[LTD] Laurtzy ban appeal (multibox)

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[LTD] Laurtzy ban appeal (multibox)

Postby Laurtzy » Wed Apr 25, 2018 10:26 am

I have never even come across proper rules of LTD having looked 3 times for them around when I started playing LTD (maybe these were changed)
So I was playing LTD and a player suggested to me, because I was telling a person what to do in cross, why don't you just play 2PCs.
In my 200-250 games or so, I've never heard of anyone doing this or it being against the rules. Nobody in that game told me it was.
So come the 20th of April, I have a LAN party coming up, and I play a game of LTD on my and my friend's computer. My teammate
tells me this is bannable. I thought he was joking, I was drunk by then(not blaming the alcohol), so I really didn't think twice, even
though he said I'd be banned for it. I was banned unfairly because I simply wasn't aware of the rule. I follow the rules, I like playing
LTD and would never have broken the rule if I had ever read it somewhere. Something something second chances.
Thanks for taking the time to read.
Last edited by Laurtzy on Wed Apr 25, 2018 10:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [LTD] Laurtzy ban appeal (multibox)

Postby Kappa » Wed Apr 25, 2018 11:04 am


There is no need to post multiple comments. Ignorance of the rules isn't an excuse for breaking them. I find it hard to believe you had no idea multiboxing (using 2 or more computers/accounts in the same game) was against our rules seeing as you used a different IP for both computers and someone warned you. In addition, you have done this in Castle Fight games as well as Legion TD. Multiboxing is a fairly serious offense and considered cheating which is why this ban is for so long. However, this is your first offense and I know mistakes happen. I am willing to work with you. If you do not dodge your ban, you can re-appeal in a week and we can discuss unbanning you then. Do you understand?

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Re: [LTD] Laurtzy ban appeal (multibox)

Postby Kappa » Wed Apr 25, 2018 12:10 pm

Spoke with user on Discord. Agreed he could re-appeal April 30th.

Denied for now.

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