Survival Chaos ELO ranking

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Survival Chaos ELO ranking

Postby Adamh91 » Fri Apr 06, 2018 11:56 pm

We have an ELO rating for other popular games hosted on ent, so why not Survival Chaos?
There are plenty of people playing the game, especially as you have now updated it to the latest version.
I saw earlier there are further updates to the map in the works

Adding a ranking system imo would boost it's popularity as people actually have something to aim for, rather than playing just for fun.

I remember people saying ELO wouldn't work on a game like this, well here is a page I found pretty much explaining how the ELO would work on a game like this -

Another idea would just be a win/loss table, would like to know my previous results, and winrate etc
Last edited by Adamh91 on Sat Apr 07, 2018 12:53 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Survival Chaos ELO ranking

Postby epicdeath » Sat Apr 07, 2018 12:00 am

@adam's idea is a good one, it couldn't hurt to make SC a bit more competitive through an elo system. Another perk of @adam's idea is that it would disincentivise people from leaving immediately at the start of the game. I support the idea proposed by @adam.

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Re: Survival Chaos ELO ranking

Postby Quetra » Sat Apr 07, 2018 12:03 am

The only method for implementing elo is if the map maker sends data through the map to us (afaik).

And quoting the mapmaker from his page:

'Anyone who plays this map on ranked stats and think they mean anything is a low IQ inbred imbecile.'

So unfortunetly I wouldn't be too hopeful on this one.

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Re: Survival Chaos ELO ranking

Postby Adamh91 » Sat Apr 07, 2018 12:10 am

I have contacted Sur5al with a link to this post, so we will wait and see his reply

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Re: Survival Chaos ELO ranking

Postby CreativeLP » Sat Apr 07, 2018 1:23 pm

I would support the idea but if it's on Sur5als end to decide this we will have to respect his opinion.
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Re: Survival Chaos ELO ranking

Postby Sylvanas » Sat Apr 14, 2018 11:46 pm

No and stop suggesting it.

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Re: Survival Chaos ELO ranking

Postby Quetra » Sun Apr 29, 2018 5:28 am


Any response from Sur5al?

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Re: Survival Chaos ELO ranking

Postby Adamh91 » Thu May 03, 2018 5:58 pm


How this system would be put into a map? I don't have time to make a complicated JASS stuff. Would people from ENT send me a trigger and i can only copy paste it into map?

Also WTF? ENT already had rankings for my map! They kinda hack/inject trigger into my map and rename it to similar name ading nr2 or something like that.

It is still stupid to measure dicks in who won this map. It is chaotic randomness. It is as retarded as making Hearthstone into EA sports game. Puting faking Ragnaros on the board and then having 50% chance to win game (and money) based on who it choses to hit by random is not A FUKING SKILL.

That said, you probably noticed that my maps game end scoreboard has a line "score - coming soon". I will be making a complicated formula to count player's score by considering many things. Like how many Heroes he killed, what is his hero buy (potentialy feed like idiot) to hero kill ratio, points for destroying structures and so on. So all in all, there is a high chance that some form of ranking will be introduced soon.

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Re: Survival Chaos ELO ranking

Postby broud3r » Thu May 03, 2018 7:16 pm

If desired he can contact me either how to add the system or give me the permission to "hack" and add it.
If he would grant the second it would depends on the communties vote as i am in general against an elo system for that kind of map.
Besides that if he wants to store his player stats and have it accessible from bots a libary is inevitable anyway.

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Re: Survival Chaos ELO ranking

Postby Adamh91 » Thu May 03, 2018 7:33 pm

I let him know, will update with any reply if he doesn't come here himself.
Maybe just a win/loss table rather than an ELO system, I like to keep track on how bad I am.

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Re: Survival Chaos ELO ranking

Postby Lenura » Wed May 09, 2018 3:18 pm

100% Not going to happen.

Sur5al complained a lot about how the russians ruined the map when they added elo to the map (2.7 was the version at the time). Not like the coming updates will make this map playable for frequent players, unless you like casinos.

Would be better if someone were to update the map himself, sur5al has no idea about this game and is generally just ruining it ever since the 2.9 updates, would have done it myself if I had time to learn more about wc3 modding.

Original map maker is absent for months anyway, seems like he disappeared but that's not a bad thing since he went from passionate developer to someone who insults fans all the time.

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Re: Survival Chaos ELO ranking

Postby HazarDous » Tue May 29, 2018 4:08 am

Nothing ENT can do at this point. You can try general suggestions or approaching the developer directly. When and if it becomes possible map-wise, you may re-post for consideration.


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