Sprite replay:
Lvl 1: you drop 2 wagons and egg, then proceed to rr into sprites. You sell everything and make 3 sprites. I dont agree with selling the egg though, that single egg can have a lot of value for its price. 2 sprite and egg for 1 is perfectly fine. They war and you hold and full push. No build 2 and 5 sprite 3 and 4, thats fine. They send 3, you just get a bow and hold. What bothered me is you stating to your aqua player:" You leak to no send with 350" I hope this is some kind of internal joke between you and crey, if not its quite the no go.
For your 5 send u state furbs needed, which seems to be mostly ignored, good call anyway. U add nm behind(good positioning) and hold 5. Enemy team rip hard as expected. On 6 there was not really a need to build, you most likely do fine without it and could get early 7/5, no biggie and a matter of preference since u stayed 7/4 for 8. With sprite its fine to overpush pre 7 since u can still hold 9 after. You build fine for 8 (200 iq positioning according to you) but then dont push during it. This is definitly a mistake. Get your 7/5 during 8, you still hold 9. They skip 10, u stay 7/5 for arena.
They fail all in 12, you gg 16. All in all a good game with a nonstandard mix, not everybody can pull that off. Could work on efficiency a tiny bit, but definitly a good replay. Note that Thunderbirds suck though, I suppose you didnt care much, but in case they lived it was bad idea to up them all, the super slow attack animation makes them juggle too much.
Blaster/malf replay:
You start alchi, get warred, need to improvise. You add malf and parasite on alchi for 2, another malf on 3, but keep enoug gold to up alchi for 4. I like this play a lot, planning ahead is always nice to see. When u see they kingleak on 3, you start to whisp but abort when u see the gold still not enough, also nice efficiency play. You go holder for 7 with 2 blaster 1 abno on malf and hold well. Well played until now. Now comes a mistake for lvl 8. Your team didnt need more cover, you already hold 8 easy, should have definitly pushed here, none of your mates even leak, u push a very late 7/3 at start of lvl 9. Nothing to say after that, was a standard 15game where you decide to income send. Please note that the value of a ghost which u build specifically for 15 is the smallest on this exact lvl. single target with your blaster mix is a lot bettr. That is due to 15 being the first lvl where a kraken is available. This completely counteracts the ghosts aura due to small maximum hp of creeps at this point. You go mid, but lose regardless. Game well played apart from 8, pay more attention to this please, you tend to prefer being save on a lvl, which aint bad in general, but you should know what is enough to be save.
Harlot replay(better):
You decide to go full hold with harlot infantry copter, 2 0 for 7, enemy dont send u eat everything in mid. You anticipate 8 and add copter in front, you mid again and push 7/3 for 10 hold. You hold it and push 7/5, after that is 15 game which you build for very nicely. No criticism here, good thing i only watched the "better harlot"
All in all the trial is easily deserved.
epicdeath@useast vouched
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