Banned for leaving, Castle Fight

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Banned for leaving, Castle Fight

Postby WorldLeader » Sun Apr 01, 2018 11:09 am

Your Warcraft III username: WorldLeader
Realm/Gateway: Northrend
Why are you banned: Autoban: left at 58/1289
Why you should be unbanned: I am a decent player, i follow the rules. Speak kindly to people and try to learn my way in doing new stuff.
I've grown very fond of the Castle Fight. Before i joined the game i was in option and clicked "Disable Mouse Scroll", so when i went in-game i couldnt move my screen to either of the sides, it was locked. Wanted to go to options and click the botton again, but as a reflex i wrongly just clicked "quit game" and didnt really look at what i was dooing.. I am so sorry, i myself really hate when people leave, so this is embarassing..

Pls unban me, it is easter and i just want to relax with some WC3 before work Tuesday.

I've downloaded GProxy++ DLL to further prevent disconnection to happen.

Gamename: [ENT] Castle FIght! #21

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Re: Banned for leaving, Castle Fight

Postby osug » Sun Apr 01, 2018 8:59 pm

Do not kiss the girl who has a cold.

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