[LOD] kilazor useast.battle.net

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[LOD] kilazor useast.battle.net

Postby hatred » Mon May 15, 2017 7:01 pm

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 374705.w3g
Game Name: https://entgaming.net/openstats/game/9374705/ [ENT] LoD -sds6bod2fn #84
Your Warcraft III Username: i_hate_g00ks
Violator's Warcraft III Username: kilazor
Violated Rule(s): flame, rage, troll, or insult other players excessively.

Time of Violation (in-game or replay): whole game
Any further thoughts:

(20:30 / All) KilAzoR: stfu fucking noob
(21:40 / All) KilAzoR: trash dead
(22:24 / All) KilAzoR: stfu
(22:27 / All) KilAzoR: fucking total garbage
(22:45 / All) KilAzoR: fucking noob
(23:07 / All) KilAzoR: stfu
(23:19 / All) KilAzoR: ure just stacking fucking noob
(23:21 / All) KilAzoR: nothing else
(23:34 / All) KilAzoR: what a fucking looser axaxaxax
(24:29 / All) KilAzoR: get carried more fucking noob
(24:35 / All) KilAzoR: and stack more fucking noob
(24:40 / All) KilAzoR: then talk more fucking noob
(24:55 / All) i_hate_g00ks: i love when urage do m
(25:03 / All) KilAzoR: rage rofl
(25:11 / All) KilAzoR: im calling u by name
(25:17 / All) KilAzoR: ure just a fucking garbage noob nothing else
(31:14 / All) KilAzoR: run fucking noob
(31:20 / All) KilAzoR: brown
(31:22 / All) KilAzoR: i mean ofc
(31:41 / All) KilAzoR: fucking trash
(32:44 / All) KilAzoR: u must gagg on gray cock hard
(32:49 / All) KilAzoR: little noob bitch
(33:48 / All) KilAzoR: run fucking noob
(46:15 / All) KilAzoR: this retard
(46:24 / All) KilAzoR: u got hardcore brain isues fucking noob
47:33 / All) KilAzoR: fucking noob
50:08 / All) KilAzoR: now u should continue sucking grays cock
(50:10 / All) KilAzoR: u fucking bitch
51:52 / All) KilAzoR: y and maybe because ure fucking noob
(51:53 / All) KilAzoR: true

i can handle all his stupid flame
untill he starts touching my mother...

(27:22 / All) KilAzoR: like ur whore stupid mother

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Re: [LOD] kilazor useast.battle.net

Postby KilAzoR » Mon May 15, 2017 7:27 pm

(20:24 / All) i_hate_g00ks: run dog
(22:11 / All) i_hate_g00ks: got my bounty noob
(22:14 / All) i_hate_g00ks: so im happy
(22:20 / All) i_hate_g00ks: and u run like chicken shit
(22:36 / All) i_hate_g00ks: chick chick chick
(23:08 / All) i_hate_g00ks: i dont care about u
(23:15 / All) i_hate_h00ks: chick
(23:18 / All) i_hate_g00ks: chick chick chick
(24:22 / All) i_hate_g00ks: run dog
(46:06 / All) i_hate_g00ks: hahah
(46:08 / All) i_hate_g00ks: die noob
Wondering why u didnt copy this?

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Re: [LOD] kilazor useast.battle.net

Postby KilAzoR » Mon May 15, 2017 7:29 pm

Who has called anybodys dog firstly?

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Re: [LOD] kilazor useast.battle.net

Postby FalenGa » Mon May 15, 2017 7:31 pm

kilazor is banned for 36 hours.

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