RIP LIHL (2013-2017)

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RIP LIHL (2013-2017)

Postby KiwiLeKiller » Sun Jun 25, 2017 10:18 am

First of all, I want to thank Blizzard for killing LIHL a little, then HazarDous for killing what was left of it. It was handled very poorly, without any notice. I don't know what happened to NoRe since there was no announcement whatsoever and it was made - I guess - in the darkness of ENT (uhhhh), but I got to say that it seems like it confirms something I learned over the past. You are either with ENT or against ENT. Note that I didn't have any problem with Discord itself, I was promoting it, I created a guide upon Art)y's request, which I was constantly editing and updating, but with the recent events, I think it's best for me to simply quit. Anyway, we can't even start a 2s game.

Legion Interference and Hypocrisy League (LIHL)
When I got unvouched by NoRe a few weeks ago, I asked every single moderator I knew and asked them what they thought about my ban. Everyone of them answered me that it was aberrant, unfair and abusive. Some of them recommended me to complain to HazarDous and Art)y. When I asked them what I should do, they said : "Nothing". They explained to me that ENT and LIHL are 2 separated instances and that they do not interfere one with another. I can now see the hypocrisy behind all this, since it is pretty much obvious that ENT > LIHL and that HazarDous can do whatever he wants in this place.

Last unvouch request
Now I will nicely ask to be unvouched permanently from this league, which became something I didn't sign for and I decided to finally quit. I know you guys "do not unvouch upon request", so I deleted my Discord account. And since you unvouch people that stubbornly refuse to use Discord, you can unvouch me.

For LIHL players
You guys rock, keep it up, I love (almost) all of you :D
"in a moment of extreme passion"
- Beastman (2017)

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Re: RIP LIHL (2013-2017)

Postby matdas » Sun Jun 25, 2017 10:27 am


To prevent more topics such as the last ones, this will be locked/moved.

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