Legion TD Mega: Make 2v4 or 3v1 auto-draw

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Legion TD Mega: Make 2v4 or 3v1 auto-draw

Postby Koby_Fish » Wed Jul 05, 2017 4:20 am

Since ENT bot has been dropping people like flies (or whatever else is happening on Battle.net), I think it's very unfair for a person to basically be forced into losing a suddenly horribly lopsided (in terms of number of players each side, not scores) game, all because multiple people on the same team ended up dropping for whatever reason (mostly I'm seeing ECON RESET and Connection Closed By Remote Host messages). I'm not talking 3v4; those are sometimes winnable. I mean completely unwinnable, such as 4v2, 4v1, or 3v1. It would also prevent frustrated players *cough* from resorting to votekick to get a draw because of a lone holdout in such a situation.

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Re: Legion TD Mega: Make 2v4 or 3v1 auto-draw

Postby Anterro » Wed Jul 05, 2017 10:11 am

Adding: Normally people should be fair enough, to draw on their own.
But: So many times this happened to me, the other team wouldn't draw because they suddenly realized they would win a LOT of Elo if the remaining players are 1500+ like me. Therefore also causing a big loss of ELO for the remaining players.
And it often pisses people off so hard, that they refuse to draw in any future games. Like some kind of "revenge".
And that kind of destroys the game piece by piece.

So considering the sense of fairplay: Integrating an auto-draw when its a difference of more than 1 player between the teams, would be very nice ^^

Alternative: Integrating a new rule stating something like it.
Positive point: No need to create or change the code for auto-draws and test it some times to make sure it works. Also it's always risky to integrate more code to a program.
Negative: If people choose to ignore the rule, it's no draw --> Loss of Elo --> Pissed off players.
And also it would require to file a report because of it etc. --> More reports for the ENT-staff --> More workload.

But i definitely think, this would be a great enhancement.

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Re: Legion TD Mega: Make 2v4 or 3v1 auto-draw

Postby TinSoldier » Wed Jul 05, 2017 6:54 pm

been discussed many times before, any autodraw feature would be extremely easy to abuse (especially by high elo players wanting to boost themselves). If you are high elo and afraid to lose elo 3v4, i recommend playing on the 1200+ bot, where 90% of games are drawn if there is a dc

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Re: Legion TD Mega: Make 2v4 or 3v1 auto-draw

Postby Koby_Fish » Wed Jul 05, 2017 8:30 pm

TinSoldier wrote:been discussed many times before, any autodraw feature would be extremely easy to abuse (especially by high elo players wanting to boost themselves). If you are high elo and afraid to lose elo 3v4, i recommend playing on the 1200+ bot, where 90% of games are drawn if there is a dc

That only helps if you can MAKE IT to +1200, which can be hard to do with all the disconnecting and game ruining going on out there. Plus there's times hardly anybody is playing/joining +1200.

Auto-Draw would be something AUTOMATIC, triggered by a script in the code which would detect a disconnected player or players of a certain number on each side, COMPLETELY OUT OF PLAYER CONTROL. What do you mean Autodraw can be abused? Nobody gets ELO from a DRAW, do they?! That completely defeats the purpose of a draw. Why do you think people are willing to abuse votekick to get a draw?! TO AVOID LOSING ANY ELO. If draw doesn't prevent loss/gain of ELO, what the hell is DRAW even FOR?
Shoot, why not make any disconnect on ANY LTD, +1200 or not, auto-draw?

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Re: Legion TD Mega: Make 2v4 or 3v1 auto-draw

Postby TinSoldier » Wed Jul 05, 2017 10:33 pm

lets say two friends are on the same team, and they are about to lose a game. Friend 1 can leave or "dc" and take the 1 hour or 1 day ban to save friend 2 from losing elo.

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Re: Legion TD Mega: Make 2v4 or 3v1 auto-draw

Postby Koby_Fish » Wed Jul 05, 2017 11:21 pm

TinSoldier wrote:lets say two friends are on the same team, and they are about to lose a game. Friend 1 can leave or "dc" and take the 1 hour or 1 day ban to save friend 2 from losing elo.

In the grand scheme of things, tis a minor irritant compared to the problem it is meant to solve. However, I do not believe it is something that will catch on. I would rather have a do-over. In any event, my original idea is that NOT merely ONE disconnect will trigger auto-draw. So your scenario wouldn't apply. All it would end up being is 4v3 which won't be subject to Auto-Draw. Surely the coders are clever enough to exempt 4v3 scenario from auto-draw. I'm talking about extreme egregious scenarios, like 4v2 or 3v1. 3v3 and 2v2 should be exempt from auto-draw, as they're even. It should somehow be calculated where the difference in players per team is 2 or greater results in auto-draw.

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Re: Legion TD Mega: Make 2v4 or 3v1 auto-draw

Postby aRt)Y » Sun Jul 09, 2017 12:06 pm

The point of drawing is to have people channel their inner game spirit to decide when to draw.

It is not meant for a system to decide that.

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