HHTD just another one...

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HHTD just another one...

Postby peeweegunz » Tue Oct 17, 2017 1:45 am

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 910509.w3g
Game Name: HellHalt TD
Your Warcraft III Username: Peeweegunz
Violator's Warcraft III Username: kguil + perry4464 + joj0 + jvstm
Violated Rule(s): Do not solo send + you are obligated to kick a player who breaks the rules.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): entire game.
Any further thoughts:
Kguil solo sent every single level from 2 and onward, i stopped communicating with him cause he obviously wasn't listening and did my own thing in an attempt to win the game.

Request was made to kick him, and opposite team was given reason and a fair warning of what would happen if they refused to kick.

(07:35 / Allied) peeweegunz: !votekick kguil
(07:45 / All) peeweegunz: he has been solo sending every round
(07:51 / All) peeweegunz: you are obligated to kick him
(08:01 / All) joj0: orly
(08:11 / All) peeweegunz: or you will also risk getting banned
(08:19 / All) joj0: oh boy
(08:34 / All) KguiL: A votekick against player [KguiL] has expired.
(08:36 / All) peeweegunz: well i dont care, its your account

(08:39 / All) sherbooz: plz kick him
(08:52 / All) sherbooz: !votekick kguil

multiple attempts were made to kick, but every single player on the enemy team refused to pass the kick.

clear cut case of team killers and people who don't give a F about the rules.

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Re: HHTD just another one...

Postby Arcanium » Tue Oct 17, 2017 5:11 am

Hi @peeweegunz

When filling out time of violation, "entire game" or "whole game" or anything along those lines isn't really acceptable. We expect you to provide us with time time(s) of violation(s) or even levels so that we can quickly skip to those times (or levels). Although you did say that he sent from lvl 2 onward so I appreciate that.

After review

Solo Sends
Note: First time mentioned on each round was his first unit, second time was when the last unit was sent

Level 2 1:50 - 3:13 Ghoul / Archer
Level 3 4:13 - 5:24 Ghoul / 2 Militia / Archer
Level 4 6:34 - 7:26 Grunt / Militia / Archer

He was warned after the first instance of solo send, and then the second instance until he was asked to votekick on the third
Players on enemy team were aware obviously of the solo sends and were asked to kick him.

Code: Select all

(07:31 / All) sherbooz: can we kick yellow?
(07:35 / All) sherbooz: he is sending and not responding
(07:45 / All) peeweegunz: he has been solo sending every round
(07:51 / All) peeweegunz: you are obligated to kick him
(08:39 / All) sherbooz: plz kick him

(07:35 / All) KguiL: A votekick against player [KguiL] has been started by player [peeweegunz]. 4 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(07:38 / All) KguiL: Player [sherbooz] voted to kick player [KguiL]. 3 more votes are needed to pass.

No vote: Jvstm / joj0 / perry4464

(08:52 / All) KguiL: A votekick against player [KguiL] has been started by player [sherbooz]. 4 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(09:00 / All) KguiL: Player [peeweegunz] voted to kick player [KguiL]. 3 more votes are needed to pass.

No vote: Jvstm / joj0 / perry4464

kugil@europe.battle.net should be banned for solo sending.
jvstm@useast.battle.net, joj0@useast.battle.net, perry4464@asia.battle.net should be banned for refusing to votekick.
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Re: HHTD just another one...

Postby peeweegunz » Tue Oct 17, 2017 2:43 pm

Is timestamp really necessary, when i state that he literally solo sends on levels: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,arena,11,12,13,14,15 ?
anyway, thanks for the review.

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Re: HHTD just another one...

Postby Arcanium » Wed Oct 18, 2017 7:36 am

peeweegunz wrote:Is timestamp really necessary, when i state that he literally solo sends on levels: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,arena,11,12,13,14,15 ?
anyway, thanks for the review.

RedMercedes wrote:Although you did say that he sent from lvl 2 onward so I appreciate that.

Don't worry, I knew.
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Re: HHTD just another one...

Postby Arcanium » Sun Oct 29, 2017 12:14 pm

Banning kguil 3 days for solo sending.
Banning jvstm, joj0 and perry4464 1 day for refusing to vote !yes.

"Being an asshole is always fun" -Haunt 2k17

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