Ban Appeal

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Ban Appeal

Postby the-one-two » Mon Dec 12, 2016 3:41 am


Your Warcraft III username: Draw
Realm/Gateway: Europe
Why are you banned: Failure to votekick
Why you should be unbanned: As far as I recall, no vote kick was even initiated against this player. Only a draw vote, which did not pass. You see the kind of trash talk they threw at teal every few games, I had no idea of the truth of the matter and was as a result not motivated to initiate the vote kick myself. I am not sure why I, or the other individuals in the above thread are being punished when their was not even an attempted effort to have the offending player kicked.

This all seems very sketchy..

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Re: Ban Appeal

Postby Arii » Mon Dec 12, 2016 3:59 am

Topic: viewtopic.php?t=104330
Votekick attempt:
(01:24 / Allied) robotic_dawg: !votekick fall
(01:24 / All) Draw: A votekick against player [fallen1] has been started by player [robotic_dawg]. 5 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(01:24 / All) Draw: Type !yes to vote.
(01:24 / All) Draw: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(01:25 / Allied) fallen1: !votekick haw
(01:25 / Allied) DonaldTrump: not if you get lucky
(01:26 / Allied) Creazy_Serb: send?
(01:28 / Allied) Draw: lets warr?
(01:30 / All) fallen1: !yes
(01:31 / Allied) Draw: yeah
(01:32 / Allied) Draw: gogo warrs
(01:33 / All) fallen1: all
(01:35 / Allied) Fapion[UC]: orange didn't cancel lumb
(01:39 / Allied) Hawky-chan: kid
(01:40 / All) robotic_dawg: !draw
(01:40 / All) Draw: Player [robotic_dawg] has voted to draw the game. 5 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(01:51 / Allied) Draw: oj knows whats up
(01:54 / Allied) DonaldTrump: wow i made it
(01:54 / All) robotic_dawg: plz votekick fallen1
(01:55 / Allied) DonaldTrump: lol
(01:57 / Allied) Draw: hes gonna make legion great again
(01:57 / Allied) robotic_dawg: no build
(01:58 / All) fallen1: purp is 2/17
(02:01 / All) robotic_dawg: no build
(02:05 / All) DonaldTrump: teach him
(02:09 / All) Creazy_Serb: why no use pausa
(02:09 / All) fallen1: starts with lod and does not cross
(02:12 / Allied) robotic_dawg: 0
(02:15 / All) Creazy_Serb: go ff
(02:17 / All) robotic_dawg: 0
(02:20 / All) Fapion[UC]: why would he cross?
(02:24 / All) Draw: A votekick against player [fallen1] has expired.

It looks like this was the votekick that you and the others did not participate in. Why is that?

Also, please head over to the wiki and find the rule that was broken. After having done so, please paste it here. Thank you

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    Re: Ban Appeal

    Postby the-one-two » Mon Dec 12, 2016 4:50 am

    For my part, I didn't even notice that the attempt was made - in fact it seems that the initiator was the sole supporter of said kick.

    Yet even if I had paid attention to what was being said, I would be hesitant to kick. Round one vote kick attempts and !ff are pretty common when a player builds poorly. I also have encountered many players who petulantly build at the last second when denied a demanded cross or even do this as a way to troll the more proactive players.

    I suppose this was just a miscommunication and the below comment becomes lamentable.
    (02:09 / All) Creazy_Serb: why no use pausa

    "You are obligated to !votekick any player that has broken any of ENT's rules. If someone or several indicate that a particular player is game ruining, you, as a player in the game, are obligated to question/check about the situation/claim."

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    Re: Ban Appeal

    Postby RadiantCrystal » Mon Dec 12, 2016 9:09 pm

    Since you acknowledge the rules and noticed where your mistakes were, unbanned this time @the-one-two

    On a side note, you can clearly tell he was game ruining as he leaked 7? levels yet no action was taken
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