Replay Link:
Game Name: [ENT] Civilization Wars #99
[ENT] Civilization Wars #0
Your Warcraft III Username: Noobmagnet
Violator's Warcraft III Username:
Violated Rule(s): Votekick abuse, deacting all units, trolling...
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
Any further thoughts:
in game [ENT] Civilization Wars #99
- Votekick abuse
- deacting all camps and pretending to be afk
Some chat:
(03:37 / All) Skill@Check: RED NIB REPORT
(03:53 / All) Kolard: yep
(03:53 / Allied) Noobmagnet: fight mid
(03:55 / Allied) Noobmagnet: kill it
(03:56 / All) Kolard: 2k gold
(03:58 / All) Kolard: does nothing
in [ENT] Civilization Wars #0
- Pretending to be afk
- Deacting all units
Some Chat:
(19:54 / All) djddkdi: ff
(19:59 / Allied) djddkdi: top
(20:01 / Allied) djddkdi: type
(20:02 / Allied) djddkdi: ff
(20:03 / Allied) Noobmagnet: why ur a troll
(20:05 / Allied) Noobmagnet: purp
(20:08 / Allied) kuhntheboss: ??
(20:10 / Allied) Noobmagnet: gonna report you
(20:23 / Allied) kuhntheboss: purp help me
(20:27 / Allied) djddkdi: top
(20:29 / Allied) djddkdi: type
(20:30 / Allied) djddkdi: ff
(20:38 / Allied) Noobmagnet: i took his ownder
(20:39 / Allied) Noobmagnet: now he cries
(20:47 / Allied) kuhntheboss: no i like my record
(20:55 / Allied) Noobmagnet: 3k gold
(20:55 / Allied) Noobmagnet: afk
(21:06 / Allied) Noobmagnet: !votekick djd
(21:06 / All) TJc: A votekick against player [djddkdi] has been started by player [Noobmagnet]. 3 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(21:06 / All) TJc: Type !yes to vote.
(21:06 / All) TJc: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(21:08 / All) Noobmagnet: 3k gold afk
(21:11 / Allied) kuhntheboss: !yes
(21:11 / All) TJc: Player [kuhntheboss] voted to kick player [djddkdi]. 2 more votes are needed to pass.
(21:13 / All) djddkdi: !no
(21:17 / All) djddkdi: yellow
(21:18 / All) Noobmagnet: he trolling
(21:20 / All) djddkdi: bad noob
(21:42 / All) Noobmagnet: 4k gold
(21:46 / All) djddkdi: ?
This guys ghosts on multiple accounts, starts troll then reloggs on another acc..
For example right now he is online with
Moderator: ENT Staff
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