CheW wrote:Lets see. I haven't seen any games where 1 team gets 3 zeus MC and the other team gets nothing. I haven't seen any games where there are 4 wolves on 1 team. I haven't seen 3 rearm phant vs no rearm at all. All the reasons you listed are the same problems in SD. Sometimes people do so bad that they ruin the game, happened then adn still happens now. I don't know why you think Elo matters because most people make multiple accounts and just smurf. I see some even make two forum accounts. I enjoy this mode because playing anti stack against premades is much easier, as you can win with skill and not have to have an uphill battle vs a better draft. I still lose around the same amount of games, maybe a little bit more because I actually will play vs a 3+ player premade with noobs on my team.
Previous 5 games:
Smurfs allies (1 or 2 per game, not counting ren.k/flowersnow): 4.4 kdr, 4 games 4.2 kdr, 13 games 4 kdr, 13 games 13 kdr, 1 game
Remind me, when did you become the living embodiment of preventing stack in games? Because you know, you're the problem. Does md and having full knowledge and control of who gets what heroes and skills help the odds of the poor fuckers you and ren.k get your elo from, when you're filling the other team with smurfs? Keep praising that md balance, I wish you luck on your quest to make every game fair and enjoyable.