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Postby n1ll3 » Tue Nov 28, 2017 3:52 pm

So its impossible for me to change / help or improve this league and im lazy to explain every single step i do. So im out here
For an example i talked to fate over 2 hours and unbanned him, what is still the right decision for me... So i wont spend more time for this shit and even feel bad for every post because some dick allways feels treaten unfair.

Ahhhh and before i go now:
Top Players: Magic; 1007; Tom_Hardy; Ranzkopp; Fate; Tinsoldier; Dafuker; Ilocos_norte
Near to Top / High Potentional: Crey; Teach_rolls; sude; Legionsenpai; Kreutertee; Mick; occupyw.street; avadakedavra; diablo_; fogey; wolke
Upper Average: Nore; Ace_of_spades; Hazardous; Hugmeonce; pimminator; ztx)fiji; kiwilekiller; don_killuminati; cryptonox; nicolaisen; 1006; artmas
Average: Varg; Broud3r; wani9311; xfiend; anda; marshmallows; meshtarius;; fanatismo; achillesgr; vendeta; fckcptlsm; elektro-
Lower Average: Halp, Escavalon; clearfluids; Beastman; b0retk.panda; bezdak; michonne; brrj_s.dragon; supremebeing; thizzordie; 7yeahs; bigm; ba_fail; da_pwnerer; trancedout;; yumyumdodo;
Not lihl lvl: Joesakic; thor_god; Inq; plastikoteastro; mindmachine; krocis; jason-; mr.frodo; iiiketurtles; jamo

EDIT: You are all overrated

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Postby dweiler » Tue Nov 28, 2017 4:10 pm

I take it this is your way of stopping as a moderator? That's a shame, because I think you did a good job, and always had reasonable and well-thought opinions in the mod section.

I tried to delete this, for your own sake, but you posted it again, so I guess you want people to see this. If people want to comment, please do so on n1ll3 stopping, we don't want another discussion on the list again :)
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Postby Jamo » Tue Nov 28, 2017 4:17 pm

I really don't wanna see you quit. That's sad and is certainly not the idea of any conversation that happened here in the last days. We are always talking about making moderation more transparent, but this also includes that players need to say what is unclear to them. Also without you Mods being offended when there is constructive criticism (And I think Kreut's post is quite constructive enough to deserve at least one or two sentences as an explanatory answer).
Can't you understand that it looks strange when someone with Fate's history gets an instant revouch 2 minutes after his post in which all he says is "i rq, sry wont happen again" and all you say is "ok, 3 days now so i will revouche you".

That's all we see from our perspective, nothing more. Wouldn't that also look strange to you if you weren't a Mod? We just wanna understand why you judged like you did. I understand that you don't wanna write 5 sentence long summaries for each of the little cases that you judge, would be a waste of time. As a Mod, we should also give you some credibility and trust your judgement. But then, this has to be communicated better imo.

Just my 2 cents, don't quit because of this please!

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Postby n1ll3 » Tue Nov 28, 2017 4:19 pm

Yes as i mentioned in the lihl discord group i will stop as a moderator. Thx Mick im sure the moderation team also with Anda now will do a great job. Maybe this will never be a competitive league or a league with a real elo system but im sure i can still enjoiy to play this from time to time
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Postby Diablo_ » Tue Nov 28, 2017 5:06 pm

I as mod. Thanks for your work and sad to see you leave due to these crazy reactions over a relatively harmless post.
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Postby KiwiLeKiller » Tue Nov 28, 2017 5:13 pm

Sorry to ear that @n1ll3, you did a great job as a mod.

I hope people will understand now that their reactions and behavior, all together, have a larger impact than what they think. It is sad to lose a moderator when LIHL needs it the most.
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Postby inQ » Tue Nov 28, 2017 5:19 pm

I don't see what the big deal about this list is. This is your personal opinion and I don't know what you planned on doing with the list but if it was for good intentions (improving league) maybe you should have explained it first. Anyways, thx for the hard work! You were a decent mod. Peace out!

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Postby FadingSuns » Tue Nov 28, 2017 6:01 pm

I got the same feeling as u got n1ll3. I never expected someone to tell me "good job" but at least respect my decissions and not judge every single move done. I also so fed of deal with all the trash generated on the community and get the only reward as hate and accusations of biased movements. So ye, after 2 days of meditation, im also out this moderation team, i am not shamed by any decission/action i made since i know that everything i did was with the intention to apply fairness and a minimum behave basis for all of us.

I dont tolerate posts like mesthar did about my style, i dont tolerate to be personal insulted by thizz just because in my view he is below lihl lvl, so if thats it the reward im getting i just prefer to stay out this and just be one more member like the rest.

I just hope many ppl is happy with both us leaving, since seemed we were the black sheeps of moderation team, lets say the good ones will remain, so i guess its ok.


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Postby nicolai123 » Tue Nov 28, 2017 6:13 pm

N1ll3 was the hero we needed but didn't deserve rip in pepperoni

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Postby Meshtar » Tue Nov 28, 2017 6:26 pm

This will be perceived as hitting the man while he is down I suppose, but I will still comment, don't really give a fuck anymore. Once again, I think you are an excellent player and a nice, mannered guy and next to 1007 you would be always my first pick for any team. Sadly though, I think you weren't a good moderator due to inactivity and some other things I'd rather leave out. The list was a fail and I really don't want to repeat all the arguments for it. After seeing the reaction from community and that it quick turned into a running joke, people referring to each other by their ranking in that list, you should have publicly said, ok I made a rash decision I am sorry about it and we could have been done with it.
Instead, you are now acting as if we hurt you somehow and you are basically telling us all to go fuck ourselves with this post, by putting up that list again?

Your intentions to make lihl more competitive are positive and I think most players will be for it, myself included, but it needs to be done with more finesse, not by publicly calling people crap players, because believe it or not, those "unfit for lihl" and "lower average" players make 80% of the lobbies atm. So yeah kick them out and see lihl die to inactivity.
Believe it or not I want to help lihl become more competitive and more fun to play for all, why the fuck else would I bother making these essays? Its the same 10 people over and over commenting on forum and contributing to everything that happens, trying to make changes and to propose new better solutions for everything, everybody else just posts reports or appeals.
Anyway man, try not to take this the wrong way, I do see you as an asset to lihl in every way, being a moderator just wasn't your thing.

End of essay,
Peace out

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Postby FadingSuns » Tue Nov 28, 2017 6:33 pm

Mesthar will u ever learn when to shut the fuck up?

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Postby Meshtar » Tue Nov 28, 2017 6:34 pm

I guess the same day when you learn some basic manners Ace

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Postby FadingSuns » Tue Nov 28, 2017 6:35 pm

U got the feeling u always in possesion of thruth and that u always need to say the last word? who do u fken think u are to tell nille that moderation was not his thing? srsly, who the fk are u?

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Postby Meshtar » Tue Nov 28, 2017 6:53 pm

FadingSuns wrote:U got the feeling u always in possesion of thruth and that u always need to say the last word? who do u fken think u are to tell nille that moderation was not his thing? srsly, who the fk are u?

Man how do you not see the whole point...

You and n1ll3 are (were, I don't know) moderators and I publicly posted my opinion about your skills as moderators and just look how that makes you both feel? Unappreciated, like crap, angry and god knows what else and finally you are telling me who the fuck i think I am by posting this? That was the whole point!
Its how you two made all those players feel by telling them they are bad players and they are not fit for this league. Its the same god damn thing. It doesn't matter what your intentions were, but what your post did. You think they didn't feel the same way you do now?

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Postby FadingSuns » Tue Nov 28, 2017 6:57 pm

Its not about feelings but i see ur not enought smart to differentiate it. We do this task of clean the shit from this community freely, with 0 reward, investing freetime. Moreover, we are mods with approval of community, that means we can expect to take hard decissions without being judged, thats why were hhere. U pretend to sit on my sofa and tell me how i do? LOL. Go talk about my skills in game, im not here to be judged by u. But mods are here to judge players. Yet u cant see the difference?

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