Unfair ban?

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Re: Unfair ban?

Postby yeahwhatever » Tue Jan 03, 2017 7:21 am

like ok, i didnt kick, i thought we had a better chance if we worked with him to send, but red and teal constantly kept saying he was doing things wrong, so i think thats toxic. i refuse to help bully someone

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Re: Unfair ban?

Postby yeahwhatever » Tue Jan 03, 2017 1:47 pm

yep seems like a huge misuse and abuse of his power. banning 7 people in a server, 1 for 10 days, 4 for 5 days and 2 for 3 days when it really was just 1 person that ruined the game. it seems like i finally just have to accept that wc3 is dead if this is the type of community that represents the scene. its just tragic that playing this game for 10+ years and this is just how it ends. tragic indeed

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Re: Unfair ban?

Postby LTDNorb » Tue Jan 03, 2017 4:02 pm

There is an edit-button for a reason, you know? If users cannot even read and follow simple forum- and game-rules then this is tragic indeed.
ENT-rules say to kick rule-violator. At the end it doesnt matter what you thought (having better chances with him), if a votekick has been issued against a game-ruiner, then you have to kick him. You didnt, so you got banned. Simple as that.

A successful appeal can lead to a reduction or even lift of your ban, but you are giving the mods a hard time supporting your appeal by being so stubborn and refusal to use the edit-button.

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Re: Unfair ban?

Postby yeahwhatever » Tue Jan 03, 2017 4:29 pm

Actually if you read the logs, the person that was the cause for most of the bans was not votekicked until around 2 minutes were left in the game. What is the point of votekicking someone when the game is going to end that round? And i understand the mods are not going to unban me, ive accepted that. Because for me to be unbanned that would mean that someone would have to accept that an admin made a mistake, or too harsh of a judgement ruling, which would show that clearly there is someone strutting around with too much power. I mean obviously they cant have that. I mean 1 person ruins a game and there is culmatively what a sumation of 36 total days banned from a single game. If thats not a disgusting abuse of power i honestly do not know what is. What i dont understand is that this person is threatened and abused and i still think we have a chance to win if they, i dont know, stopped and tried to work together instead of continuously abusing assaulting and flaming him. Maybe i just dont accept that type of toxicity, clearly i should be punished with a 5 day ban. I mean that is only logical am i right?

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Re: Unfair ban?

Postby yeahwhatever » Tue Jan 03, 2017 4:35 pm

I have accepted that i have been banned but i straight up refuse to believe that the punishment fits the crime, i still do not accept that i did anything wrong because this is ridiculous to be honest. If my only fault is that i did not votekick the person being abused, or votekick the person that sold his units literally the round the game is ending, i guess can happily end my wc3 gaming experience. Clearly judging by the fact that i am facing a 5 day ban, i can deduce i am just the worst type of person to ever come across this game and for that i apologize to each and every one of my fellow legion td players. I am clearly on par with the other toxic flamers and trolls on my team that cursed, threatened, and demeaned eachother throughout the entirety of the game. This is ridiculous, im just amazed by this absolutely disgusting misuse of power

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Re: Unfair ban?

Postby LTDNorb » Tue Jan 03, 2017 5:36 pm

Blue was sending alone, that is refusing to cooperate. The votekicks against him were valid. No teamplay = game-ruining. You didn't vote to kick him, you got banned. I dont see how you can turn this around to misuse of power. Your lack of logic baffles me.


Re: Unfair ban?

Postby Hatedmaru » Tue Jan 03, 2017 9:56 pm

@yeahwhatever You are not on par with other rule violators: You violated a rule (by refusing to kick a player who was violating a rule), and therefore you find yourself at risk of being banned as well when you are reported.

If indeed the votekick was abusive, and the enemies had lied to you, we (moderators) could see that from the replay, and we woulnd't ban you, if you had voted yes (Example: Enemies telling you player X is afk, when he isn't, and you voted yes; If that player reported he was kicked for no reason, we could see the enemy lied to you, and so we woulnd't ban you, considering you were deceived by the enemy - this is just an example, but i think you get the point)

With that being said, have you taken a look at our wiki and read the rules? After that, can we trust that in the future you will pay attention to future votekicks initiated, and votekick accordingly (Note: You don't have to vote !yes just cause the votekick is started - You, as player, have the responsability to investigate once the votekick is started, and then decide to vote !yes or no: If you have enough evidence he is violating a rule(s), then vote !yes; If you don't have enough evidence, then communicate via global chat, ask for evidence, etc)

Thanks in advance

Resource Storage
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Re: Unfair ban?

Postby yeahwhatever » Wed Jan 04, 2017 1:56 am

Im not saying that I am not at fault, I am saying that I did not votekick him for a good reason. If anyone ever said this to me i would lose my shit.
(01:53 / Allied) senseless: you are stupid as fuck blue
(02:02 / Allied) senseless: and you're going to get a kick if you don't listen
You seem so ready to condemn people without even taking the time to see the cause and effect. No matter what you try to say, or to accuse me of rule violating, I would never take teal's side. constantly flaming and belittling someone is not something I want to be a part of. And if that is indicative of a 5 day ban then so be it. I mean how do you even justify a 5day ban for not votekicking someone being bullied? I mean read any of the logs, he is being bullied.
But regardless, I feel that logic doesnt apply in any way shape or form here. either that or I am clearly too dense to understand how this type of treatment towards a fellow player is even remotely acceptable. I mean he got a 10day ban, but he was also flaming, abusive, and sold all his units, which is why i received an equivalent half of that ban.
So congratulations, you have won. I feel that i am neither in a safe nor friendly environment, which was probably the purpose of the organization, and i will happily move on with my life, probably never to return again to this server.
I wish you all well. well thats a lie, i wish you all continue living, and im sorry that that is the best i can offer you all

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Re: Unfair ban?

Postby Nonsensical » Wed Jan 04, 2017 3:10 am

Okay this is ridiculous ban. ABSOLUTELY ridiculous. Your rules state no where that a you must votekick a toxic player. Let alone the fact that one of the players decided to cross with him, votekicking him would give a clear advantage. I'm sorry but I do not and will not support banning someone who did nothing wrong. The only two players who deserved to be banned in this game were the incomer on the cross, VitaminC, and the crying flamer, senseless.

Votekicks were tried and honestly it is not the players responsibility to votekick a toxic player or game ruiner. It is advised and not clearly presented in any set of "rules". Let alone the fact you people don't even address drawing the game on a leaver before level 1 even starts.

Unban the man and the rest of the people who did nothing wrong. Especially the one person who tried to make the community better by submitting the ban. Why the hell would you ban him

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Re: Unfair ban?

Postby Nonsensical » Wed Jan 04, 2017 3:16 am

Nope, even after reviewing the rules I still think this is a ridiculous ban.

"If a votekick is initiated to kick a visible game ruiner, all players are obligated to !yes."

You punish the people who are playing the game, punish the people who try to make the community better, and award the one person who said "we must votekick after 9".

Horrible choice in applying rules, ban the two people who deserved it and move on. You people are trying to put something that's gray into black and white and screwing people who actually like the game on your bots.

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Re: Unfair ban?

Postby eldryan » Wed Jan 04, 2017 4:07 am

yeahwhatever wrote:i thought by not kicking blue, we would have a much better chance because he had the most lumber on our team because he was the incomer. by constantly typing to him telling him to do this and to do that, and that he is
(01:53 / Allied) senseless: you are stupid as fuck blue
(02:02 / Allied) senseless: and you're going to get a kick if you don't listen
(10:52 / Allied) senseless: because he's a noob idiot

this isnt flaming?
i assumed red was doing it too, but how is this is any way. not. flaming

he was sending every lvl most of the game and not team-sending, and incomed slower than red post-10. it's obvs he was tking.

that is over a 10 minute period, regarding repetitive intentional TK - hardly "excessive flaming".


Re: Unfair ban?

Postby Hatedmaru » Wed Jan 04, 2017 9:45 am

@yeahwhatever You're more than welcome to re-appeal before the ban expires, if you wish to cooperate, but atm, the ban remains.


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