Not a ban requests, just wondering about something

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Not a ban requests, just wondering about something

Postby Crook » Sat May 18, 2013 3:08 am

Earlier i was in an LTD game. With 4 low elo unknown players on west team. And myself, 1 pub, 1 high elo, and 1 1300 elo. At start of game, host dont pick mode, it goes to ap ofc. So ofc its a "waste of time" to us. the high elo and the 1300 elo decide to go archer cuase heck, they all 1000-1100 elo, and the host apparently dont know how to pick a mode. I go merc ofc, along with the low elo guy on our team, in the hopes of ending on 7 and starting a new game.

Turns out this team was high elo on smurf names - TREX or T-REX was one of them( i know this because of a comment the smurf made about a book series, that me and rex were speakin of in an earlier game).

I know smurfing is all the buzz, and i dont mind it at all.. But stacking a smurf team and doing -AP, then "surprize surprize, yall shoulda played like u were playing pros instead of newbs" dont seem right to me.

Stacked team of smurfs actually play a pro mode, cool... then the other team can jugde the skill of them as the game goes on.

Is this kinda gameplay at least frowned upon? cuase it made me go buy a 6 pack :)

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Re: Not a ban requests, just wondering about something

Postby iightfyre » Sat May 18, 2013 3:41 am

Ofc it is frowned upon. Most of the LTD community and a lot of the mods feel that smurfing is a shame and ruins the integrity of the ELO system. However, none of the behaviors that you described are against ENT rules. Just bad luck that you got into this game and I feel for ya. Not much else to do but drink dem beers!

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Re: Not a ban requests, just wondering about something

Postby cyberpunk » Sat May 18, 2013 3:44 am

mm, i don't know if this is the answer you're looking for.. but stack teams is not banable.. let's say you've friends to play.. and you guys wanna make a combo, or just play together, so you can use the ENT18 bot for it..
imho ppl stacks because the bot says what elo the player has when they join, plus some players spam !lms nickname, if they have a bad team, they left to join the next game, it's pathetic.. but you know, this is my opinion, maybe you can change our system making a suggetion in the forum suggestion.
Also, If you're looking for a game with balance, you should try ENT79, due to the bot with autobalance based on elo
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Re: Not a ban requests, just wondering about something

Postby Crook » Sat May 18, 2013 4:31 am

i agree that smurfs is part of it.. and high elo smurf teams will have fun bashing on people... but AP? id understand a smurf team doing a real mode, figured thats what they were in lobby.. and kinda threwout the game.. but my teammates didnt realize this, and played dumb, which is like a free win for them mofos :). beer was good btw.. need more.. least they did something for me


Re: Not a ban requests, just wondering about something

Postby bit » Sat May 18, 2013 5:33 am

If red lied about mode, i.e told in lobby that he will make hpgmcb, and then went ap on purpose, u can report him.

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Re: Not a ban requests, just wondering about something

Postby Ultimate_aMaYa » Sat May 18, 2013 7:27 am

Only pro players of clan ENT community think -ap = mercenary btw ... I played in many bots, when someone pick -ap there is usually 0 merc, why they chose merc? because they are frustated :P "damn it they will pick mercenary and I'm gona lose elo" and "let's get their elo quickly so we pick merc".

I highly doubt they have fun playing, this is the run for the win... -ap doesn't mean mercenary for me, in fact it can be a cool mode sometimes.
See Crook ... even you, you say " I pick merc ofc" why ofc ... or why wasting time... -ap is how I've learned the game and units, because I wanted to know who build what,
People favor their rank instead of their fun, if people would just avoid the mercenary whatever the mode is :D

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Re: Not a ban requests, just wondering about something

Postby iightfyre » Sat May 18, 2013 7:38 am

Well put amaya

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Re: Not a ban requests, just wondering about something

Postby Crook » Sat May 18, 2013 10:12 pm

understood amaya.. and yeah i havent played all the heroes yet.. ap would be fun if no merc... but ive seen that people merc in ap because if people dont and other team does.. u die lvl 7. So you dont get any practice if u were to choose something else.. so yeah, i do choose merc in ap... for reasons of offense... and defense... 1600 build on 7 to survive it when everyone else on team that doesnt do merc will leak very high. sdgmcb is how i learn the diff heroes, and hybrid is how i learn the units. ap with merc available in an all 8 man pro vs pro game, there would be at least 2 mercs on each team...if not 4v4 merc.

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Re: Not a ban requests, just wondering about something

Postby Shameless » Sun May 19, 2013 7:43 am

I just always look for the 3-4 team with 0/0 or 4/0 recs. They are almost exclusively from, just got to pay attention in the waiting room.

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Re: Not a ban requests, just wondering about something

Postby HealByColor » Thu May 23, 2013 3:13 am

I am not going to lie if its ap I go mercenary. The reason for this is because I assume all others do this mode for mercenary. There is no honor code in public games people say no mercenary no mercenary and someone always goes mercenary.

For the actual topic.
I smurf sometimes for these reasons
-So I can enjoy the game and not care so much about a loss
-So people don't try to elo snipe me
-To try different strategies without worrying about failing

Now for the people that you're talking about. Those people are just trying to boost someones elo its sad really. Everyone that is a pro in the game know who the real pros are so the elo system doesn't really matter. If you would like a pure game and have the abilities you should try lihl.

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Re: Not a ban requests, just wondering about something

Postby stoneage » Fri May 31, 2013 12:48 pm

Ultimate_aMaYa wrote:People favor their rank instead of their fun

Say no to drugs, there are not enough for everyone.

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