malf free ltd 1v1 map/mode

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malf free ltd 1v1 map/mode

Postby oxoDus » Fri Feb 02, 2018 1:26 pm


Malf tower is undeniably overpowered in 1v1 map, it's safe to say that all 1v1 map enthusiasts would agree with that.(Every single player I played agaisnt agreed that malf is op).
Vast majority of ltd players play 4v4 so it is really hard for me to win the argument that the tower needs balance because in their eyes in 4v4 map the tower is weak in holding team's leaks. But this factor does not exist in 1v1. So all I'm asking is to give us 1v1 players to have an option to play without a malf tower.(either delete it from the map, or give us the option to choose 'no malf' mode).

Never being able to lose at lvl 10 and always win arenas is overpowered not to mention other good attributes(safe yolo unit as it barely leaks anything, and is not becoming complete trash after lvl10 like most of the yolo towers).

Here is the replay which supports my claim that the tower is unbeatable in a 1v1 game. (nobody was able to provide any strategy on how to beat it so far)
me as a malf.w3g
(265.94 KiB) Downloaded 70 times

It's hard enough to climb to top 10 as the elo ratios become 25/5, 29/1 per game, but also having this factor that every once in a while you will face a malf and will have no options to beat it is depressing.

I hope I made a valid point and we can get malf free 1v1 games in the future.
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Re: malf free ltd 1v1 map/mode

Postby Jabba41 » Thu Feb 15, 2018 10:51 am

That's an issue to be fixed/judged by the mapmaker.

from ENTs side I just say that we won't revert the map to an older version as the pros overweight the cons.
only with big community input it would be considered as a last step.

moved to LTD suggestions. @oxodus
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Re: malf free ltd 1v1 map/mode

Postby oxoDus » Thu Feb 15, 2018 12:07 pm

Thanks, I am just trying to raise awareness as it is not a big deal until your reach a certain elo and competitive mindset where every loss is equivalent to 5-10 wins. This is where the disaster of facing malf kicks in. This does not affect 99% of the player base as they don't aim for the top so it might not look like a big deal. Like you get some free wins yourself when you roll malf and you get some loses when you face malf, it's good to have a variety of towers and I like all the changes, but 1 win is not equal to 1 loss once you climb high enough and malf tower in the right hands can hardly be beaten. Safe lvl 10 and arena wins are huge advantage.
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Re: malf free ltd 1v1 map/mode

Postby HodoR_ » Thu Feb 15, 2018 3:26 pm

tbh I agree with you, if your opponent knows how to use malf he can pretty much 99% win. Thing people need to understand, is that getting fat (as Mud mentioned in the previous post) isn't only by making your opponent leak a bunch, it can simply be by holding your line when your opponent sends. Holding vs sends means your opponent is out of wood and enables you to retaliate hard without leaving him the time to up his king (only one person to up the king remember, takes a lot of time and wood) = defeat.

Thank you for taking the time to process this request @jabba41 and @broud3r who kindly offered to investigate.

Hopefully we might come to a compromise like Jabba did for the antistuck rule :

So this suggestion is denied regarding a change in the rules.
A bot announcement will be implemented starting saturday to spread the rule.
Thanks for suggesting and pointing out the "awarness issue"
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Re: malf free ltd 1v1 map/mode

Postby guggepung » Sun Feb 18, 2018 2:12 am

totally agree malf needs big nerf or removed from 1on1s.. completely ruins the game. I honestly wish 1on1s had -pr has standard game mode so noone can mass any tower.

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