I don't feel that you saying the better user will get an advantage is a reason one way or another, that's how competitive gameplay works. If you aren't good at antistucking units, get better at it, it isn't the fault of the game that you (i don't mean you literally) aren't good.[/quote]
It is bad because antistuck shouldn't be part of the gameplay, it is tool to antistuck units that are stuck and that is the only reason why it was implemented and it would not be here if units didnt actually get stuck.
Legion TD should reward game knowledge, building skill and decision making, not exploiting tools implemented for reaons other than gameplay. Rewarding better AS user is just like rewarding better maphack user.
I just don't get it, AS depenalization doesn't make sense for me, breaking almost any other rule looks in my eyes much better than using AS since these things at least always were part of the game
-if using AS isn't exploiting game mechanic how building delay bigger than 120 value is?
-if using AS isn't exploiting game mechanic how splitting units on race lvl is?
-if using AS isn't exploiting game mechanic how king juggling is?
Lets see what was your reasoning in first post
Reasons AS rules should be changed for 1v1:
1. Many people might be unaware of the no antistuck in 1v1 rules because they are different from normal LTD rules.
-Do not build over 120 value of delay towers.
-Do not intentionally split towers to delay leaking on a level you have sent.
I am 100% sure that most of people who dont know about AS rule dont know about these rules too because of same reasons and yet I dont see anyone trying to remove these rules
2. Unlike most rule-breaking, it can be completely game changing in essentially two clicks, there's no "oh, won't happen again" if it goes on 31.
-Do not intentionally split towers to delay leaking on a level you have sent.
splitting towers is literally 2 clicks, building hydra, tot or magna delay is 3 clicks and it is even worse sometimes because u dont know if other player cheat unless u watch replay
3. Should one person break the rule, there is no counter-play for the opposing player other than waiting, likely accepting a loss (of ELO as well), and then reporting after the fact.
-well you can say same thing obut almost any other rule, u cant counter splitting on race lvl or building over 120 value delay in even game(u can have big value and just hold enemy send but u can do same thing lvl 31 with 2-3k value more and saved lumber for 32,33), u cant do anything if player leak 19 with full king after your 18 send and hard juggle to send hard 20
4. As two people pointed out in this BRQ: viewtopic.php?f=24&p=468975#p468975 even without AS being used, the sending of blood orcs and ghouls essentially makes round 31 a dice roll anyway, so banning it didn't make things more competitive in the first place.
that is a reason to change game mechanics not to allow exploiting, if lvl31 even is a problem.
I dont see reason to keep other rules if we allow using AS.
and finally what are adventages of allowing exploiting over banning for as or disabling as with new mode in 1v1?