[DOTA] i-fight-4-love@useast

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[DOTA] i-fight-4-love@useast

Postby me_leva_nager » Fri Dec 15, 2017 1:43 am

Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/openstats/game/10133369/
Game Name:
[ENT] DotA apem us/ca #24

Your Warcraft III Username: me_leva_nager
Violator's Warcraft III Username:i-fight-4-love
Violated Rule(s): trolling, flaming, game ruining
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
Any further thoughts: Picks techies tries to call mid which is ridiculous and trolls me (teal) with going dagon on bird and ksing the entire team and furthermore does flames with name calling. Also every time the team was remotely close to killing someone blue would come by with his bird and ksing also decides to buy another crow as well.

15min 35 sec, 16min,
19min 52sec, 24min 45sec, 26min 35sec, 29min 55sec, 31min, 34min 35 sec, 35min 15sec

32min chat
36min chat
37min i post the trolling and insulting and flaming rule

insults me and trolls me tries to act all nice about when clearly hes just being insulting and rude.

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Re: [DOTA] i-fight-4-love@useast

Postby QMB » Fri Dec 15, 2017 6:27 am

Hi Admins,

I tried my best to support the team. I have defended base and kill enemies so that the team can push on or farm.
The build I had was so that I can help the team when I was far away mining somewhere while I can still be in the battle with the team.

If you watch the replay, you will soon find that Me_Leva_Nager came mid even though it was called. He then later on abused vote kick.

Also instead of focusing on the game, he complained and typed so much ( in a way he flamed at me ) that he couldn't play the game correctly.
The evidence was that he had his ult + refresher and yet he couldn't do any ult during the game. Hence the whole team died.

I had a very busy time defending because he was very distracted (He was flaming at me even though he didn't use any foul words)
I normally try to explain the situation and let the situation self resolved but in this case, if possible, I would like to counter this ban request and would like him to be banned for:
1) Flaming the whole game.
2) Vote kick abuse.
3) Wasted so much time on typing instead of focusing on the game.
4) I don't think he has any respect to any other players as long as they pick techie. (It's the player which count, not the hero type)

Thank you for viewing this post. So sorry to waste some of your time on this request.

Best regards,

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Re: [DOTA] i-fight-4-love@useast

Postby Now2 » Fri Dec 15, 2017 6:52 am

after reviewing @QMB was right about one thing. This BRQ is total waste of time.
@me_leva_nager total dumb BRQ. there was nothing close to excessive (or at all) flaming on either side. Secondly, "ks" is not illegal. and that term is for noobs ^^

Just my opinion

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Re: [DOTA] i-fight-4-love@useast

Postby BigBooty69 » Fri Dec 15, 2017 11:38 am

I looked through the chat log. There was no excessive flaming from anyone. Sure there was some, but mild and nothing ban worthy.

If the timestamps from the OP are for "KS", that's not against the rules. It doesn't look like techies broke any rules here.


If you want him banned, you will need to post your own BRQ, they won't ban the OP if you just post here. (you can copy paste the below and add your own comments)

Judging from the chat, me_leva_nagger was very toxic throughout the game.

Also me leva nager tried to VK abuse for no reason. And he and his friends are known for VK abuse and trolling/throwing already.

(19:55 / All) Me_Leva_Nager: im gonna throw the game
(19:59 / All) Me_Leva_Nager: !ff
(20:38 / Allied) Me_Leva_Nager: !votekick love
(20:41 / Allied) bigolginger: !yes
(27:19 / All) Me_Leva_Nager: !ff
(38:29 / Allied) Me_Leva_Nager: !ff

If you notice, the only person who voted is bigolginger, who is blueflagon. And Me_Leva_Nager is best_tree_ever from the previous ban. They often play together and are quick to vk abuse and troll. And this is a repeated offence.

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Re: [DOTA] i-fight-4-love@useast

Postby me_leva_nager » Fri Dec 15, 2017 2:24 pm

Hmm i wonder who now2 is since new account made TODAY but no one plays techies like that unless or uses bird dagon unless they are trolling since clearly you knew who i was from the start absolutely ridiculous.

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Re: [DOTA] i-fight-4-love@useast

Postby BigBooty69 » Fri Dec 15, 2017 2:36 pm

isn't it obvious? he's 'now' the guy who got banned for dodging a few days ago :lol:

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Re: [DOTA] i-fight-4-love@useast

Postby me_leva_nager » Fri Dec 15, 2017 2:46 pm

I don't follow the forums religiously sorry I just think techies playing the way he did calling mid and acting ridiculous with the bird is a total troll way of playing and i didn't agree with it kid is obviously not a new player and knows how to play correctly but did not my opinion.

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Re: [DOTA] i-fight-4-love@useast

Postby QMB » Fri Dec 15, 2017 3:56 pm

Hello Bigbooty69,

Thank you for the advice. I didn't realize that admin can't ban someone who raises the request.
I have made a request for it. I think it will be just.

Dear Me_leva_nager,
I think you have had your ways too much and you became very inconsiderate of others. I hope what is coming to you will be fair.

Thank you!

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Re: [DOTA] i-fight-4-love@useast

Postby me_leva_nager » Mon Dec 18, 2017 2:20 am

@arcanium i did post this ban request because of his trolling with bird please review

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Re: [DOTA] i-fight-4-love@useast

Postby Arcanium » Mon Dec 18, 2017 2:32 am

Here's what I had to say about your ban request @qmb

You went 25-0 with techies, using dagon on crow for ksing, do you wonder why scourge won this game? You had a bb, jugg and abba in your team. Don't you think a fed either of those would be far better than a fed techies?

Helping the team... You waited until you got raxed top to start mining at towers to defend them, and I don't see how that's helpful at all. Focused too much on getting items to help yourself ks on crow (you had veil, dagon 5, clarity pots) and yet you had no scepter/euls/force staff/hex/silence nothing on techies, and only had ghost scepter, bottle, soul ring and boots of travel.

This game looks/seems like the kind of game that you just play for the k/d/r rather than for the team itself, specially going dagon with techies and using it on bird to ks, instead of the type of game you're trying to "help the team".

You say here that he should be respectful to other players and people.
(23:59 / All) I-FIGHT-4-LOVE: they ruined my mid and my lvl is still high
(24:02 / All) I-FIGHT-4-LOVE: show how bad they are :)

(30:25 / Allied) I-FIGHT-4-LOVE: teal ruined mid now ff :)

(34:39 / Allied) I-FIGHT-4-LOVE: i am so good teal is nub compare to me :)
(34:45 / Allied) I-FIGHT-4-LOVE: right teal? :)

(38:39 / Allied) I-FIGHT-4-LOVE: teal is a pussy? why ff?
(38:41 / Allied) I-FIGHT-4-LOVE: it's 5v4
(39:04 / Allied) Me_Leva_Nager: !timsteamp 36min 18 sec flaming
(39:11 / Allied) I-FIGHT-4-LOVE: oh boy :)
(39:21 / Allied) I-FIGHT-4-LOVE: not sure how that is a flame :)

(41:46 / Allied) I-FIGHT-4-LOVE: teal feeds 8 deaths

(47:33 / All) I-FIGHT-4-LOVE: our solo lvl 16!!!
(47:42 / All) I-FIGHT-4-LOVE: i didn't solo!!
(47:48 / All) I-FIGHT-4-LOVE: life is good

You call this respectful?

I'm not surprised at all with the behavior he or anyone else showed you after this game.
"Being an asshole is always fun" -Haunt 2k17

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Re: [DOTA] i-fight-4-love@useast

Postby Arcanium » Mon Dec 18, 2017 3:03 am

QMB wrote:I tried my best to support the team. I have defended base and kill enemies so that the team can push on or farm.
The build I had was so that I can help the team when I was far away mining somewhere while I can still be in the battle with the team.

Now this I look at as a lie. Every stolen kill you got with dagon, your main wasn't far at all, in fact always close. You were only mining in one spot, your jungle, but not once did you you bother to mine in lanes to stop them from pushing. Not once until you got raxed at top and lost a barracks and tower. That doesn't sound like supporting the team to me. Supporting the team would be using dagon to help get them low so they could get the kills instead of waiting until they're low for a kill steal.

Calling mid doesn't give you rights to mid and sharing lanes isn't bannable. Yes he did try and votekick you for it. He started one votekick, and was barely "toxic", yet I say if he was toxic, you were just as bad.

Now I get that kill stealing isn't illegal, and that he started a votekick against you and it may have offended you. However from the way you played this game, all I can think of you is "troll". I even discussed this situation with another moderator and he said the same thing. You also didn't always fail to defend, but you lost all t1 and t2 towers, and top tower and barracks and not a single one of those did you put mines around, so that is the reason you will be banned for failing to defend.

@qmb I do hope you can understand this and maybe understand your actions weren't the best in this game. Feel free to form an appeal.

@me_leva_nager Please refrain from starting votekicks against people because of them being mid lane with you, as it is abusive. You're only not banned because it wasn't an horrendous offense, so let this be a verbal warning (will add this warning in the official ban request posted by QMB).

i-fight-4-love banned 2 days for troll behavior/gameplay, failing to defend.

"Being an asshole is always fun" -Haunt 2k17

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