So, I tested some stuff in single player since it allows me to reproduce things multiple times, which is not possible in multiplayer, obviously. I had two replays but it doesn't seem like they were saved correctly, so I only have my last replay.
In the first replay, I tested level 1 to level 7, until I died (lol). I tested warrior send with AS and without AS, level 5 (no send) with AS and without AS, level 5 (with send) with AS and without AS and level 7 free hold with AS and without AS.
In the second replay (the one linked to this post), I started from level 7. I tested level 7 free hold again with AS and without AS, level 8 (no send) with AS and without AS, level 8 (with send) with AS and without AS and level 10 (furb + mass) with AS and without AS.
I always had a footmen yolo build, the same on the 2 lanes I tested. The conclusions resulting from those 2 games are the same. Here is the replay of the second game:
Level 7 free hold :The lane I antistucked held better both times I tested, one of those times, I achieved to get free hold, which can have a very big impact on the game if you are able to pull the creeps away from the king for a few seconds, for example. Free holding with 4 guards (960 value) is kinda insane.
The first time I tested, I managed to change the focus of the creeps when one of my unit got very low hp, which is exactly what Bezdak said about the demon changing focus. Feel free to watch the replay if you doubt of it. I think this is what allowed me to free hold.
- Changed creep's focus.png (478.32 KiB) Viewed 1094 times
On my second try, I splited the group of creeps in two, and one group came a little bit later than the rest, allowing me to hold better than the lane I didn't antistuck.
- Slowed creeps.png (402.09 KiB) Viewed 1094 times
Level 8 vs send :This is where I get most concerned about antistuck. I managed to do things that have a very very big impact on the game.
On my first try, I managed to get the commander stucked on the far end of the lane, so it would not attack and would give it's aura to very few creeps. On the screenshot I took, it is not very apparent, but I would encourage anyone to look at the replay, the commander behaves very strangely.
- Stucked commander.png (321.41 KiB) Viewed 1094 times
On the second try, I managed to change the pathing of a group of creeps. Not only did they changed direction drastically, but they also stopped attacking and clogged due to their collision box.
- Changed creep's pathing.png (642.09 KiB) Viewed 1094 times
Level 10 vs furb + mass :As I said before, antistuck on bosses is very easy and very effective, due to their very big hitbox. I claimed I could transform an ok spawn into a good spawn, here is the proof of my claims. I do not remember if it is the first, or the second try, but the order doesn't change anything.
I tried a early antistuck and managed to stuck a boss far behind the others. Result : easy boss snipe with guards!
- Stucked a boss behind.png (339.81 KiB) Viewed 1094 times
I also tried a late antistuck. I transformed what looked like an ok spawn into an actual good spawn.
- Ok spawn.png (300.13 KiB) Viewed 1094 times
- Good spawn.png (492.45 KiB) Viewed 1094 times
I got free hold on level 7, while the other lane, which I didn't antistuck, leaked 8 creeps. Level 7 spawns 30 creeps, so 8 creeps is more than 25% of level 7. Antistuck allowed me to hold over 25% of what I would have held! This is major!
I managed to change creep's focus and to isolate sends on level 8 and to change the spawn I got on level 10 from an ok spawn to a good spawn. Assuming you can do the same with demon, kraken, behemoth, etc. this can make the difference between a passive demon and an aggressive demon, hence making the difference between leaking and holding. This is also major!
My conclusions are : As far as I can see with the results I managed to obtain after one or two tries on some key levels, antistuck on creeps and sends can have a very big impact, hence the reason why it should be prohibited.