[LTD] Multiple Violators@europe.battle.net

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[LTD] Multiple Violators@europe.battle.net

Postby icecreamss » Sat Dec 17, 2016 9:03 pm

Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/replay.php?id=8753955
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega #75
Your Warcraft III Username: omgitsatroll-
Violator's Warcraft III Username: shshshshsh, tomatentoni, kagendk, short_and_stout
Violated Rule(s):
#1 not sending with team to win
#2 trolling/teamkilling
#3 afking
#4 Refusal to !yes violating "You are obligated to !votekick any player that has broken any of ENT's rules."
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
shshshshsh: #1 wave 1. #2 wave 5, #3 wave 7 onwards
tomatentoni, kagendk, short_and_stout: #4 after wave 6. 2 of them did #2 in the end but that's after delaying for many waves and making us lose another 2 more heals before they decided that the "advantage" was big enough so they can have a free win even after kicking.
Any further thoughts:
shshshshsh admitted that he is losing it on purpose.
masterbrown and short_and_stout obviously knows the game and probably friends on new account. Might want to check if they are dodgers using new accounts.
Tomatentoni and kagendk kicked after many many many waves. they definitely deserve a ban as well if you put them to the test of their integrity and i believe every law is judged by "reasonability" which they did not fulfill their commitment to ent rules under a REASONABLE amount of time.

Scenario 1:
Enemy team have a troll. All other enemy confirms it, refused to kick until lvl 15 demon send wave start. GAME WAS ALREADY A 90% WIN. Immediately VK to avoid ban.

Scenario 2: (our scenario)
Enemy team have a troll. All other enemy confirms it, refused to kick until we became 1 heal vs 4 heal. GAME WAS ALREADY A 90% WIN. Immediately VK to avoid ban.

Just stating 2 scenarios because it come to the same conclusion that GAME WAS ALREADY WITH UNFAIR ADVANTAGE BEFORE KICKING. Sorry about the caps, just wanted to highlight. I feel that if scenario 1 deserves a ban, scenario 2 will deserve a ban too

(13:22 / All) omgitsatroll-: A votekick against player [shshshshsh] has been started by player [SacDeRiz]. 5 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(13:34 / All) SacDeRiz: team killer
(13:35 / All) Riordian: we got a troll
(13:37 / All) omgitsatroll-: trolling
(13:38 / All) SHORT_AND_STOUT: ?
(13:39 / All) Riordian: not sending / not upping
(14:32 / All) kagendk: Thats your cross?
(15:57 / All) kagendk: I dont kick a incomer
(16:36 / All) omgitsatroll-: you are obligated to kick anyone that have broken ent rules
(16:43 / All) kagendk: So stop acting like u know what u are saying
(16:57 / All) kagendk: I have played 2000games atealst
(17:05 / All) kagendk: And im on the entgaming.net forum
(17:13 / All) kagendk: So stop making fake shit rules

Armored Tree
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Re: [LTD] Multiple Violators@europe.battle.net

Postby Riordian » Sat Dec 17, 2016 9:24 pm

I was in that game too and can just fully support this request. Teal (troll) did even admit that he wants to make us loose by a sentence like "infants like you guys don't deserve to win". And ye well the other obviously didnt kick a rule breaker to get an even greater advantage than playing 3v4

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