[LTD] bumpimp, reques04, shatan, thunderstruck, badtown - different realms

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[LTD] bumpimp, reques04, shatan, thunderstruck, badtown - different realms

Postby Coditza_pufoasa » Sun Jul 16, 2017 9:01 am

Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=9569632
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega #60
Your Warcraft III Username: coditza_pufoasa
Violator's Warcraft III Username: bumpimp, reques04, shatan, thunderstruck
Violated Rule(s): Refused to kick afk
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): min 17:00
Any further thoughts:

Long story short: Me (blue) and badtown (red) were cross, me as builder, red as incomer. Before lvl 7 send, we noticed red was afk. We paused and asked for kick. Kick didn't passed, but we went along, hoping that red will come back. Since he was incomer, I thought he was bored and went tab. Before lvl 10, we asked again for kick, telling them red was still afk and it looked like he won't come back. They asked for draw, we agreed (at least I agreed). Neither the votekick, nor the draw passed. We asked again for kick on min. 27:15. Vote didn't passed again. Red was still afk.

Also, please kick badtown as well, since he went afk, causing all this trouble.

Thank you! :)

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Re: [LTD] bumpimp, reques04, shatan, thunderstruck, badtown - different realms

Postby Shatan » Sun Jul 16, 2017 9:46 am

"Generel Rules:
- Do not deceive players about rules in an attempt to get them banned/to force them to do something they are not obligated to. For example, telling users to draw or they would get banned is deceiving as drawing is a mere vote and not mandatory.
- Any form of votekick and !ff abuse."

Telling me to kick him or to get banned seems to be forbidden. Maybe think about this. I guess my offer to draw was quite fair.

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Re: [LTD] bumpimp, reques04, shatan, thunderstruck, badtown - different realms

Postby Hutzu » Sun Jul 16, 2017 9:57 am

Shatan wrote:"Generel Rules:
- Do not deceive players about rules in an attempt to get them banned/to force them to do something they are not obligated to. For example, telling users to draw or they would get banned is deceiving as drawing is a mere vote and not mandatory.
- Any form of votekick and !ff abuse."

Telling me to kick him or to get banned seems to be forbidden. Maybe think about this. I guess my offer to draw was quite fair.

You will get banned for sure. Going afk is against the rules, red broke that, you didn't vote -> you get banned. Offering him a draw is not an alternative option or something that gets you off the hook.
What he said is true, so it is not deceiving you at all.

If someone reports him, he will get banned as or at least get a warning as he didn't participate in the first votekick either.

There were 3 votekicks:
1) (12:14 / All) Captainmiddle: !votekick badtown

People who voted yes:
(12:19 / Allied) Thunderstruck: !yes
(12:20 / Allied) bumpimp: !yes
(12:23 / Allied) ReQues04: !yes

2) (17:00 / Allied) Coditza_pufoasa: !votekick bad

People who voted yes:
(17:07 / Allied) Thunderstruck: !yes
(17:23 / Allied) Captainmiddle: !yes

3) (27:15 / Allied) Captainmiddle: !votekick badtown

People who voted yes:
(27:22 / Allied) Coditza_pufoasa: !yes
(27:42 / Allied) Now-i-getit: !yes


How often did players not participate:
Coditza_pufoasa (OP): 1
Now-i-getit: 2
Captainmiddle: 0 (only one to vote on each vk)

bumpimp: 2
ReQues04: 2
Shatan: 3
Thunderstruck: 1 (the reason he didn't vote was because he was told that they would be at strategical disadvantage, so he doesn't know the rules and I would ban him to make him appeal and thus learn the rule)

Red of course gets banned for going afk.

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Re: [LTD] bumpimp, reques04, shatan, thunderstruck, badtown - different realms

Postby Shatan » Sun Jul 16, 2017 10:16 am

Could u show the the quote then, please? I just looked at ent wiki rules and i didnt find anything about a general duty to draw if someone is breaking a rule or is just afk.
Just wanna know for the future.

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Re: [LTD] bumpimp, reques04, shatan, thunderstruck, badtown - different realms

Postby Hutzu » Sun Jul 16, 2017 10:37 am

I think you didn't read what I wrote carefully. He didn't say that you guys needed to draw, he said you guys needed to votekick red.
Draw is not mandatory, that is correct.

http://wiki.entgaming.net/index.php?tit ... ng:VKRules
You are obligated to !votekick any player that has broken any of ENT's rules. If someone or several indicate that a particular player is game ruining, you, as a player in the game, are obligated to question/check about the situation/claim.
If a votekick is initiated to kick a visible game ruiner, all players are obligated to !yes.

Since he broke this rule, ALL (including his teammates) needed to vote yes in the votekick.
    Do not ruin the game on purpose:

    Do not teamkill (ex. blocking, maliciously using spells, destroying/hiding/stealing/massing items, selling towers, etc).
    Do not go away from keyboard for an excessive amount of time, especially without telling other players beforehand, and/or refuse to play the game in an attempt to ruin it. Neither are you allowed to grief by resetting the afk timer.
    Do not feed or suicide on purpose which negatively affects the game.
    Do not save or pause the game while playing in order to distract players and hinder gameplay.
    Do not ghost by leaking information to your enemies/opponents.
    Do not purposely glitch or exploit the game.
    If teammates shared control, do not abuse it.
These users thanked the author Hutzu for the post (total 3):
bezdak (Sun Jul 16, 2017 11:50 am) • Shatan (Sun Jul 16, 2017 10:58 am) • Merex (Sun Jul 16, 2017 10:49 am)

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Re: [LTD] bumpimp, reques04, shatan, thunderstruck, badtown - different realms

Postby Zheromer » Mon Jul 17, 2017 3:17 pm

Oke, unsure if i got a ban or not, but atleast i read the rule now. And thx for writing an explanation, there is not really time in a game to go and read the rules. And I dont know them by hearth.

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Re: [LTD] bumpimp, reques04, shatan, thunderstruck, badtown - different realms

Postby Keelay » Wed Jul 19, 2017 5:01 am

@Zheromer While you may or may not get a ban this time, ENT is a server in which people put time into creating games for this ol' timer game. Other Bots that you will find on Bat.net wont be as strict, but you'll have more trolls, leavers, and bug abusers. ENT has rules as a result to keep trolls in check. If you search ENT rules, you'll find this URL: http://wiki.entgaming.net/index.php?tit ... ming:Rules :) We appreciate you being here. Personally, I have this link bookmarked just in case, but it is a learning process. In general, players will receive a warning before getting banned unless it is a serious offence.
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Re: [LTD] bumpimp, reques04, shatan, thunderstruck, badtown - different realms

Postby bezdak » Thu Jul 20, 2017 12:46 pm

User Badtown banned for afk, 5 days.
User Shatan banned for refusing to kick a game ruiner and convincing teammates to not kick, 3 days.
Users Now-i-getit, bumpimp and ReQues04 warned for not kicking a game ruiner.

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