[LTD HELL]wrongon3@europe

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[LTD HELL]wrongon3@europe

Postby Yahoo91 » Sun May 28, 2017 1:42 am

Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/replay.php?id=9415472
Game Name: [ENT] HELLHALT TD #31
Your Warcraft III Username: Yahoo91@useast
Violator's Warcraft III Username: wrongon3@europe.battle.net
Violated Rule(s): game ruin, sabotaging the game, team back-stab, not listening to team
Refusing/Avoiding to heal.
Refusing to cooperate when asked to do so several times by sending alone and not save-send with teammates to win.
Refusing to build in attempt to teamkill.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
Went heavy lumber upgrades and stopped building, we told him to stop he continued into 9/9 with low value.
(14:44 / Allied) Prophet: red stop lumbering
(14:51 / Allied) Prophet: dat value and 9/7

Randomly upgrades Dark Presence and claims it was misclick.
(15:49 / Allied) Prophet: wtf lol
(15:53 / Allied) Prophet: and goes dark presence?
(15:58 / Allied) wrongon3: amagad
(15:59 / Allied) Yahoo91: troll
(16:07 / Allied) Prophet: gtfo
(16:08 / Allied) wrongon3: misclick

We say to send on 10 (ghouls, etc), he claims he will send tier 2 then as soon as 'Summons are Sent' message pops out he sends all his stuff (so nothing gets send on boss lvl from Red), claims he forgot to send
(22:18 / Allied) wrongon3: i send big boys
(22:28 / Allied) Prophet: ?
(22:31 / Allied) Prophet: panda pudge?
(23:39 / Allied) Prophet: send noob
(24:04 / Allied) Yahoo91: red pure backstabber
(24:08 / Allied) Prophet: omg stupid troll
(24:32 / Allied) Yahoo91: u get banned from ENT red
(24:37 / Allied) Prophet: rerport this red
(24:51 / Allied) wrongon3: ofc cause i forgot to send
(24:56 / Allied) wrongon3: ya

Now of course, the leak on boss is huge, Red does not heal even when we say in chat that it's his turn, his reaction is basically "opps"

(25:20 / Allied) Yahoo91: heal red
(25:25 / Allied) wrongon3: fcuk me

Any further thoughts:
Clear backstabber that did everything in order to make sure his own team lose on lvl10. Should get a long ban imo.

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Re: [LTD HELL]wrongon3@europe

Postby Albi » Mon May 29, 2017 8:38 am

Refusing to cooperate with his team, pretty obvious, ignores w/e they say to him, does not send with them.
Game ruining
Banned 10 days.

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