GetALifeB1tch, Pantera420, Riv3rSide, HairWeaveKilla EU

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GetALifeB1tch, Pantera420, Riv3rSide, HairWeaveKilla EU

Postby DrCoxie » Tue Sep 12, 2017 8:12 pm

Replay Link:
Game Name: [ENT] HELLHALT TD #73
Your Warcraft III Username:
Violator's Warcraft III Username: GetALifeB1tch, Pantera420, Riv3rSide, HairWeaveKilla
Violated Rule(s): kickvoting without making sure a rule is being broken for all of these four. GetALifeB1tch also lied to people about getting banned, repeatedly, if they didn't vote yes.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 10:46-11:03,14:28, 12:15, all through the replay really
Any further thoughts:
Got this reply from thinu: DrCoxie It all started with you being afk and failing to build for lvl2. At this point you were beyond recovery without going merc later. Also selling 440 value(losing 220) is not a good move.

getalifeb1tch Don't !votekick w/o telling why (1st !vk), and don't skip essential parts explaining the reason (2nd !vk), he didn't sell all his value, just rebuild it losing half.

I didn't ask you for a game analysis or advice, it's a ban request for someone who lied about game rules and directly threatened people with a ban several times as well as people who kick voted without questioning it further. Teal is the only one who followed the rules. Second opinion from someone who can actually read the replay chat and comment something relevant. In case it gets denied again I'd like to know just what the hell someone has to do in order to get banned for breaking these rules because right now it seems like one can start kick votes, lie about the reasons and threaten people who don't vote yes without punishment. If that's the case I'll start conducting myself accordingly.

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Re: GetALifeB1tch, Pantera420, Riv3rSide, HairWeaveKilla EU

Postby Merex » Tue Sep 12, 2017 11:31 pm

Fistly, no one aside from green will possibly be issued anything per mod policy, since a votekick didn't actually pass.

Secondly, green had every reason to believe you were throwing with -400 score and superlow value and since you've failed to communicate your situation and initiated this issue with an afk on level 2, you're at fault here. As far as this lying about the rules, there is none.

Your continued disrespect on the ENT staff is neither necessary nor appreciated. Don't want to see this type of behavior from you again.
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Re: GetALifeB1tch, Pantera420, Riv3rSide, HairWeaveKilla EU

Postby thinu » Tue Sep 12, 2017 11:49 pm

DrCoxie wrote:I didn't ask you for a game analysis or advice

That's free, no worries.

What you fail to grasp is, I did you a solid there. If any of this people banrequested you, you would receive a ban for game ruining by going AFK and failing to build. But we don't usually ban OP unless we have reason to believe he is doing brq to avoid his own ban, I gave you benefit of the doubt in such.
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