Is this allowed?

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Is this allowed?

Postby probusk » Mon Oct 02, 2017 2:44 pm

So in this game:
someone wrote "the game is now drawn" or whatever message appears when everyone type !draw, however this was a fake message, and the game was not actually drawn. This caused everyone to leave thinking the game was drawn, and the guy typing it was the only one left and picked up a free win.
pretty lame way to gather free wins if you ask me lmao.

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Re: Is this allowed?

Postby Unitil » Mon Oct 02, 2017 2:55 pm

Hi @probusk

Unfortunately this is a person who has been dodging a ban for doing this exact same thing.

We will include this alias, and on a range ban topic. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

I will put this under "Processed Requests" as technically this individual broke a rule, and is currently dodging a ban. If you ever run into someone doing this in the future, I recommend making an official ban request.

Also, if you visit our wiki Game Rules page you can see the rules we have within this community, and the one he had broken.

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