[LTD] slappygoat useast.battle.net

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[LTD] slappygoat useast.battle.net

Postby Jpinkman » Sat Dec 10, 2016 2:28 am

Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=8719825
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega #53
Your Warcraft III Username: JPinkman
Violator's Warcraft III Username: homer_22 and slappygoat
Violated Rule(s):

Do not flame, rage, troll, or insult other players excessively.
Do not teamkill (ex. blocking, maliciously using spells, destroying/hiding/stealing/massing items, selling towers, etc).
Do not feed or suicide on purpose which negatively affects the game.
Refusing to cooperate when asked to do so several times by sending alone and not save-send with teammates to win.
Refusing to build in attempt to teamkill.
Selling value at any point in the game in order to stall time and gain advantage on a racing level is forbidden.

Time of Violation (in-game or replay): after level 2

Any further thoughts: Player slappygoat started game building minotaur and got warriors send. He leaked much and decided to upgrade lumber like crazy to compensate in income, which did not work. He managed to help some with lumber but a few levels later he had almost zero value, leaking full all further levels. At some point, he deleted all his towers with the excuse of going full lumber and having more income.

Player homer_22 teamkilled by agreeing in crossng with me but he didnt use his gold (500+) when me and purple were desperatly trying to hold teal's leaks. I think he was new but its not a justificative. I asked him several times to build, to use his gold, and he didnt do it.

I believe player blue was just new and doesnt deserve a severe ban, but player teal was fully aware of the situation and said he'd lose as long as he bringed me down, so he sure teamkilled by suiciding and then deleting all his towers on purpose. He does deserve a severe punishment

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Re: [LTD] slappygoat useast.battle.net

Postby AmnoN » Sun Dec 18, 2016 4:01 pm

@jpinkman Please provide specific timestamps - e.g. where slappygoat sold towers, where homer_22 did not spend gold and where you asked the player repeatedly to build.


Re: [LTD] slappygoat useast.battle.net

Postby Hatedmaru » Sun Dec 18, 2016 7:44 pm

After reviewing:

Teal started with minotaur, leaked on 1 due to warriors send, adds a tribesman on 2 and after that simply starts pushing nonstop (not building anymore), sells the tribes at 8, sells the minotaur at 10 - After that he makes an alchemist at purple side on 13

Regarding blue, he was told to start building with red on 13, which he dind't (with 300g); same at 14 - he doens't build with 500g

homer_22@europe.battle.net & slappygoat@useast.battle.net should both be banned for teamkill

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Re: [LTD] slappygoat useast.battle.net

Postby HazarDous » Sun Dec 18, 2016 9:58 pm

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