ELO and the CIv Wars Bot.

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ELO and the CIv Wars Bot.

Postby 314rate » Fri Dec 15, 2017 3:33 pm

Firstly, I wish to thank the hosting admins. Great map, glad to see it around still

I just think this ELo being used though, is worthless, and is preventing the increased popularity of this map.


1. ELO systems need to have players within a "range" to mean anything. As a Chess player, most sites have a 25 limit, up or down, in a match. I have seen ELO of 1400 against a player of 900 in this bot, as an example. Means anyone can just quit and rj over a few months and have a huge ELO...just beat up noobs. So, IMHO, the ELO system in this is "broke"

2. Any non ranked player can join a game. There is no "qualifying" the players, meaning you have pros and new players in same game for rating..

3. Prevents new players form joining, and learning, as every player is trying to protect their ELO


1. Add a new bot for qualifying, meaning you need at least XX games before being able to join the ELO (Ranking BOT). Any ELO (if any) from this BOT should NOT be the same as ELO from the "pros" bot... This way new players, (and pros who don't mind helping others) and people can play for fun and no stress. Only after qualifying, are you able to join the pro bot, where now ELO may mean something

2. Now i know, the community has shrunk for this map. I do believe in a few short weeks, we would have more "pros" and would be able to grow the player base. As a test, I have been hosting (and will continue to) host Civ wars Noob friendly games. They fill faster that the bot, usually, and I think will add more players in time. This should help counter the argument about not enough players to fill the bots.

A quick easy solution for now, would be to add at least one more bot with a new player, non ELO ranked, bot version.

Again, thank you admins for the hard work. Please excuse my poor English, as it is my second language.

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Re: ELO and the CIv Wars Bot.

Postby HazarDous » Tue Dec 19, 2017 2:08 am

I'd start arguing about the ELO argument, but the reality is quite simple; Civ Wars doesn't have the playerbase to support more than one autohosting bot.


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