Revamping the DIHL

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Revamping the DIHL

Postby WolfPackMama » Sun Jan 07, 2018 6:45 pm

As many of you are aware at this point, "new" DIHL has been up for more than half a year, and still hasn't got a complete set of rules and guidelines. This system of trial and error proved to be very ineffective, and drew people away from the league.

What with recent happenings, the Ent Staff has decided to tutor a mild revamp of the league.

It's nothing drastic, as the league is working as it is, per se, but what we would like to aim for here is to make it a pleasurable experience for both old and new players alike. Momentarily, the league is heavily biased towards old players.
Let us assist this revamp by posting ideas, brainstorm solutions for existing issues, and revise the current rule list in order to make the best out of what we have. Make sure to thoroughly explain why do you think something is a necessity, so that the DIHL staff can have an easier time understanding the other side of the player base.
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Re: Revamping the DIHL

Postby Dhamma » Sun Jan 07, 2018 7:39 pm

"Losers from last game played will have to give-up their sit for the upcoming game if necessary."

change this to something like

"Losers from last game played will have to give-up their spot for the upcoming game if there are other dihl members waiting to play"

Something more specific, as the official rule is rather vague. Under the current one they had no real reason to let you play because who's to say if it is
"necessary" for you to play? This way, as long as you officially belong to dihl, you will have a chance to play, or at least submit a formal complaint.

Now the other issue is that there is no official list of dihl players. They anyone they feel like play.
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Re: Revamping the DIHL

Postby Merex » Sun Jan 07, 2018 9:34 pm

That rule revision seems fine. However, I will speak to it with other existing league moderators before it's in-effect.

As for the DIHL member list, I will get one together in the following days and post it back here.
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Re: Revamping the DIHL

Postby not2000elo » Sun Jan 07, 2018 10:03 pm


Can someone explain how exactly DIHL works at the moment so I can better understand and make good suggestions?

For example, what is the exact procedure for joining a game? Step by step?

Do players meet in the clan BBA channel? If so, why? Why is there not a clan DIHL channel?

I have been a part of many inhouse leagues in the last 14 or so years and can provide some good advice but would like to first know how everything works right now.
Thanks to anyone who takes the time to answer.

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Re: Revamping the DIHL

Postby not2000elo » Sun Jan 07, 2018 10:15 pm

A few things off the top of my head :

The 1300 elo requirement could be dropped to 1200 easily. Most players will be playing a support role either way in DIHL.

Everyone that plays in a game MUST have been properly vetted/ tried out/ vouched before. If you get random people from regular ENT dota games you risk a bad experience for all.

Give 15 elo per win and 15 elo per loss (if this isn’t already been done). It’s just nicer to have 1500 elo than to see like 35-16 stats.

Make the season 6 months instead of 3, especially with this low activity. Reward the top player.

Anyways, I have a lot more but would like to understand how it currently works

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Re: Revamping the DIHL

Postby Yabneu » Sun Jan 07, 2018 11:18 pm

i believe eVERYONE should have power in DIHL so theres not another slipperslark incident. i also think there should be a DIHL channel instead of clan BBA so they cant just kick anyone they want to. there has been way to many incidents of the shamans or chieftains of clan BBA kicking or abusing power. we have to remember people, this isnt CLAN BBA DIHL, this is just DIHL. so making a separate channel strictly for DIHL games seems to be a step in the right direction. no more abusing power (Slips and all the shamans) and power to the people! i strongly think that BBA and DIHL should be TWO separate things. anyways, lmk what you guys think !

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Re: Revamping the DIHL

Postby aRt)Y » Mon Jan 08, 2018 1:33 pm

Yabneu wrote:i believe eVERYONE should have power in DIHL so theres not another slipperslark incident. i also think there should be a DIHL channel instead of clan BBA so they cant just kick anyone they want to. there has been way to many incidents of the shamans or chieftains of clan BBA kicking or abusing power. we have to remember people, this isnt CLAN BBA DIHL, this is just DIHL. so making a separate channel strictly for DIHL games seems to be a step in the right direction. no more abusing power (Slips and all the shamans) and power to the people! i strongly think that BBA and DIHL should be TWO separate things. anyways, lmk what you guys think !
It has never been ENT's intention to use a third party clan for the leauge. It mostly happened so historically because there were/are too few players to create a clan and/or they already have one. Keeping the future in mind, we wont need a clan channel anyway.

As posted in another topic, ENT prefers Discord; both to meet and organize games but also as a future hosting platform.

We need your help though. So if you dont like the clan or would like to stick to the "official" way, join the discord.
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Re: Revamping the DIHL

Postby aRt)Y » Mon Jan 08, 2018 4:17 pm

not2000elo wrote:@Art)Y

Can someone explain how exactly DIHL works at the moment so I can better understand and make good suggestions?

For example, what is the exact procedure for joining a game? Step by step?
There currently is no such procedure like LIHL has. It is yet another thing the league players and moderation have to get working on.
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Re: Revamping the DIHL

Postby raizoir » Mon Jan 08, 2018 10:13 pm

Think some people above are riding the @slipperyslark band wagon too hard, especially given one one of the accounts above was created 2 days ago... speak with your main?

Clan BBA does not run DIHL, it just so happens a large percentage of the players are from this clan so people meet in the clan channel. Anyone can host on the bot there is no advantage/disadvantage to any player not being in clan bba or the channel, games appears in the game list and are announced on discord.

Some general suggestions:

1) Must have gproxy
2) No draw after 20 mins
3) Listen to your captain (probably the most important given the game mode)
4) Discord (optional) but helps
5) 1250 elo or vouch from an existing DIHL player who has played > 50 games
6) Those waiting for slot should take the losing team spots - those waiting should host the game / announce on discord
7) 1 account for all games
8) Ragequit game = 3 day / 1 week/ 1 month / goodbye!
9) Disconnect = no autoban, bots have been dropping people, post and review for PP

I don't think the LIHL system of multiple vouch and replays etc would be a good fit here, there are not enough players at the moment.

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Re: Revamping the DIHL

Postby Sylvanas » Tue Jan 09, 2018 3:36 am

Yabneu wrote:i believe eVERYONE should have power in DIHL so theres not another slipperslark incident. i also think there should be a DIHL channel instead of clan BBA so they cant just kick anyone they want to. there has been way to many incidents of the shamans or chieftains of clan BBA kicking or abusing power. we have to remember people, this isnt CLAN BBA DIHL, this is just DIHL. so making a separate channel strictly for DIHL games seems to be a step in the right direction. no more abusing power (Slips and all the shamans) and power to the people! i strongly think that BBA and DIHL should be TWO separate things. anyways, lmk what you guys think !

Can you STOP this shit you're DOING? You're TRYING WAY TOO HARD at this whole PRETENDING TO BE OFFENDED thing and EVERYONE can tell. At least put some SUBTLETY into it. That's what I THINK.

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Re: Revamping the DIHL

Postby aRt)Y » Tue Jan 09, 2018 6:43 am

The issue with a third party clan channel is that it isnt neutral ground and non-ENT staff moderates the channel. We have no possibilities to enforce disciplinary actions or to have actions audited. All of that offers Discord, as well as the direct contact to all of ENT staff/Staff Dept.

If, however, the majority remains in the clan channel, then it indeed seems like DIHL is run by a third party clan.
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Re: Revamping the DIHL

Postby aRt)Y » Tue Jan 09, 2018 6:47 am

raizoir wrote:I don't think the LIHL system of multiple vouch and replays etc would be a good fit here, there are not enough players at the moment.
You dont have to copy it. The goal is to make it more transparent, break the "insider circle" and to generally include the leauge players.

For a certain time, LIHL used a voting system. If x users vouch him, he is in. How you design this process is up to you though, of course.
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Re: Revamping the DIHL

Postby WolfPackMama » Tue Jan 09, 2018 9:31 am

We could keep the old vouching system, but have the DIHL mods actually review those. Base idea for this would be:
-In order for someone to participate in DIHL games, he or she has to vouch themselves on the forums.
-1300+ ELO isn't mandatory, but is a plus. A player can vouch for themselves even with 1100 rating, simply due to the fact that you're not expected to carry your team every game, especially not in pub games. KDA ratio, CS, itembuild and callouts can be taken in consideration (Questionable proposal tho, I'm not sure I like it. Maybe just keep it at 1300+?)
-Vouch should contain brief summaries of last few games, as well as several selected games of a person's choice.
-Mod checks user's behavior from random games, to check for competence. Players who excessively troll, flame or show weak follower/leadership skills should be denied their vouch with reasons why, so the player can improve and vouch again when he does.
-Discord is a must. A player does not need to speak, but must listen to the leader's callouts on voice channel.

It is possible to get "carried" to 1300+. Incompetent players that repeatedly show lack of skills for an DIHL game should be watched, warned, and cleansed if necessary. Special thing comes to mind to support players mains - usually their KDA/CS isn't good, but their playstyle is.
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Re: Revamping the DIHL

Postby Dhamma » Tue Jan 09, 2018 11:49 am

aRt)Y wrote:it indeed seems like DIHL is run by a third party clan.

That is exactly what it is.

Clan hdz used to host ih games. After some drama it moved to bba with mostly the same players. They had some hosting bot for their ih and a 3rd party website to keep stats.

Nothing's really changed since. Except now they use ent to host and keep track of stats for them. It's basically treated as a personal hosting bot for them.
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Re: Revamping the DIHL

Postby raizoir » Tue Jan 09, 2018 9:03 pm

SheSwallows wrote:
aRt)Y wrote:it indeed seems like DIHL is run by a third party clan.

That is exactly what it is.

Clan hdz used to host ih games. After some drama it moved to bba with mostly the same players. They had some hosting bot for their ih and a 3rd party website to keep stats.

Nothing's really changed since. Except now they use ent to host and keep track of stats for them. It's basically treated as a personal hosting bot for them.

The bot is public, anyone can host why don't you grab 9 people and make a game for others to join? Please post when you do.
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