Decay poll

Moderator: LIHL Staff

Should a decay system be implemented in the LIHL?

Poll ended at Sat Jun 29, 2013 8:35 am

Total votes: 13

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Re: Decay poll

Postby willie64 » Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:13 pm

Noone mentioned any extreme measures; you can quote me but im not even at liberty to make a decision how much the decay will be. The 10% above 1k elo was a meare thought of mine. The actual elo drop is a matter of debate for when the poll is a pass. I Think there should be a decay and it should be implented on next season. If you want to play a few games and afk the rest of the month then lihl isnt the game to play? And yes I still think the decay should be high since a season only last for 8~9 weeks (2 months). Dropping 10% > 40 elo @ 1400, 30 @ 1300, 20 @ 1200, isnt ALOT... you could implement a rule that everyone above 1200 should drop 10% also. So many variations can be implemented. The reason people below 1k elo shouldnt decay elo is to keep the game more elo balanced (imagine people with 600 elo decaying, it will make people with higher elo dodge even more games!!)

Eitherway ill drop out of the discussion. The admins should do as they want. I just think its not worthy to have no elo decay if people just avoid/dodge games to stay top ranked. Im not elo whoring and not aiming for #1. Im being realistic I wont reach that position. I like competitive play style and that is why I play. Improving day by day hoping to reach the top 10. I just want to see people to play more actively and show that they can earn nr 1 spot for a full season (not a part of it)

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Re: Decay poll

Postby Feor » Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:58 pm

Willie we don't want you to drop the discussion as you said. My starting opinion was yes in favour of the decay ( under particular conditions ). I would support the decay only if it took under consideration the total of the games of each players as well as recent activity, and only if the decay is active for everyone in the league, regardless elo. Full equality..

However the issue is that instead of people trying to actually make well put arguments to support their opinions they prefer to go name hunting for an easy way of getting into the spotlight of the conversation.

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Re: Decay poll

Postby willie64 » Fri Jun 28, 2013 4:26 pm

Its pointless to dicuss; my opinion is given and I dont feel like pushing my opinion into others. I think i`ve done my part of showing what i`d prefer. Yes a balanced way of decaying is best, based on activity but how do you measure that? I think everyone should cast their final vote within a couple of days and the admins need to discuss wether we do or do not implement a decay system. Eitherway ill keep playing.

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Re: Decay poll

Postby dweiler » Sat Jun 29, 2013 8:41 am

The poll has ended. 8-5 for no decay system, so no decay system will be implemented. Thanks for all of your input.
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Re: Decay poll

Postby BoretkPanda » Tue Dec 12, 2017 7:52 pm


so yes in my opinion we nee sth like that

not sure in which way since i think punish people for been 1 week afk is to hard - there can always happen stuff. but maybe sth like after 14+ Days of not playin u get some - Elo.

but if we get 2 weeks+ it needs some more elo. and furthermore we need to create a system how it continues after those 2 weeks.

for example: afk 14 Days: -50
after that u get -10 for every 3 day u still afk

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Re: Decay poll

Postby Meshtar » Tue Dec 12, 2017 8:03 pm

Panda the Necromancer :D

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Re: Decay poll

Postby FateStayNight » Tue Dec 12, 2017 8:10 pm

why i never saw these kind of polls?

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Re: Decay poll

Postby dweiler » Tue Dec 12, 2017 8:11 pm

Digging this up makes me feel really old :lol: Back when life still was simple.. :roll:
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Re: Decay poll

Postby BoretkPanda » Tue Dec 12, 2017 8:17 pm

Meshtar wrote:Panda the Necromancer :D

we just talked about that at discord

thats why

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