[LTD] unban

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[LTD] unban

Postby jojogobbels » Sun Nov 12, 2017 10:23 pm

Your Warcraft III username: fcukingtrash
Realm/Gateway: east
Why are you banned: leaver ban from autobanex
Why you should be unbanned: I did not want the game to start so I clicked exit game with 2 seconds left. The game glitched because it attempted to launch and wc3 was subesquently closed. I would expect them to draw 4v3 as soon as the game started.
I played for a few games before logging on and seeing i had a lengthy ban for leaving. As this was the only time I had "left" whether or not it be my fault or not, I thought this was kind of stern, but I figured whatever.. It's set to expire at 15:51 eastern time.. When i logged on today to check I see it's now 19:51 eastern time! 4 hours was added on? I don't think I really deserved a ban in the first place, and now it seems like it keeps getting longer and longer. I promise to try hard not to join lobbys of games i don't plan on being in moving forward, but I would like to be able to play at least for a few hours this weekend. Thank you for your time.

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Re: [LTD] unban

Postby CheW » Sun Nov 12, 2017 11:59 pm



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