small feedback hosting

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small feedback hosting

Postby Hupfen » Sun Dec 18, 2016 6:27 am


My first feedback is about a problem with hosting:
uploaded the map
wispered the bot the code and it answered, "loading map file".
So everything fine so far.

However the map is nowhere in the games list, I can't find it, not on makemehost, not ingame in the gameslist, and not in the entgaming games list. ?

My other feedback is, why don't you add the blizzard maps, so it was easier to host that stuff. For instance if you want to play versus the AI.

Uploaded here: and the code was 42uxg
Wispered this: /w Clan.Enterprise !load :42uxg
Answer was this: Loading map file: [42uxg] Note for public hosting, you can now use !map :<code>
Then I also tried this: /w Clan.Enterprise !map :42uxg
Same answer. Same Result (none).

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Re: small feedback hosting

Postby aRt)Y » Sun Dec 18, 2016 9:00 am

@Hupfen Moved to the technical support section.
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Re: small feedback hosting

Postby null » Sun Dec 18, 2016 5:11 pm


Go to Clan ENT in WC3 chat, and follow my instructions:

!load 42uxg
!pub [Gamename]
(You can also choose location, with !location - which decides where you want to host from, but for now, try to host a game and see if it works).

If the game haven't been hosted, try to do repub again, and again. Sometimes I've to repub about 3-4 times for the game to appear.

You can also do this through ENT Link (
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Re: small feedback hosting

Postby Drullo321 » Thu Dec 22, 2016 5:05 pm

I have the same problem. I try to host YouTD_v1.09 with loadcode c8qr2.

I tried everything:
!load :c8qr2
!load c8qr2
!map :YouTD_v1.09

(That all seemed to work when whispering Clan.Enterprise on europe)

But !pub xyz (whatever I type in here) just don't work.

"Your game has ben queued (position: 1)"
"Your game xyz should now be hosted on somebotname"

I tried it at least 20 times. Nothing works. Only your testmap 42uxg after several tries.

Please help me, I really want to play this version of the map but I can't because your autobot only host the previous version and despite beeing able to host, noone joins nonbot games anymore...

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Re: small feedback hosting

Postby HazarDous » Sat Dec 24, 2016 2:45 am


Post your own topic, please. Additionally, I will update the bot to actual YouTD version soon. So be patient.

No response from @Hupfen , processing.

However, if you do read this, try to !load <code> without the semicolon.

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