Can't join Hero of the Empire Games

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Can't join Hero of the Empire Games

Postby tomoto » Wed Jul 05, 2017 6:25 pm

Hi. cant join this kind of games... Connecting to other hosts successful
Example (no connect):
Gamename: Hero of the Empire 1.22b
Bot name: Ent.Hosting9
Owner: bowenlian
Duration: 00:32:46
Map: 72_Hero_of_The_Emp.w3x

Example (ok connect):
Gamename: Gaias d3
Bot name: Ent.Hosting10
Owner: Ssj_Goten
Duration: 00:11:28
Map: GaiasORPG_v1_2D(3).w3x

What may be root cause? My version in last official Bnet.

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Re: Can't join Hero of the Empire Games

Postby Unitil » Wed Jul 05, 2017 9:02 pm


It would seem you're trying to join a game that is only available on the EuroBattle server. There are a number of hosting bots that are only available on the EuroBattle and/or the official Asia server.

If you'd like to see what bots are online for specific servers check out this link to a Google Spreadsheet I created. This sheet has a list of the ENT Bots, and what servers they are connected to. Do note, this sheet is not real time, and I update it at my leisure.

Google Sheet: ENT Bot Status

If a bot is not connected to your specific server you will not be able to connect to that game. You can wait out the 2 minute unhost timer, or you can switch your server to one that is connected to the game being hosted.

Hopefully that helps, and if you have any questions do not hesitate to ask.

Basic Tree
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Re: Can't join Hero of the Empire Games

Postby tomoto » Thu Jul 06, 2017 9:06 am

thanks for your feedback
but i can't even change location
when i trying "/w clanenterprise !location" - just get no reply. for this reason i can't host any games too. Seems this problem appeared after latest War3 patch.

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Re: Can't join Hero of the Empire Games

Postby Unitil » Thu Jul 06, 2017 1:48 pm

Try hosting on the site as whispers seem to be quite temperamental ever since they released 1.28.x

There is nothing that ENT can do to fix this since some times the whispers just don't go through to the bot itself. It is something that Classic Games/Blizzard did to their servers which broke the whisper system in general.

Basic Tree
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Re: Can't join Hero of the Empire Games

Postby tomoto » Thu Jul 06, 2017 2:10 pm

Yes i tried to host via
But result is always like this:
The game should be hosted shortly (the gamename is your forum username followed by two digits; you can change this with !pub NEW GAMENAME after you join the game). If it doesn't host, make sure that you don't already have hosted and that the selected map is valid.

GAMENAME: tomoto98

Note: if there are too many games hosted, your host request may be queued. You can check the queue status here.

But or game is no in list games.php or i can't join my game >.<

PS problem partially solved after i change Battlenet server to US West

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