Okay gonna have to essay now, no idea why you just dont write to me since we both speak german and this whole thing i could much better explain in native tongue .
I did not watch the game kiwi posted, haza was doing a dc pen himself without a formal report which i dont like and wont ever do myself if theres any other option. All i saw was hazardous judgement to only warn a new trial for telling somebody to abuse the rules in his own rights.Since he did not punish kiwi for anything, i didnt even think about there being anything wrong with the game, if it would have been haza would have taken care of it.Would i have known that kiwi did something very similar ( i dont know the case in detail and wont spend my time now rewatching this) i would also have said there is definitely a big ban in order.
There is no need to make an appeal in private,but then dont say it is a clarification when you clearly felt unjustly handled here and want to tell how unfair this is..it would just be much easier if you come to us moderators in general and ask for clarification or just give us a feedback forehand. I find that reasonable? We tried that request in processed cases because of all the chain commenting when quite frankly, no one was even closely reading anymore what was actually said by whom.
At the moment we are in favor to lock all processed cases, reform the whole forum rules and only allow appeals as a reaction to the huge spam/drama war in forum over the last weeks.
Is there a need for me as a moderator to ask you for your defense on a report topic? You were playing since the game happened and had the chance to check the forum, you could have easily been aware there might be a report on you since you did break the rules of LIHL very clear.
I did not ban you because i did not believe you were saying the truth that you could not play on 20+ due to a real life situation, as i said this stuff happens and everybody can relate to that.What i did ban you for is the measures you took in regard of that situation.i 100 % trust you that you could not play the game on 20+ and i never questioned that.I dont know why you
Also, i know you dont care about your own elo personally or in general.
What i would ask you to do is stop bringing nostalgia arguments up, since the days you are talking about are long gone and quite frankly, i dont give a crap about your behaviour back then since it does not have any merit towards your trial phase this time. We as the mod team are judging your current behaviour and ingame performance.
Thats why i commented on that it will definitely effect our judgement on your trial status.In general we have to discuss all problems, rulebreaks etc when we decide about a trial.It is our job to do that.
A little insight here, my opinion on you is that manner and behaviour wise you are a great fit to lihl, very pleasant to be with.Thats why i was so surprised when i saw this case. I did not expect that behaviour from you at all due to the great characteristics youve shown here so far.I would be foolish as a moderator to not look twice into your behaviour after this and judge this again. That does not say that i do think you are not fit to play in LIHL. I believe you felt i threatened you with that statement, and thats not the case.
Argumenting with others wrongdoings will not make your own faults valid.It doesnt matter how many people pp, dont draw as often as you do on a voluntarily basis( which i am a prime example myself, since that only 2s uve ever got drawn in your whole time here was my draw) double (p)anda power for great manners
Also what is that argument you could have just pped like others do ? i could have stolen your care but instead i just took ur briefcase? That makes it not robbery?
Let me summarize a bit what i think has happened.You knew before you send 17 that you would not be able to continue the game if that fails.THAT was the latest point of time to communicate that you have rl problems. You could have asked for the draw there instead of asking after you see they survive.You were willing to take the chances of you team winning over the chance of loosing due to afk / leave should that send fail.Do you consider that fair towards team 2 ? I do not.
You also have to accept the fact that other people care about elo, though you do not care about your own.That was a tough one for me to learn aswell, but it simply is their right to deny that drawing request, especially just after surviving your teams pretty much final shot to win the game.What i believe is that you did care about your teams elo. It is not a coincidence that you leave precisely 1 second before the wave 20 is finished.If you expect me to believe that, sry i will not.You had the draw rule in mind, and Varg even told you ingame they dont have to draw for you if 20 is over.Again, i believe you you hoped to die at 20, but it wasnt the case.You could have waited that 1 more second, or just said i go afk when you finished building for 5 and tell them to drop you if they survive and play 3v4.
The fact that you offer to take the dc penalty is generous, but you got to understand something aswell.You might dmg your own elo with it , but you take 12 elo from every person in the enemy team. And thats the only reason Wolke played on, he wanted that elo, because it was very obvious to me that they would to 99 % win the lategame.
I believe that you had good in mind, and you tried your best to be fair towards your team.
You abused the rules for that goal in a very obvious way and quite frankly you forgot to think about the enemys team feeling of justice aswell.We encourage players to use the rules to the communities advantage, but in that game you abused the rules and you did not realize by doing so you damage team 2 in a very injust way.They were part of that game aswell.
You could have handled everything far better and the ingame fight after you left is all in your responsibility because you felt you had the right to bend the rules to what you thaught is the right thing to do.This was not the case
Then i had to find a good balance what i found fair in this case. I needed to ban Wolke for the rulebreak or people will start interpreting the rules in the way they want, so i felt i had to punish that. Normal time is 3 days for that, since he has a very good reason due to your 1 second before pullout to be triggered and really mad, i halfed that time.
Judging on the situation i thaught 7 days is very legit.One can also argue for less or more, and im open to that. I dont ban people without an intention.And when we as moderators need to make a point we need to make them that people will remember and not do the same mistake twice, or we will have repeated offenses, more drama and much more time spend on stuff that keeps us away from why we are in this league in the first place... to play this game.I find nothing wrong with that at all.
I could add more, but i hope you understand better now why i acted like i did. Please dont come to conclusions that people feel offended because i ( come on say my name if you mean me) handle stuff wrong.
i hope you are just emotionally hurt, make your mind up, read all again and come back with a leveled head and as the very nice guy i came to know here. If you want the bantime to be lessened, or you still feel i judged you very unfair please go talk to micki or senpai.