[CW] Poke uswest + thegreypilgrim$ useast

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[CW] Poke uswest + thegreypilgrim$ useast

Postby Sylval » Tue Oct 31, 2017 12:24 am

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 966556.w3g
Game Name: Civilization wars
Your Warcraft III Username: Joking_priest /sylval
Violator's Warcraft III Username: Poke and TheGreyPilgrim$
Violated Rule(s): Poke first stole my lane, then Poke and Pilgrim ff to end the game making me lose elo on purpose : I was to play mid anyway, I just asked to draw cause I don't like to be forced to do something.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): Game was paused, it didn't even start ...
Any further thoughts: You can't ff like this, I am sure it is against the rules.

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Re: [CW] Poke uswest + thegreypilgrim$ useast

Postby Frothin » Tue Oct 31, 2017 4:29 am

The guy is full of crap. There was absolutely no malicious intent in anything that happened.

Someone took botlane not realizing that it was claimed. Then people got tired of waiting for someone to return to draw (can't draw with 2 afk), so we just ff to end the pain. Didn't realize people actually care about elo.

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Re: [CW] Poke uswest + thegreypilgrim$ useast

Postby Sylval » Wed Nov 01, 2017 7:44 am

Responding to Frothin's original message :

"The guy is full of crap. There was absolutely no malicious intent in anything that happened.

Someone took botlane not realizing that it was claimed. Then people got tired of waiting for someone to return to draw (can't draw with 2 afk), so we just ff to end the pain. Didn't realize people actually care about elo."

Response :
After that many games, you didn't realize people play for elo ? Stop playing the innocent guy and stop being a sophist (syllogisms don't work on me : ff is not equal to draw, and that is a fact). Moreover, it is interesting to note that you first write "someone took botlane [...]", then write "we" further in your reaction. It is easy to infer that "someone" is you Poke. And that you just acknowledged that you did something wrong with this linguistic manoeuvre. I must say, I can't stand manipulators like you : "people got tired" --> only you and pilgrim got tired, you didn't even wait a few mins for the opposite players to come back.

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Re: [CW] Poke uswest + thegreypilgrim$ useast

Postby Quetra » Wed Nov 01, 2017 2:16 pm


It is ff abuse because it wasn't your team that suffered from the afk players, so there was no reason to lose elo for your team. FF is supposed to be used when there is no chance of winning.

I will however only give a warning since it wasn't possible to draw the game or for the other team to ff, and there wasn't malicious intent as a result. Still, it is not fair for the 3rd player to lose elo when the game could have been won for your team.

As for the lane stealing, it's generally a rude thing to do, but not against the rules.


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