) Sk.73: Comon
(02:51 / All) Sk.73: draw and next
(02:53 / All) Sk.73: yo noob
(02:53 / All) Vendeta: karma sk
(02:55 / All) legionsenpai: im trying dude
(02:55 / All) Vendeta: karma
(02:57 / All) Sk.73: yo senpai
(02:58 / All) Sk.73: ANNOUNCEMENT: Wanna watch some streams of ENT players? Come join us!
(03:01 / All) Trebor: we try
(03:01 / All) DrChemba: !draw
(03:01 / All) Sk.73: The game has now been recorded as a draw. You may leave at any time.
(03:01 / All) legionsenpai: IM TRYINING :(
(03:03 / Allied) wani9311: !yes
(03:03 / All) DrChemba: _!_
(03:03 / All) Sk.73: didnt even noticed u here
(03:04 / All) Trebor: !draw

This is what happend in this game and I do think his act is trolling all other players in the game based on personal grudge/flaming against one player. My appeal in on - viewtopic.php?f=7&t=102945
However they keep talking about How draw is not mandatory and unpausing is not against rule.... It is clear that I never talked about he went against indicated rule to be banned but trolled all of us which should be enough for us to start votekick polls and file the ban requests.
For my opinion Vendeta's point is clear- I do not wait for sk74 and I do not draw for sk74 even if he does not came back. Plain and simple, personal matters.
Then where is our(other player except those 2) right to play fair and enjoyable game which indicated in first sentence of ENT's rule? I mean first of all what is definition of trolling? is he never trolled us because he never went against single rules that is what you would say? I wanted concerned answer from admin that clearly explain reason he is not troll not the automated answer which copy pasted ent rules about drawing is not mandatory and etc.. I mean, you even defining sending alone/not following your team's opinion(call) as game ruining and against rule and think Vendeta's childish act like this as legal thing?

Also it creates endless of chain of hatred. I can clearly say that from now on, I personally would never draw/wait for vendeta and I am pretty sure I will make lots of enemies while I do those things. And some day, this game will be ruined for sure(already I see a lot of hatred going on and I think I do not need to mention who caused it ^^)

Thus, in my conclusion, trolling must be defined as one words- to make more than (x)player's to hate one person in one game because of his behavior
Not talking about like 3 players in trolling players in team hates him because his lack of knowledge/skill or ignorance attitude but at least one person from both east/west team. And If it is personal matters that should be solved personally, bring those matters in 4v4 to affect 6 other players are should definitely labeled as trolling.

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Re: Need clear defining of trolling and votekick abuse

Postby Vendeta » Tue Nov 22, 2016 5:01 am

Also it creates endless of chain of hatred.


First of all, there u go, Sk.73 started that "chain". He did that unpause when someone afk 1000 times to me, he played 4v3 against me, no draws, he flamed me every time he see me. He did everything to make my gaming bad experience.

So, like i said in chat to sk - KARMA. Im sorry u guys had to suffer it, but u even started vk against me.

There is no rule which says that people are obligated to wait for afk people. Its clear FAIRPLAY, same as DRAW. U can wait, or unpause if u dont want to wait period.

So what i did is not troll. U can remember this, go do that to me when u get a chance, i dont care. To be real, EVERYONE is doing that in 1200 now. No draw, and shit.

Also you indicate personal grudge going on between two but we clearly cannot prove vendeta's point of sk unpausing a game unless he actually give real evidence of it.

Since all games are saved somewhere on ent, there are replays with all this stuff. But it can take u couple hours to find it, because i play 5+ games every day :) But evidences are there if u want to find them for real. He is almost same behaviour as undeadkingpr if u know who that is.

Here u can see what i posted. This troll or flame, call it whatever u want, was before this little "incident" which included you. He gets in lobby where i am just to flame me a bit, and leave after it. Pure harassment. And u say that i should be fair to him ? Fuck that man, for real, he doesnt deserve anything from me. He appealed and tryed to make me look bad, he had nervs to do that. Pure shithead. For past couple MONTHS, he is doing shit like flame, troll, unpause, no draw, etc to me. So u want me to care about colateral damage? Man.. i really dont care that u guys got banned. I will report his ass every time he gives me a chance, and if someone else breaks some rule, nothing i can do about it.

So, this was pure vendetta from me :)

Cheers !
D.S. 1989

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Re: Need clear defining of trolling and votekick abuse

Postby wani9311 » Tue Nov 22, 2016 5:40 am

@vendeta Alright :D

First of all, there u go, Sk.73 started that "chain". He did that unpause when someone afk 1000 times to me, he played 4v3 against me, no draws, he flamed me every time he see me. He did everything to make my gaming bad experience.

So, like i said in chat to sk - KARMA. Im sorry u guys had to suffer it, but u even started vk against me.

There is no rule which says that people are obligated to wait for afk people. Its clear FAIRPLAY, same as DRAW. U can wait, or unpause if u dont want to wait period.

So what i did is not troll. U can remember this, go do that to me when u get a chance, i dont care. To be real, EVERYONE is doing that in 1200 now. No draw, and shit.

I do not believe you have read my point at all, I already said you have not break any rules and this article is written about how we should define troll players which I already indicate definition of troll should not be limited to breaking rules that already stated.
Kid lol, you don't understand what you do is pure troll and its not the right vengeance. Limited to our game, you could just report him for afk and ask others to collaborate with you. Simple and easy, he will be banned according to your 'opinion' and there was no reason to waste our precious time into nightmare. that is first thing i can say

Here u can see what i posted. This troll or flame, call it whatever u want, was before this little "incident" which included you. He gets in lobby where i am just to flame me a bit, and leave after it. Pure harassment. And u say that i should be fair to him ? Fuck that man, for real, he doesnt deserve anything from me. He appealed and tried to make me look bad, he had nervs to do that. Pure shithead. For past couple MONTHS, he is doing shit like flame, troll, unpause, no draw, etc to me. So u want me to care about colateral damage? Man.. i really dont care that u guys got banned. I will report his ass every time he gives me a chance, and if someone else breaks some rule, nothing i can do about it.

I already stated this matter also should be solved personally in the right rules not based on you two spreading shits all over in this small community.
I can still remember you reported me and whole west team for not announcing mode and picking race when we all picked prophet. Not to mention you are the only one who picked paladin not the prophet in whole and still gave flame report for us which completely ignored by everybody. That is how childish you are and your position is to me Vendeta.

So u want me to care about colateral damage? Man..
This is also should be the good indicator that even you admit yourself doing all kind of shit to all other people because of your personal 'vendetta' man... this is not the movie on the screen with you as a main character this is real world that everyone's time is important and you need to collaborate with other people. your personal vengeance matter to other community members? No lol

So conclusion. I have lots of time here to argue with anybody to until they make changes to rule so you and sk74(maybe according to your claim) can be defined as troll and stop what you do. Do not worry about posting your self-consolation words to think you doing right things to this community cause I have every evidence to clarify it is wrong and will post it until everyone could understand it.

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Re: Need clear defining of trolling and votekick abuse

Postby gurjop » Tue Nov 22, 2016 12:40 pm

There is a simple solution for this. People need to stop saying "i'm afk, please pause for me" in the lobby. There are a lot of players who tab out during the lobby and who don't like having the game paused for however long it takes for the player(s) to get back.

The simple solution is, if you have to go afk for whatever reason, leave the lobby and join the next one. This avoids all the drama afking at the start causes.
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Re: Need clear defining of trolling and votekick abuse

Postby Vendeta » Tue Nov 22, 2016 4:16 pm


Dude, u went TOO far. To be short, all i said is if he was complete asshole to me, he deserve nothing else but this.

For that report about paladin and shit, it would be nice that u post that here, so i can see it, because i dont remember making that report, so i think ur just lying. Ive never choose paladin, thats how i know ur lying.

U can hate me all u want, i really dont care about u, u are the one callin me "shitdeta" and stuff. I said what i wanted to say, be mad about your ban, i dont care. Getting u banned is the way from mods trying to make u STOP breaking rules. So just dont break rules and u wont get baned. SIMPLY AS THAT.

Again, unpause is not troll. Its not against rules. Afk is against rules.

I already stated this matter also should be solved personally in the right rules not based on you two spreading shits all over in this small community.

What the hell are u talking about ? Spreading shit ? :D dude ur hilarious. Only thing i can do to "solve personaly" is report him. I do report him and guess what, he doesnt get banned ! So what else can i do, than to behave at him, same as he behaves to me.

So pls, stop this nonsense u were already explained from mods why unpause is not troll, stop with bad accusations, stop with this nonsense dude. Not one mod will tell u that unpause is troll. I didnt want to wait for him, period.

And yea, i said that i dont care about colateral damage, in this case thats you, because already 80% of players in 1200+, even more, are not drawing for anyone, so thats the main thing of fair play in this game. So 80% of people just simply dont care. Why should i care about you ?

And just so u know, i find my reports as a thing contributing for our bot. I think when regular 1200+ players get banned, after that they will think twice, and stop doing shit like more than 120 delay, pulling creeps, spliting, etc. Contributing as getting number of cheats down.

If u want to continue talking to me, find that game where i picked paladin, or stop with wrong accusations.

Cheers !
D.S. 1989

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Re: Need clear defining of trolling and votekick abuse

Postby aRt)Y » Tue Nov 22, 2016 4:33 pm

wani9311 wrote:However they keep talking about How draw is not mandatory and unpausing is not against rule....
Therefore, your votekick was a rule violation.

Trolling, flaming and other things cant be defined. We cant say that saying "retard" is ban-able and saying "noob" is not. It's simply too general, too many possible scenarios and everyone interprets things differently.

ENT judges each case individually as we cant apply a template on all cases.

As votekick is a _powerful_ tool for casual public users, we purposely added the note that you should know what you are doing. If you are un-sure, you should communicate it and simply post a ban request/appeal. Taking things in your own hand is often times a risky thing.

wani9311 wrote:Thus, in my conclusion, trolling must be defined as one words- to make more than (x)player's to hate one person in one game because of his behavior
Except that isnt what trolling is in the slightest.

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