[DOTA] dirtythirty useast.battle.net

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[DOTA] dirtythirty useast.battle.net

Postby worthless_trash » Fri Jan 26, 2018 5:38 pm

Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=10300350
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #58
Your Warcraft III Username: worthless_trash
Violator's Warcraft III Username: dirtythirty
Violated Rule(s): Griefing / AFK
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 12min on and off to end
Any further thoughts: Dirtythirty griefed on and off from minute 12 with periods over 3.5 minutes. He'd come back, fight, die, and grief again another 3 min. This repeated quite a few times. We also had capblack (BH) leave the game. Sentinel refused to draw and refused to votekick dirtythiry a few times,even though "-afk" showed him over 3min afk a few times. He claimed propane person at the door, but he game ruined as a result....such bs.

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Re: [DOTA] dirtythirty useast.battle.net

Postby Panopticon » Fri Jan 26, 2018 6:05 pm

AFKs from ~13:55 to ~19:30
Then ~19:40 to ~20:45
I stopped watching the timeline and action log after around that time.

But I did find this:
19:42 <DirtyThirty> 0x50: Change ally options towards PIERCE: allied, vision, control
PIERCE being on the opposing team.
PSA: Bigtits = Iambackk

tinker_666 = ta-ta

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Re: [DOTA] dirtythirty useast.battle.net

Postby BeerLord » Sun Jan 28, 2018 1:15 am

Multiple episodes of prolonged afk confirmed.
dirtythirty banned 3 days for afk/game ruin.
His intermittent afk spells and return to play made it impossible for sentinel players to appreciate his game ruining. No bans for failure to votekick.

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