Please unban me

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Please unban me

Postby SauuRauus » Sun Apr 01, 2018 12:25 pm

Your Warcraft III username: Ragnaa
Realm/Gateway: US East
Why are you banned: beeing afk
Why you should be unbanned: I wanted to let the game end as fast as possible, cause it was allready lost. I tried to forfeit with team some times but they didnt want to. I will not be afk again, when we're about to lose. Please unban me as fast as possible, I'd like to play again.
Thanks in advance.

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Re: Please unban me

Postby osug » Sun Apr 01, 2018 8:18 pm

Hello SauuRauus,

please link us the general rules and the game specific rules of the game(s) you got banned in, and highlight the specific rule(s) you believe you violated.
You can find them on our wiki.

That way, we can ensure another rule-violation by you, caused by not-knowing the rules, will not happen again. After linking us to the rules, we expect you to have read them. Cooperating with us will have a positive effect on your ban duration.
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Re: Please unban me

Postby SauuRauus » Mon Apr 02, 2018 6:01 am


General Rules: ... eral_Rules

--> Do not go away from keyboard for an excessive amount of time, especially without telling other players beforehand, and/or refuse to play the game in an attempt to ruin it. Neither are you allowed to grief by resetting the afk timer.

This is the linked rule I violated.
I red all generall and specific game rules for dota to be sure not knowing any further rule could do another ban for me.
I'm really sry for doing this and I hope you will unban me very soon. :)

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Re: Please unban me

Postby Astros » Mon Apr 02, 2018 6:40 pm

I don't believe you at all. It doesn't seem like you will learn your lesson. In any other ban request, I would generally look at what is being said by the player. I can pretty much control what you will say in the ban request because some players will say and do anything just to get what they want. In this case, you're likely saying this just to get unbanned but not actually understanding the consequences of your behavior.

Take, for example, the game you were banned in. You flamed your teammates, called them trash, made fun of their item builds and skills proceeds to type !ff, state you don't care about getting a ban because you have other things to do than play Warcraft III. This is the behavior of someone who cries wolf but when the wolf comes, they cry, literally. I don't think unbanning you instantly will change the way you play. You deserve a ban. But, since you did follow the instructions laid out by @osug and this is your first appeal for game-ruining, I am willing to decrease your ban period to 3 days instead of 5.

You were supposed to be unbanned by the 7th of April.
Your updated ban expires on: 4 Apr 2018 15:37:34 EDT
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