[LOD] inquisitor-@useast

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[LOD] inquisitor-@useast

Postby kunkka » Wed Dec 13, 2017 2:52 pm

Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=10126999
Game Name: lod
Your Warcraft III Username: divine.rapist
Violator's Warcraft III Username: inquisitor-
Violated Rule(s): throwing by using rhasta ult on ancient, refusing to team play, insulting language
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
there were more timestamps of him wasting ult to farm ancient. 42:10 chat time was the 2nd one. I couldn't remember the exact time of the first one but when u play the replay u'll see mass ping when he dropped that ult.

He took solo mid but refused to come with team for gank or pushing. He ignored all teammates. And here is the reason why he did all of the above.

(21:42 / Allied) THE_BEST_PLAYER: who was mid
(21:44 / Allied) THE_BEST_PLAYER: teal?
(21:46 / Allied) OMFG-Boom: i have last word
(22:00 / Allied) divine.rapist: mr 0-4
(22:04 / Allied) inquisitor-: nigger
(22:05 / Allied) inquisitor-: !ignore div
(22:32 / Allied) inquisitor-: noobs
(22:33 / Allied) inquisitor-: need to farm
(22:36 / Allied) inquisitor-: and stop pushing
Last edited by kunkka on Wed Dec 13, 2017 8:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [LOD] inquisitor-@useast

Postby mael » Wed Dec 13, 2017 7:42 pm

Please view parts of this replay before making any decision. I will also be posting for votekick abuse.

Within this game my hero of AA turned out to be very soft. I was one of the BEST team players continuously warding and supporting team. As the game progressed my hero became less and less useful as the MC Relo was able to kill me with 1/2 spells keeping my level and my farm extremely low. Prior to this I was involved in most team fights but was often killed before I could be of any use. In one particular instance I was trying to lay serpent wards to take mid tower but died very easily. After this death and a score of about 2-8 I decided I had to farm both a euls (to cyclone upon omniknights snowball) and a dagger (to shift cue away from omniknights snowball after landing from euls) otherwise I would never be strong enough or have enough survivability to make it to rax to ulti. These items both proved their value late in the game as I made numerous evasions from ganks I would normally have died to and clearly made an enormous difference in winning the game as my ulti took almost all rax. Check out my game history, I don't throw in LOD. LOD is a bad game for some builbs being very tough and this is a simple and obvious example.

In terms of farming ancients I did this with full intent. Watch replay and you will see I keep trying to stack ancients to make my ulti worth it for both gold and XP. I had to level my ulti and MC as scourge had multiple kraken (or something) that made my wards a joke in team fights and they kept farming them for gold. I knew my ulti would only be useful for pushing towers not for killing heros. My team was also farming woods so it was very difficult for me to farm as entering a lane made my hero visible to omniknight and was always an easy kill for him as I had zero escapes. Thus ancients was by far my best, safest, and most feasible option. Note that I never wasted my ulti in a random spot. Please also note that scourge was not really pushing towers or towards our own rax so I had no need to continuously keep it off CD to defend. This was strategic play and while I understand it is not normal for someone to use their ulti to farm I felt it was the best way for me to get my hero leveled and be able to push.

MY team were complete trolls and very rude. I ignored them all in the game because they were toxic. If they wanted an explanation for what I was doing perhaps they should have been better team players and I could have told them. I will post a ban request for VK abuse. I will also post quotes from 3 of them (i am assuming were together) from TWO separate games where they troll and be rude.

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Re: [LOD] inquisitor-@useast

Postby mael » Wed Dec 13, 2017 7:47 pm

(12:26 / Allied) inquisitor-: wow
(12:27 / Allied) inquisitor-: ffs
(12:30 / Allied) inquisitor-: stuck in stun
(12:38 / Allied) OMFG-Boom: i got silence for taht bitch
(12:39 / Allied) divine.rapist: ur build kinda suck
(12:44 / Allied) inquisitor-: how so
(12:45 / Allied) divine.rapist: and u got wards before mc
(12:45 / Allied) inquisitor-: lol
(12:53 / Allied) divine.rapist: maybe i shouldve mid

(13:26 / Allied) inquisitor-: push
(13:27 / Allied) inquisitor-: wards up

(15:24 / Allied) inquisitor-: 3 mid
(15:27 / Allied) inquisitor-: and doom on someone

(17:14 / Allied) inquisitor-: word
(17:15 / Allied) inquisitor-: on pink

(17:48 / Allied) inquisitor-: mc relo
(17:49 / Allied) inquisitor-: brown
(18:51 / Allied) inquisitor-: he gonna have scepter soon

(19:57 / Allied) inquisitor-: 2 bot
(20:00 / Allied) inquisitor-: i got wards
(20:02 / Allied) inquisitor-: plz gank
(20:04 / Allied) inquisitor-: -sp

(20:19 / Allied) inquisitor-: care
(20:20 / Allied) inquisitor-: lb
(20:21 / Allied) inquisitor-: was around

(20:51 / Allied) inquisitor-: they
(20:53 / Allied) inquisitor-: ganking better
(20:55 / Allied) inquisitor-: than us...
(21:01 / Allied) inquisitor-: need orchid

Obvious team play and communication

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Re: [LOD] inquisitor-@useast

Postby kunkka » Wed Dec 13, 2017 7:53 pm

mael wrote:I will also post quotes from 3 of them (i am assuming were together) from TWO separate games where they troll and be rude.

Good luck. But don't forget to quote these:

(13:58 / Allied) THE_BEST_PLAYER: orange please awake
(14:07 / Allied) THE_BEST_PLAYER: u no do no things middel
(14:15 / Allied) inquisitor-: stfu
(14:16 / Allied) inquisitor-: faggots
(21:30 / Allied) inquisitor-: stupid nigger
(22:04 / Allied) inquisitor-: nigger
(22:05 / Allied) inquisitor-: !ignore div
(22:32 / Allied) inquisitor-: noobs
(22:33 / Allied) inquisitor-: need to farm
(22:36 / Allied) inquisitor-: and stop pushing
(23:51 / Allied) inquisitor-: omg
(23:52 / Allied) inquisitor-: u all
(23:54 / Allied) inquisitor-: fucking retarded
(23:55 / Allied) inquisitor-: niggers
(24:00 / Allied) inquisitor-: eat shit nigger
(24:02 / All) king.tard.: Use !ignore <playername> to ignore players (for example, if they are flaming); partial names work. Don't flame back!
(24:02 / Allied) inquisitor-: faggot trash
(24:04 / Allied) inquisitor-: fuck tard cunt
(24:06 / Allied) inquisitor-: !ignore tard
(29:24 / All) inquisitor-: i hate my allies
(29:26 / All) inquisitor-: not a single ward
(29:27 / All) inquisitor-: or dust
(29:28 / All) inquisitor-: all game (this shows you wasn't even paying attention to the game at all LMFAO)
(44:38 / Allied) inquisitor-: !unignore best
(44:40 / Allied) inquisitor-: !unignore div
(44:42 / Allied) inquisitor-: !unignore king
(44:44 / Allied) inquisitor-: all banned
(44:45 / Allied) inquisitor-: for vk abuse
(44:48 / Allied) king.tard.: how so?
(44:48 / Allied) THE_BEST_PLAYER: no
(44:50 / Allied) THE_BEST_PLAYER: we arent
(44:51 / Allied) divine.rapist: dont worry
(44:52 / Allied) inquisitor-: ignored again
(44:53 / Allied) inquisitor-: !ignore king
(44:56 / Allied) inquisitor-: !ignore div
(44:57 / Allied) inquisitor-: !ignore best
(50:06 / All) inquisitor-: my team
(50:10 / All) inquisitor-: full of trolling assholes
(50:13 / All) inquisitor-: they gonna be banned
(50:15 / All) inquisitor-: for vk abuse

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Re: [LOD] inquisitor-@useast

Postby mael » Wed Dec 13, 2017 7:54 pm

(12:26 / Allied) inquisitor-: wow
(12:27 / Allied) inquisitor-: ffs
(12:30 / Allied) inquisitor-: stuck in stun
(12:38 / Allied) OMFG-Boom: i got silence for taht bitch
(12:39 / Allied) divine.rapist: ur build kinda suck
(12:44 / Allied) inquisitor-: how so
(12:45 / Allied) divine.rapist: and u got wards before mc
(12:45 / Allied) inquisitor-: lol
(12:53 / Allied) divine.rapist: maybe i shouldve mid

(19:41 / Allied) king.tard.: FK TEAL
(19:47 / Allied) king.tard.: RUINED GANK

(21:10 / Allied) THE_BEST_PLAYER: who hast lw
(21:13 / Allied) king.tard.: 4 SPELLS MC
(21:13 / Allied) inquisitor-: pink
(21:14 / Allied) inquisitor-: i told u that
(21:20 / Allied) THE_BEST_PLAYER: i dont read ur chat

(21:39 / Allied) THE_BEST_PLAYER: why their mid lvl 11
(21:42 / Allied) THE_BEST_PLAYER: who was mid
(21:44 / Allied) THE_BEST_PLAYER: teal?

(23:41 / Allied) king.tard.: i hav 8 assists with autiattack hero
(23:47 / Allied) king.tard.: and mid mc with aoe has 4
(23:51 / Allied) king.tard.: pro shiet
(23:51 / Allied) inquisitor-: omg
(23:52 / Allied) inquisitor-: u all
(23:54 / Allied) inquisitor-: fucking retarded

(23:57 / Allied) king.tard.: STFU
(24:00 / Allied) king.tard.: YTRASH
(24:00 / Allied) inquisitor-: eat shit nigger
(24:02 / All) king.tard.: Use !ignore <playername> to ignore players (for example, if they are flaming); partial names work. Don't flame back!
(24:02 / Allied) inquisitor-: faggot trash
(24:06 / Allied) inquisitor-: !ignore tard

(24:20 / Allied) king.tard.: he ignore all like a lill bitch

(43:35 / All) inquisitor-: vk abuse
(43:35 / Allied) OMFG-Boom: we went in one by one
(43:36 / Allied) king.tard.: !yes
(43:36 / All) king.tard.: Player [king.tard.] voted to kick player [inquisitor-]. 5 more votes are needed to pass.
(43:36 / All) inquisitor-: reported
(43:38 / Allied) divine.rapist: !yes
(43:38 / All) king.tard.: Player [divine.rapist] voted to kick player [inquisitor-]. 4 more votes are needed to pass.
(43:42 / All) king.tard.: uses ult to farm ancients
(43:48 / Allied) My13itch: warding
(43:50 / Allied) My13itch: gg base
(44:18 / Allied) My13itch: just need to catch fucken yellow
(44:31 / All) king.tard.: A votekick against player [inquisitor-] has expired.
(44:34 / Allied) king.tard.: !sd inqui
(44:38 / Allied) inquisitor-: !unignore best
(44:40 / Allied) inquisitor-: !unignore div
(44:42 / Allied) inquisitor-: !unignore king
(44:44 / Allied) inquisitor-: all banned
(44:45 / Allied) inquisitor-: for vk abuse
(44:48 / Allied) king.tard.: how so?
(44:48 / Allied) THE_BEST_PLAYER: no
(44:50 / Allied) THE_BEST_PLAYER: we arent
(44:51 / Allied) divine.rapist: dont worry
(44:52 / Allied) inquisitor-: ignored again
(44:53 / Allied) inquisitor-: !ignore king
(44:56 / Allied) inquisitor-: !ignore div
(44:57 / Allied) inquisitor-: !ignore best
(45:03 / Allied) divine.rapist: !slap dont worry ur gonna be banned
(45:03 / All) king.tard.: [divine.rapist] touches [dont worry ur gonna be banned]'s six-pack
(45:07 / Allied) divine.rapist: !slap i assure you 100%
(45:07 / All) king.tard.: [divine.rapist] slaps [i assure you 100%] with a roasted turkey
(45:26 / Allied) divine.rapist: !slap keep using ult on ancient is game ruining
(45:26 / All) king.tard.: [divine.rapist] hugs [keep using ult on ancient is game ruining] <3
(45:28) OMFG-Boom killed My13itch
(45:38 / Allied) divine.rapist: !slap u need to learn a lesson
(45:38 / All) king.tard.: [divine.rapist] drives a car over [u need to learn a lesson]
(45:41 / Allied) divine.rapist: !slap failed mid
(45:45 / Allied) king.tard.: naga could be mh
(45:46 / Allied) divine.rapist: !slap failed mid
(45:46 / All) king.tard.: [divine.rapist] slaps [failed mid] with a pink macintosh

Obvious non-useful bordering on inflammatory statements so I ignored them. I also know I made some poor word choices prior to ignoring so I apologize for that, was frustrated in the moment as I was seriously trying but having a bad game. As I said I was helping team as much as I could at this point and buying wards. They chose not the look at that but try and insult my poor score.

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Re: [LOD] inquisitor-@useast

Postby kunkka » Wed Dec 13, 2017 7:59 pm

mael wrote:I also know I made some poor word choices prior to ignoring so I apologize for that, was frustrated in the moment as I was seriously trying but having a bad game. As I said I was helping team as much as I could at this point and buying wards. They chose not the look at that but try and insult my poor score.

Oh I guess ur "poor word choices" are gonna be irrelevant after this "apology". But although the quotes you posted above are much more minor compared to your insults, they are bannable?

Let me quote the parts you intentionally filtered out here again.
(13:58 / Allied) THE_BEST_PLAYER: orange please awake
(14:07 / Allied) THE_BEST_PLAYER: u no do no things middel
(14:15 / Allied) inquisitor-: stfu
(14:16 / Allied) inquisitor-: faggots
(21:30 / Allied) inquisitor-: stupid nigger
(22:04 / Allied) inquisitor-: nigger
(22:05 / Allied) inquisitor-: !ignore div
(22:32 / Allied) inquisitor-: noobs
(22:33 / Allied) inquisitor-: need to farm
(22:36 / Allied) inquisitor-: and stop pushing
(23:51 / Allied) inquisitor-: omg
(23:52 / Allied) inquisitor-: u all
(23:54 / Allied) inquisitor-: fucking retarded
(23:55 / Allied) inquisitor-: niggers
(24:00 / Allied) inquisitor-: eat shit nigger
(24:02 / All) king.tard.: Use !ignore <playername> to ignore players (for example, if they are flaming); partial names work. Don't flame back!
(24:02 / Allied) inquisitor-: faggot trash
(24:04 / Allied) inquisitor-: fuck tard cunt
(24:06 / Allied) inquisitor-: !ignore tard
(29:24 / All) inquisitor-: i hate my allies
(29:26 / All) inquisitor-: not a single ward
(29:27 / All) inquisitor-: or dust
(29:28 / All) inquisitor-: all game (this shows you wasn't even paying attention to the game at all LMFAO)
(44:38 / Allied) inquisitor-: !unignore best
(44:40 / Allied) inquisitor-: !unignore div
(44:42 / Allied) inquisitor-: !unignore king
(44:44 / Allied) inquisitor-: all banned
(44:45 / Allied) inquisitor-: for vk abuse
(44:48 / Allied) king.tard.: how so?
(44:48 / Allied) THE_BEST_PLAYER: no
(44:50 / Allied) THE_BEST_PLAYER: we arent
(44:51 / Allied) divine.rapist: dont worry
(44:52 / Allied) inquisitor-: ignored again
(44:53 / Allied) inquisitor-: !ignore king
(44:56 / Allied) inquisitor-: !ignore div
(44:57 / Allied) inquisitor-: !ignore best
(50:06 / All) inquisitor-: my team
(50:10 / All) inquisitor-: full of trolling assholes
(50:13 / All) inquisitor-: they gonna be banned
(50:15 / All) inquisitor-: for vk abuse

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Re: [LOD] inquisitor-@useast

Postby mael » Wed Dec 13, 2017 8:03 pm

Your ban request was for throwing and refusing to team play not for insults.

I was pissed at you guys and made those comments. Like I already said, I shouldn't have so sorry if they upset you. I knew we wouldn't get along so I just ignored before I raged more. It kind of seems to me like you're changing your story because you probably know I did nothing wrong in the game.

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Re: [LOD] inquisitor-@useast

Postby mael » Thu Dec 14, 2017 5:16 pm

I noticed you revised your initial post to include insulting language. You are really working hard for this aren't you.

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Re: [LOD] inquisitor-@useast

Postby Desire » Sun Dec 17, 2017 8:31 pm

Watched the replay and read all your comments with maels as well.

Using ulti to farm is ban-able?!? To me it looks like he's just trying to farm ancients by using his ultimate since he has nothing else to kill them with.
So on that note i'm not going to ban him for that.

I guess that also falls into to "refusing to team play". He gets ganked multiple times by omniknight and then gets picked on by teammates who are making fun of him bring up his score and that hes a bad player. He later proceeds to farm in which was the right move since he was already behind. Wont ban him for that either.

You don't just apologize and just go on with it. I checked some of your previous games and all I saw was "faggot Jew", "retarded", ECT.
You haven't really shown your sorry.

Therefore I will issue a 1 day ban for flame.

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