Unbann por favor

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Unbann por favor

Postby rilgrease » Sat Feb 17, 2018 3:37 pm

Your Warcraft III username: Noobmagnet
Realm/Gateway: Europe
Why are you banned: Votekick abuse
Why you should be unbanned:
I know that we abused the votekick rule. Yes you are definitely right and that doesnt follow the rules.
But the problem is that I tried to play with a player who doesnt cooperate and play in team. It just got worse the next game and that really annoyed me. I want to have fun and play and win together, in a team. Hopefully people can people work together to achieve victory. It is not even fun if you are in a game with a guy who is solo playing while playing vs a strong team. So what is the result of this?

All people playing this game are trying to avoid/evade those players who just cant play in team. I believe it is wrong way to evade people, but this behaviour makes me want to punch the guy in his face. First of all we had immo, everyone was pushing their wood. We said we didnt need a holder and that lumber was very important in game. What does this guy do? He solo builds alot, trying to hold 7 when we agreed we dont want to hold that level.

As a result, you banned 5 players because of 1 miserable game ruiner. How does that help community bro.

Also look at his reactions in forum. Good you banned him 14 days, he deserves perma bann or a tutorial how to play in teamgames.
I know you are just following the rules and working as a staff member, but hereby i ask you kindly if you can help me out.

Un saludo atentamente,


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Re: Unbann por favor

Postby Karils » Sun Feb 18, 2018 8:18 pm

If the kick had actually been for miscommunication and such between you guys as a team, it wouldn't have been started based on flame and him not wanting to draw. I feel like you're stretching this more than a little bit. How can you say both that the votekick was abusive and violated the rules, but also justified due to his prior behavior? It just doesn't make sense to me..

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Re: Unbann por favor

Postby Unitil » Wed Feb 21, 2018 5:25 pm

Ban has expired.



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