[CF] thedarkshark,milten2@europe.battle.net;ragnar_str@uswest.battle.net

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[CF] thedarkshark,milten2@europe.battle.net;ragnar_str@uswest.battle.net

Postby PrtyPsux » Thu Nov 23, 2017 2:27 am

Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=10054988
Game Name: [ENT] Castle Fight! #61
Your Warcraft III Username: PrtyPsux
Violator's Warcraft III Username: thedarkshark,milten2@europe.battle.net; ragnar_str@uswest.battle.net

Violated Rule(s): 1)game ruining on purpose, 2)obligation for kicking a gameruiner,3)votekick abuse 4) collusion

Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 1.) gameruining the whole game: TheDarkShark; 2.)votekick attempts: milten2,ragnar_str didnt agree (04:28,17:24,22:04); 3.) votekick abuse: TheDarkShark (24:27)

1.) game ruining on purpose -thedarkshark- :Teamkill by excessive massing Tier1 units(orc grunts) in the middle of the map and later massing suicide goblins(which are very weak units midgame).

Even Though Ive pointed out that he shouldnt build more suicide goblins-he didnt change his "gameplay".
And moreover he is a player that got atleast some experience in Castle Fight. Which is proven by the fact that he knows how to build in a 434 powerplant setup and played 33 games on this account.However decent player know that suicide goblins are too weak to build in a 434 setup.

2.) no obligation for kicking a gameruiner - milten2,ragnar_str

It was 100% obvious that "thedarkshark" is game ruining and they acted like nothing happend.
I could understand if they dont wanna kick him, because they dont know whats going on. But at this point with like 100x grunts on the map and buildings in the mid even newer player get whats going on.
Not even a question or reaction, total ignorance by them.

3.) votekick abuse -TheDarkShark

Any further thoughts:

4.) collusion

+++ Ive checked game history of thedarkshark and milten2 and it was noticeable that they play alot of games together.
And in many games where they were red they used the standard mode with it8. However in this game the income timer was 3, which is crazy. I didnt even know if Red announced that mode in lobby and if so it can be easily misread because it looks like the standard mode.

So I come to the conclusion that "thedarkshark" and "milten2" colluded and ruined together the game on purpose.

There was never an intention to discuss or question what is going on.

All in all such hard gameruinig cannot be tolerated and must be punished very hard.
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TheDarkShark (Fri Nov 24, 2017 8:30 pm)
God bless us, everyone.
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Re: [CF] thedarkshark,milten2@europe.battle.net;ragnar_str@uswest.battle.net

Postby TheDarkShark » Fri Nov 24, 2017 8:58 pm

Yeah agreed, was a Dickmove. Sorry for ur Elo.
Btw: You Request is very awesome, sorry for the Gameruin.
I accept all punishments.
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PrtyPsux (Sat Nov 25, 2017 2:14 am)

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Re: [CF] thedarkshark,milten2@europe.battle.net;ragnar_str@uswest.battle.net

Postby PrtyPsux » Sat Nov 25, 2017 2:13 am

TheDarkShark wrote:Yeah agreed, was a Dickmove. Sorry for ur Elo.
Btw: You Request is very awesome, sorry for the Gameruin.
I accept all punishments.

I didn't expect such a response, so kudos.

And it's great that you show some regret what you have done and accept all punishment.

Nevertheless should you get your fair punishment in order to be able to reflect and reconsider your behavior.

To avoid similar incidents in the future.

However, with your sense of guilt I'm fine if you get a small ban reduction.

Best Regards
God bless us, everyone.
We're a broken people living under loaded gun.
And, it can't be outfought,
It can't be outdone,
It can't be outmatched,
It can't be outrun, no!
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Re: [CF] thedarkshark,milten2@europe.battle.net;ragnar_str@uswest.battle.net

Postby TheDarkShark » Sat Dec 16, 2017 12:38 am

Oh Damn, it is still not managed. :(

I hope, that i dont get banned over the Chrismas Time. :O

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Re: [CF] thedarkshark,milten2@europe.battle.net;ragnar_str@uswest.battle.net

Postby Merex » Tue Jan 30, 2018 7:38 pm

Pink banned => Game ruining/votekick abuse
Red/teal banned => Refusing to votekick when evidence was clear
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