LIHL civility chart

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LIHL civility chart

Postby KiwiLeKiller » Thu Mar 01, 2018 12:46 pm

In regard of the recent events, I wrote a chart, a list, of how to behave both on the forums and on Discord. It should also applies to in-game as well. I think most of the following are obvious. I only want to remind everyone of these principles since they seem to have been forgotten recently. Everyone is able to follow these principles. After all, we all follow them in real life :)

  1. Be respectful of everyone.
  2. Do not flame, insult or be arrogant.
      It is not because you do not explicitly use insults that what you are saying is fine. There is a way to say things to help the discussion that will not be seen as an attack by the others.
  3. Do not personally attack anyone. Be open-minded and remember, we are all here to have fun.
  4. Be mannered.
  5. Do not start witch-hunt. When creating a report, ask yourself if it is worth. If it is, make sure you respect the unvouch procedure and provide a strong case.
  6. The word "biased" should be prohibited when talking about a moderator.
      If you think a moderator is biased, simply ask for a 2nd opinion. Our moderators are a rare commodity nowadays, let's not get them exhausted so soon.

I think that if we, people, all respect these simple principles, we should be able to make the atmosphere in here much more appreciable and enjoyable for everyone. I also think that if we place the fun before the competition, things will replace themselves rather quickly. What do you guys think?
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Re: LIHL civility chart

Postby Vendeta » Thu Mar 01, 2018 1:04 pm

U forgot "Do not ragequit" :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: LIHL civility chart

Postby Crazy_Skeleton » Thu Mar 01, 2018 2:56 pm

I would also like to stop abusing "tk" or "teamikill" expression. For example if some1 built or play did not implement on loosing at least a heal (not mentioning game) it is not a team kill, just maybe not a perfect build/play.
Ofc above is only if an accusation is serious, not just jokes.

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Re: LIHL civility chart

Postby ZTX)Fiji » Thu Mar 01, 2018 8:21 pm

"Do not Tk" )))))

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Re: LIHL civility chart

Postby iamyoursenpai » Sat Mar 03, 2018 12:49 am

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