Unban request

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Unban request

Postby ilikeliy » Fri Aug 25, 2017 3:20 pm

Your Warcraft III username: ilikeliy
Realm/Gateway: europe.battle.net
Why are you banned: afk before level 1
Why you should be unbanned: never happened before, emergency IRL

Hi, can u please unban me, i was afk level 1 because i got an emergency IRL. It was the first time who happend to me, and i can't do nothing against that , it was unexpected. I know the rules and always play fair but it would be fine if you unban me. It is the first ban request against me and i can't count how many times i draw for the same reason i take this one and didn't report it.

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Re: Unban request

Postby bezdak » Fri Aug 25, 2017 3:42 pm

@ilikeliy hello,
You've been banned here for forfeit abuse. What can you say to that?
"Flame don´t make people play better" - Wolke

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Re: Unban request

Postby ilikeliy » Fri Aug 25, 2017 4:19 pm

In my point of view, it wasn't a forfeit abuse. I play for have fun and this game was all instead of a calm and sweat game.
Level 2 EGGSACK solo send, IC3 and EGGSACK get angry each other on team chat. On level 5, i was speaking about if we send or not and forget to up 1 archer ( and tell i was sry on chat ), then we hard leak king and no one took it, so king auto stomp. IC3 !ff to finish this game who all go wrong and i was thinking same so i did !ff. Can't say nothing more, if scrummm like to play game who we self tk send / build / king, i can understand and i respect that ! I am sorry for him to interrupt faster this game who wasn't so fun to me, EGGSACK and ICE.

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Re: Unban request

Postby bezdak » Fri Aug 25, 2017 4:26 pm

I'm gonna unban you, but keep in mind forfeiting a totally open game so early when not even losing a heal destroys the game not only for the fourth team member, but also for the enemy team that wants to play and not hoard ELO.


"Flame don´t make people play better" - Wolke

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