[LTD] rofl@useast needs a long ban

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[LTD] hardest team killing ever

Postby ltdhype » Sun May 21, 2017 6:01 am

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 392637.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega #65
Your Warcraft III Username: steamrogue
Violator's Warcraft III Username: Rofl(pink)
Violated Rule(s): sold all his units on level 10,king juggle on 10,took wisps out of trees,after 10 he started to mass gnouls, (also we tried to kick him but some people from the west team didnt want to kick him so they should be banned too)
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): level 10 and after
Any further thoughts: should be banned for hardest team killing ever

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[LTD] rofl@useast needs a long ban

Postby clandgap » Sun May 21, 2017 6:34 am

He's probably dodging but it doesn't hurt to try...

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 392637.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega #65
Your Warcraft III Username: landmineyolo
Violator's Warcraft III Username: rofl@useast, justlegion@asia for refusing to kick him
Violated Rule(s): Many many rule violations

-Sold full army value at 10
-Took wisps off lumber harvest
-Juggled king to teamkill us on 10
-Built a swatsika in his lane
-Solo sent lv 11
-Abused votekick in attempt to kick me when I tried to kick him

Showed no remorse, deserves very long ban. Justlegion deserves ban as well, because if we were able to kick him we would have survived 17 easily as 3. Every lane but his held decently

At 10 took king to juggle and attempt teamkill, we paused game and tried to kick but justlegion refused (repeatedly refused to kick for the rest of game, attempted to kick me as well when rofl tried to vk me later).

Code: Select all

(22:56 / All) landmineyolo: Type !yes to vote.
(22:56 / All) landmineyolo: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(22:56 / Allied) LTDAndBigMacs: yellow
(22:56 / Allied) steamrogue: !votekick rofl
(22:56 / All) Rofl: shit talking faggot
(22:56 / All) landmineyolo: votekick him
(22:56 / Allied) LTDAndBigMacs: take a break
(22:56 / All) Rofl: nah
(22:56 / Allied) steamrogue: !yes
(22:56 / All) landmineyolo: Player [steamrogue] voted to kick player [Rofl]. 4 more votes are needed to pass.
(22:56 / All) Rofl: dont kick
(22:56 / All) steamrogue: kick him
(22:56 / Allied) Seek.: !yes
(22:56 / All) landmineyolo: Player [Seek.] voted to kick player [Rofl]. 3 more votes are needed to pass.
(22:57 / All) landmineyolo: no votekick is ban
(22:58 / All) steamrogue: i will report him anyway
(23:02 / All) Seek.: kick him and report
(23:04 / All) GrowthHacker: green?
(23:04 / All) landmineyolo: Player [LTDAndBigMacs] is saving the game.
(23:04 / Saving game ?) LTDAndBigMacs: Save game.
(23:04 / All) steamrogue: yeas
(23:04 / All) LTDAndBigMacs: nice
(23:04 / All) Seek.: then report yello
(23:04 / Allied) justlegion: no
(23:04 / Allied) steamrogue: you dont need to save wtf
(23:04 / Allied) justlegion: no kick
(23:04 / All) Seek.: who saved
(23:04 / All) LTDAndBigMacs: pentium
(23:04 / All) LTDAndBigMacs: very poor
(23:04 / All) landmineyolo: no votekick is 24 hour ban
(23:04 / Allied) steamrogue: !votekick
(23:04 / Allied) Seek.: u have to kick him
(23:04 / Allied) steamrogue: !yes
(23:04 / Allied) Seek.: kick him dude
(23:05 / All) steamrogue: np
(23:06 / All) landmineyolo: Player [Rofl] is saving the game.
(23:06 / Saving game ?) Rofl: Save game.
(23:06 / Allied) GrowthHacker: !yes
(23:06 / All) landmineyolo: Player [GrowthHacker] voted to kick player [Rofl]. 2 more votes are needed to pass.
(23:11 / All) LTDAndBigMacs: god u
(23:11 / All) LTDAndBigMacs: are
(23:11 / All) LTDAndBigMacs: so
(23:11 / Allied) Seek.: he is savo
(23:12 / All) LTDAndBigMacs: poor
(23:12 / Allied) justlegion: !ignore land
(23:13 / Allied) Seek.: kick him
(23:14 / Allied) Seek.: u idiots
(23:16 / All) steamrogue: whole west team is reported
(23:16 / All) LTDAndBigMacs: purple
(23:18 / All) justlegion: you report yellow
(23:18 / All) steamrogue: and pink
(23:21 / Allied) fun: !yes
(23:21 / All) landmineyolo: Player [fun] voted to kick player [Rofl]. 1 more votes are needed to pass.
(23:21 / All) landmineyolo: A votekick against player [Rofl] has expired.
(23:27 / All) LTDAndBigMacs: expired

Time of Violation (in-game or replay): Around LV 10, 23:00
Any further thoughts:

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Re: [LTD] rofl@useast needs a long ban

Postby broud3r » Sun May 21, 2017 10:40 pm

merged same game and violator.

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Re: [LTD] rofl@useast needs a long ban

Postby bezdak » Tue May 23, 2017 11:10 pm

User Rofl banned for heavy game ruin and troll 10 days + building a swastika 3 days + double votekick abuse 4 days, for a total of 17 days.

Votekick violations:
I'm counting only 4/5 total legit VKs against pink, since on the fifth everybody resigned.
User Seek. failed 1/4 VKs, however it was such a mess I'll leave it without a warning, he showed a will to kick a violator.
User landmineyolo failed also 1/4, same thing. @clandgap if you payed a little more attention, he'd be kicked here, since this was the only VK teal voted yes on. Just FYI.
User justlegion failed 3/4 VKs - banned for 3 days.
User LTDAndBigMacs failed all of them and voted !yes on pink's VK abuse against yellow. Banned for 5 days.

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Re: [LTD] rofl@useast needs a long ban

Postby Merex » Sun May 28, 2017 4:48 am

No dodge.
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