Game Name: [ENT] DotA arem us/ca #68
Your Warcraft III Username: benderbender
Violator's Warcraft III Username: Kylerar
Violated Rule(s): votekick abuse, toxic behavior
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
(06:46 / Allied) Kylerar: !votekick t34
(10:57 / Allied) Kylerar: !votekick t34
(13:25 / Allied) Kylerar: dogshit troll playing mario game
(13:28 / Allied) Kylerar: solo
(13:30 / Allied) Kylerar: toxic trash
(13:34 / Allied) t34: stfu noob
(13:41 / Allied) t34: !ignoreky
(13:48 / Allied) Kylerar: u are dogshit
(13:53 / Allied) Kylerar: !votekick t34
(14:56 / Allied) Kylerar: trolls mother is a whore
(15:05 / Allied) Kylerar: she can suck our entire team dicks for 5 bucks
(15:10 / Allied) Kylerar: cause she is cheap
(16:46 / All) Kylerar: vote yes guys please
(16:49 / Allied) Kylerar: !votekick t34
(16:49 / All) Lucratius: A votekick against player [t34] has been started by player [Kylerar]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(16:49 / All) Lucratius: Type !yes to vote.
(16:49 / All) Lucratius: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(16:55 / All) t34: omggg
(16:55 / All) Jokin: reason?
(16:57 / Allied) Kylerar: and u can suck me dry fag
(16:57) SoftWhite killed Kylerar
(16:59 / All) Kylerar: toxic
(17:00 / All) t34: no reason]
(17:05 / All) Kylerar: ask bara
(17:07 / All) Kylerar: and the rest of my team
(17:41 / All) Kylerar: refuses to play
(17:49 / All) Lucratius: A votekick against player [t34] has expired.
(17:51 / All) azmodan: he playing, just not with u, he ur late game
(17:52 / All) Kylerar: he farms he thinks this is mario bross
(18:02 / All) t34: fuck this t=retard
(18:03 / All) SoftWhite: i love mario bros
(18:09 / All) t34: don t speak with him
(18:14 / Allied) Jokin: care
(18:15 / All) Kylerar: u see
(18:20 / Allied) Kylerar: !votekick t34
Any further thoughts:
1) the Pit (Kylerar) and the Troll (t34) clearly had a grunge, imho provoked by Kylerar
2) the t34 was far from being a good one in this game, but Kylerar has no reason in kicking him out
3) since nobody voted for kicking the troll, Kylerar was pretty agressive and toxic the while game long, ruining any of remained crumbs of a joy of the game
4) tbh I don't think that such manner should be ignored from you side
Thank you for reviewing, I hope Kylerar could learn from a (possible and hopeful) ban for some time, so he could fit a bit more in the DotA community by aligning his behavior a bit.