Best Heros to End the Game in Under 20 Minutes

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Best Heros to End the Game in Under 20 Minutes

Postby Sev » Wed Jan 17, 2018 6:01 pm

Last edited by Sev on Thu Dec 06, 2018 4:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Best Heros to End the Game in Under 20 Minutes

Postby not2000elo » Wed Jan 17, 2018 7:32 pm

rhasta zeus furion death prophet undying

this would be some painful painful aoe/pushing

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Re: Best Heros to End the Game in Under 20 Minutes

Postby Sev » Wed Jan 17, 2018 9:10 pm

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Re: Best Heros to End the Game in Under 20 Minutes

Postby cashmeoutside- » Wed Jan 17, 2018 9:40 pm

Off the top of my head, I think the following would work best: Furion, Leshrac, Rhasta, Undying, KOTL

Kotl will help a lot by keeping everyone at full mana, and his blast will clear the creep wave.

Rhasta's ulti has a fairly low cooldown (every 2 minutes i think). The first two times wards are up, you can take T1 and T2 towers easily. T3 tower may take two/three attempts, but that's still only 10 minutes.

Furion's treants are OP for pushing. And, unlike broodmother spiderlings or enigma eidolons, they can't be killed with one spell.

Undying is the guy who creates space. Once you plant tomb at enemy tower, the enemy heroes will have a very hard time engaging - giving you free reign to burst down the tower.

Finally, leshrac for general AOE and tower pushing (edict).

I think this combo would be pretty hard to counter. The greatest weakness might be pugna ward.

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Re: Best Heros to End the Game in Under 20 Minutes

Postby nitromon » Thu Jan 18, 2018 12:15 am


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Re: Best Heros to End the Game in Under 20 Minutes

Postby Dhamma » Thu Jan 18, 2018 6:35 pm

Any heroes that are hard pushes like furi, rashta, les, dp, pugna, etc can do it.

The best 2 heros to counter is pugna and silenser
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Re: Best Heros to End the Game in Under 20 Minutes

Postby LCA » Fri Jan 19, 2018 12:28 am

solo easy lane huskar + omni hard lane. ez under 20

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Re: Best Heros to End the Game in Under 20 Minutes

Postby not2000elo » Fri Jan 19, 2018 6:53 am

LCA wrote:solo easy lane huskar + omni hard lane. ez under 20

what does this even mean???

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Re: Best Heros to End the Game in Under 20 Minutes

Postby FalenGa » Sat Jan 20, 2018 8:11 am

Keep the conversation on topic, and refrain from insulting others. Thanks.

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Re: Best Heros to End the Game in Under 20 Minutes

Postby Sev » Sun Jan 21, 2018 1:37 am

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Re: Best Heros to End the Game in Under 20 Minutes

Postby FalenGa » Sun Jan 21, 2018 7:09 am

Never really thought about a scenario like this, tbh. But rhasta, pugna, undying, chen and axe sounds good to me.

Rhasta mid, with the sole purpose of getting both towers asap.

Axe & pugna top. They should be able to easily push at least the first tower on their own.

Undying solo bot. Chen jungle. They won't be able to push on their own early on, but they will be needed for later.


Re: Best Heros to End the Game in Under 20 Minutes

Postby EdgeOfChaos » Sun Jan 21, 2018 2:41 pm

How about my boi m e e p o?
Just get your aghs at 13 minutes and it won't be hard to take towers n stuff. Insta-clear creep waves with 6s cd skill.

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Re: Best Heros to End the Game in Under 20 Minutes

Postby not2000elo » Tue Jan 23, 2018 5:06 am

EdgeOfChaos wrote:How about my boi m e e p o?
Just get your aghs at 13 minutes and it won't be hard to take towers n stuff. Insta-clear creep waves with 6s cd skill.

don't think you can get strong enough with meepo to end in 20


Re: Best Heros to End the Game in Under 20 Minutes

Postby Zeratul » Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:14 am

The thing is: If you're gonna consider balanced games (aka no dumbos in both teams), then most 20 mins strats wont work unless someone makes a mistake:

For example, axe pugna top -> LC with pms and quelling blade along side with a healer (or even silencer) can easily counter axe/pugna.

Sky mid can stop rhasta from farming, and delay his experience till his lvl6 (After lvl6, it will be a matter of who is faster: Sky silencing rhasta before he reaches the tower range, killing him or rhasta ulti first, forcing sky to stay back - Honestly a smart sky will just keep rhasta back all the time, but you never know :d)

Against undying i can see a few combos against him (that can also roam and kill mid): Shaker/venge, Kunkka + rylai/venge, tusk + cent/tiny, among others (And these ones can easily gank chen on woods if required)

The tactic of kotl, lesh, rhasta, etc - is mostly covered on spells, meaning that you go for dmg/silence (trax,krob, silencer, pugna, doom and sky are the first 6 to come across my mind)

So overall, for balanced games, you're gonna have a hard time ending in 20 mins (Against so-so enemies, sure it can work, but in a balanced game, you won't break through that easily with such tactics - might work, but it will depend on what players pick/do during the game)

Anyways, talking without considering all the multiple (possible) counters, Brood Rylai Lycan alongside with axe and pugna isn't a bad idea

Brood solo mid (with rylai roaming/ganking and providing aura)
Lycan solo (focusing on howl for dmg on the spiders)
Axe/pugna can easily push as well

So while lycan wont be "pushing" that much, he will keep a lane controlled, giving dmg for brood to continously push; Rylai will be focused on warding/roaming and providing aura, while axe and pugna will force and pressure another lane push:

Any lane that you abandon (to gank each of these 3 lanes), will end up with a lane loss (since axe/pugna will easily push through; Brood will easily push through; And lycan/wolves/howl will push through as well)

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Re: Best Heros to End the Game in Under 20 Minutes

Postby Dhamma » Tue Jan 23, 2018 2:17 pm

EdgeOfChaos wrote:How about my boi m e e p o?
Just get your aghs at 13 minutes and it won't be hard to take towers n stuff. Insta-clear creep waves with 6s cd skill.

fast push line up is the only one i've had real problems with. (besides the complete morons/throwers on my team)

There's just not much you can do against that, unless your team is prepared with the right picks. Even if you try to counter push other lanes, if they don't split up to defend, with a pusher lineup, they will rax way before you. If you try to d with team, with bad picks you will all die.

But that's your only chance with geo. Try to counter push as much as possible, hopefully get a counter rax. It's worked for me in the past. One time they raxed 2 sides on me early on and we still managed to win.
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