Already since quite some time I have some small suggestions and advices in mind about things that bother me and that could maybe improve the Moderator-to-Player (or Player-to-Moderator, whatever, just meaning the general relation between both) experience. Because that is what I think is really bad on certain levels here recently and could be the root of a lot of misunderstanding lately.
In order to improve this, I think we need to understand two things first:
1: Players want to understand how the league is being moderated! And in order to do so, the moderating team needs to act as one unity and follow guidelines that are comprehensible for the Players. That's why I think the recent Penalty catalogue Mick put here is a really good step! Because when penalties and other stuff feels arbitrary, then Players start saying Mods are biased. So I see guidelines like this and more clear rules as suggested below as a way to protect you Moderators from false accusations (especially the being biased thing...) of others and also it help to prevent creating a bad or confused picture of you in the Players head. And when those things are clear to us, then this should help to easier trust you when you judge cases that are not as clear and can't be handled with simple rules.
2: Moderators expect a certain credit of trust from us, the Players! Moderators were not really voted democratically from the Player Pool, but they volunteered to help making this league possible. And when they applied, everybody could say what they think of their application. But once a Mod is approved, we should in the first place rely on them acting unbiased and in favor of the league and not just themselves! However, this trust can be lost, for example when in-game behavior doesn't fit to their Moderator role or especially when Players do not understand their judgement.
That being said, I first want to stress now that I highly appreciate every Moderators effort he is giving to LIHL. And when I make a suggestion or try to give advice now that affect the Moderator's job, then I don't want to blame anyone but rather try to learn from how things evolved in the past. Please keep that in mind, Thanks!
1. Don't handle your own cases!
For me, this is the most crucial point. You don't want to be called biased? Then don't handle your own reports. I never understood why this should be possible, I do not know this from anywhere else exactly because of this bias problem. And this has nothing to do with whether we trust you Mods or not. You are also Players, you also experience the heat of the moment, and yes, you also do mistakes like everyone does. And nothing lowers your credibility in front of us more than if a decision you made has to be withdrawn and if the penalty you apply feels arbitrary to us. Because also the Players are biased, they like some Mods more than others etc. And if someone they maybe don't like that much does something they cannot completely follow and might be in their disadvantage, then the drama begins. So imo Mods should just write a report like everyone else and let it be handled by a third opinion. You just have to live with the fact that it might take a while to be handled, but we all have to. Again, this just prevents you from false accusations!
2. Change the appeal system.
If I could decide, I would simply get rid of it completely. People do mistakes, you apply a penalty, they pay for it and that's it. No further corrections needed, keep it simple, avoid drama and discussion. However, I can see the point why you would want to keep it. When people have their first (maybe minor) offense for example. But if you want to keep it, I would include this new rule: You cannot appeal before 50% of the ban time has passed! Maybe also after 2 or 3 bans for similar reasons (flame, rq) you lose the right to appeal at all.
Why? Because penalties should hurt nonetheless, otherwise people won't learn anything. And on top of that, it makes you Moderators look weak when you first apply a penalty, but then reverse it after only a fraction of the time has passed. Your whole arguing about that penalty time then doesn't feel sound at all! Especially if Moderator 1 does the ban, and Moderator 2 reverses it relatively quickly. It just looks strange to the outside, no matter your positive idea behind it. And imo this is something you really want to avoid! On top of that, a completely heartless half-sentence appeal without any punctuation or grammar should never be approved. And if so, I expect at least one or two sentences of the Moderators why it is approved. Most of the times this is done, sometimes it's not, and then, in some cases everybody is just shaking his head asking what's happening.
So again, I think changing the appeal system helps you Moderators to avoid false accusations of biasness and unfair judgement and protects you. And when with such easy things one can avoid this, it is a good thing. Because there are enough cases, which cannot put into simple rules. And on those we have to trust your judgement, which won't work when we already shake our head about the easy ones from time to time.
3. Penalties for misbehavior in chats (forum, Discord).
Especially recently, but also over the past 2(?) years I am playing here I have seen accusations and misbehavior here, that's just insane. You all know what I am talking about and imo nobody has to let anyone talk to himself like that. This is valid for player-to-player discussions as well as Player-to-Moderator talks (I expect this doesn't happen from Moderator to Player). And I think nobody has the right to talk this toxic to anyone. If someone can't express himself without being completely rude and insulting, then imo one can certainly apply in-game bans. Imo the Mods can be much more strict about this and enforce some better behavior from us players. (Again, this should be done as a report, which then a different Mod handles if it's a Player-to-Mod case instead of a Player-to-Player case.)
Those are my suggestions for now. I wanna add some small pieces of advice to Mods and Players, which I think is risky, but whatever. I just ask to maybe think about these things for a moment. I do not say that you have to agree to everything.
Some Advice to the Mods
I know, I am not a Mod and it's hard to give advice on something one has never experienced by himself. So I wanna be especially careful here. Again, don't get me wrong, I just wanna point out a bit what I think was lacking recently and could maybe help.
1. First of all I think the Mods have to be more aware of their role and their public image. You cannot purely behave and post here like a player. When you post something, this will have more weight in every sense, if you like that or not. And also your moderator status should be reflected in your actions and how you behave in-game.
2. Sometimes I feel like you need to develop some more finess (in german I would say Fingerspitzengefühl). You have to understand how your actions are perceived by us players. So for example, if you have to handle a case of someone you are acquainted with, maybe point out a bit more clearly why you did something or not. Or, let someone else handle the case.
3. I would love to see you act more as a unified front. A Team! This means on the one hand, you should not discuss critical things too open in public. It makes you look like you have no idea how you should handle things. So what are we players supposed to think of that? Of course you can have different opinions and discuss on forum. But at some point your opinions should match, otherwise everything looks completely arbitrary again. And if they don't, find out why behind the curtains in your admin chat, not here in public, and come back with a clear statement.
4. Maybe be a bit more open to criticism. Sometimes I have the feeling when something is critizied, you often just block your mind because you think you are being offended personally. But even if you think it's wrong, try to understand why something was criticized and reflect on yourself. I often don't know when I post something here meant as constructive criticism on whatever topic, if you immediately think that I do not valuate your work. It's a bit similar to the "biased" club Players swing very fast, that Mods swing the "I do this in my free time so do not critisize me" club. So I really hope also this thread is not perceived in a wrong way. Of course all this goes in hand with the behavior of us Players. If it's just shit talking, then I come to the next point again one more time:
5. Don't let others talk to you like shit! People need show you respect. Discussions can always be made but in a constructive way. Otherwise, penalize them. I mean, you know that better than me. I just want to point out that I am on your side with this

Some Advice to the Players
1. Really, relax more! In german I would say "So wie man in den Wald schreit, so schreit es auch zurück". Meaning, if you misbehave in front of someone, you can't expect the other one to behave normal in front of you. So get your shit together if you want to be respected.
2. It's not all about you. Try being more objective sometimes. Same way you call Mods biased, you are also biased when your case is handled.
3. Offer our Mods some trust. They are not here to make your life hard and punish you. They are here to help out and lead the league in a good direction. So if a decision was made against your favor, you should also reflect on it instead of flaming all around and being toxic.
I think that's enough for now.
Peace out,
ps: I just wanted to be the new Essay master. Sorry @Meshtar